• 雷声公司研究人员一直研究件外骨骼使使用户拥有绿巨人那样的强大力量

    Scientists at Raytheon have been working on an exoskeleton to give its user super strength like that of the Hulk.


  • 绿巨人我们一起的是吗?

    Hulk, you're coming with us, aren't you?


  • 绿巨人”第72集里布鲁斯班纳博士发现

    In The Incredible Hulk, number 72, Dr. Bruce Banner found


  • 再想象这里有个外号是绿巨人”的强壮巴西人

    Imagine that other human is a brawny Brazilian nicknamed Hulk.


  • 绿巨人眼球可活动姿态上身更多玩法

    Hulk eye movable, with two kinds of upper body posture, more games are played!


  • 在《神奇绿巨人》发布预告片后,漫画迷表现得欢心雀跃

    The cartoon fans are delighted at the movie trailer of The Incredible Hulk.


  • 绿巨人浩克这样的动漫人物发怒肤色会改变获得神力。

    When cartoon book characters like the Incredible Hulk get angry, they change colours and often gain special power.


  • 承认发火时候自己声音变得非常非常就像绿巨人乔力在吼叫。

    ' He does admit that his voice becomes 'really, really loud, like the Jolly Green Giant giving you hell, ' when he gets mad.


  • 6月那个夜晚肾上腺激素让达到了极限没有他变成“绿巨人”。

    The adrenaline of that June night gave him an edge, but it didn't turn him into the Incredible Hulk.


  • 基本解决组培绿巨人细菌严重污染后仍带菌生产组培苗的锈化问题

    The problem that the Spathiphyllum sen sa tion explants can be polluted by bacterium and rust has been solved.


  • 现在不可思议绿巨人登陆遥远星球SAKAAR残暴所奴役。

    But now the INCREDIBLE HULK crash-lands on the distant planet SAKAAR, ruled by the tyrannical RED KING.


  • 对于绿巨人官方网站延续夏天超级英雄电影大片密集强大的网站经验传统

    The official site for Incredible Hulk continues the tradition of a big summer blockbuster superhero movie by an intense and powerful website experience.


  • 复仇者队伍中的每个人都电影增光添彩,其中寡妇绿巨人之间火花尤其备受好评

    Everyone on the team adds to the movie, with the chemistry between Black Widow and Hulk getting a lot of praise from reviewers.


  • 不过目前似乎可以肯定没有要让“绿巨人朋友们可预见将来优雅谢幕

    But for now, it seems safe to assume that nobody's thinking about having the Hulk or any of his colleagues bow out gracefully anytime in the foreseeable future.


  • 机构一个漫画超级英雄钢铁侠,绿巨人雷神美国上尉鹰眼寡妇

    The agency is a who's who of Marvel Super Heroes, with Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow.


  • 漫画维罗妮卡贝蒂死对头,实际上绿巨人曾对一位贝蒂·罗斯人有爱慕之情。

    Veronica was the rival of Betty in those comics, and Hulk actually used to have a love interest named Betty Ross.


  • 个例子来说吧,雷声公司研究人员开发件外骨骼可以使用户拥有绿巨人一样的强大力量

    For example, scientists at Raytheon (RTN) have been working on an exoskeleton to give its user super strength like that of the Hulk.


  • 合“蜘蛛侠”、“钢铁侠”、“绿巨人”、“美国船长X战警”之力也未能击溃米老鼠”。

    NOT even the combined powers of Spiderman, Iron Man, the Incredible Hulk, Captain America and the X-Men could keep The Mouse at bay.


  • 军事分析家正在审议这一交易无敌剥离出绿巨人便没有什么价值中国航母计划推进。

    Military analysts are scrutinising the deal but say the stripped-out hulk of the Invincible would be of little value to China's advancing carrier programme.


  • 莱纳德是想说啊他们用来一部制作精良的绿巨人电影可以直接造出一个真的绿巨人了。

    Leonard: All I'm saying is, if they took all the money they spent trying to make a decent Hulk movie, they could probably just make an actual Hulk.


  • 没有忘记孩子们店里还有身穿反绿巨人装甲的钢铁模型尔的雷神之模型(售价25美元)。

    The Marvel shop hasn't forgotten about the kids either, and sells such urchin bait as the $25 Iron Man Hulkbuster Action Figure and Thor's mighty hammer, Mjölnir.


  • 即便是这样肯定旗下的那些超级英雄如数家珍钢铁侠、美国队长雷神托尔绿巨人,不胜枚举。

    Even so, you must be more than familiar with the superhero characters it creates: Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, to name a few.


  • 马克。鲁弗洛饰演布鲁斯·班纳,这个生气时候变成绿巨人科学家。与此同时杰瑞米·雷纳饰演眼。

    Mark Ruffalo will play Bruce Banner, the scientist who turns into the Incredible Hulk when angry, while Jeremy Renner will portray Hawkeye.


  • 较差接受指李安冰风暴》、《魔鬼共骑绿巨人浩克》在东西方观众没有取得较为理想的接受状态。

    Three of Lee's movies, "Ice Storm", "Ride with the Devil", and "Hulk", didn't get wide acceptance among western audience, hence comes the name poor acceptance.


  • 一些名人要尝试着超级英雄“式的人物包括绿巨人绿融入到电影当中,但这同样票房收入上落空了。

    Some notable attempts to turn superhero characters, including the Hulk and the Green Lantern, into movie franchises have also fallen short at the box office of late.


  • 这里12个精彩艺术作品微小的三维公牛血细胞大小创建中的一针针不可思议绿巨人日本工程师

    Here are 12 fantastic tiny pieces of art from a three-dimensional bull the size of a red blood cell create by Japanese Engineers to the Incredible Hulk in the pin of a needle!


  • 别提…,哥斯拉早已伊利诺伊骑兵绿巨人消灭为什么罗伯特·将军冲锋?,他可以带上湿和格沙?

    Not to mention you already lost Godzilla to the Illinois Cavalry and Hulk. Why don't you just have Robert E. Lee charge the line with Shiva and Ganesh?


  • 看过电影绿巨人知道,每当班纳尔生气,就会失去自我意识,变身成为地球强壮最具破坏力的生物-绿巨人

    As we know from the movie, the Hulk is a guy who, when he gets angry, turns into the strongest, meanest creature on earth.


  • 如果的眼光敏锐,你发现所有蜘蛛侠、所有的X战警、所有的神奇以及绿巨人夜魔侠的电影中,总会有一消瘦的白发老人

    If you keep a keen eye, you will find a thin old man with white hair in all the Spider-man movies, all the X-Men movies, all the Fantastic Four movies, and the Hulk and Daredevil movie.


  • 如果的眼光敏锐,你发现所有蜘蛛侠、所有的X战警、所有的神奇以及绿巨人夜魔侠的电影中,总会有一消瘦的白发老人

    If you keep a keen eye, you will find a thin old man with white hair in all the Spider-man movies, all the X-Men movies, all the Fantastic Four movies, and the Hulk and Daredevil movie.


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