And it's quite clear that people are not prepared to be pushed around, they're prepared to stand up and fight.
Parents who, given better understanding, are also now empowered to be more effective advocates for their kids, and better able to accept themselves as good parents.
Whatever a guarantee says, when something goes wrong, you can still claim your rights from the shop.
Both the wildlife park and zoo claimed to be operating for the benefit of the animals and for conservation purposes.
Only after women have been able to assert their rights in all spheres of society and culture have they been able to exert their rights in divorce court, but that is a subject for another article.
To some extent, the authors argue, women themselves are to blame for not doing enough to advance their own interests and stick up for their achievements.
We will continue to follow this case, keep close communication and contact with the Russian side and guarantee the lawful rights and interests of the Chinese businessmen in Russia.
To supervise and inspect the tourism market order and service quality; to receive complaints from tourists and to protect their legitimate rights and interests.
The mass media shall improve propaganda on the safeguarding of consumers' legal rights and interests and shall use public opinion to control acts harmful to consumers' legal rights and interests.
Guardians of disabled persons must fulfill their duties of guardianship and protect the lawful rights and interests of their charges.
We hope parties concerned will work together to ensure stability in the area and protect the legal rights and interests of all ethnic groups.
If you're at a gathering at which someone mentions your friend disparagingly, defend him or her against gossip or criticism.
Whereas in the past, workers tended to wait for their rights to be violated before taking action, they are now becoming more proactive.
We will energetically overhaul and standardize the market, and earnestly protect consumers' rights and interests.
For the autistic individual, self-awareness is one of the necessary keys to effective self-advocacy and to empowerment.
To represent and maintain legal rights and interests of the Communist Youth League members of the Ministry.
The State shall adopt measures to protect consumers in the legal exercise of their rights and shall safeguard consumers' legal rights and interests.
"I do think it is important that people look at how well women do because for many two-parent families, they are now the only ones working," said Jones-DeWeever.
The move, to be implemented before January 15, 2009, aims to protect the users' rights and interests.
Collect membership fee, it is to safeguard consumer rights and interests better.
Kim Sweet, director of Advocates for Children of New York, said she had heard many such stories.
Kim Sweet, director of Advocates for Children of New York, said she had heard many such stories.