• 缓冲区溢出攻击已经成为网络攻击主要方式

    Buffer overflow attacks have been the most popular methods of attacking network.


  • 本文针对缓冲区溢出攻击提出了一种有效的抵御方法

    This paper presents an efficient approach to buffer overflow attacks.


  • 缓冲区溢出攻击实例程序内部溢出,从而改变程序的运行方式。

    In the instance of a buffer overflow attack, an internal value in a program is overflowed to alter how the program runs.


  • 缓冲区溢出攻击互联网普通也是危害最大的一网络攻击手段

    Buffer overrun against the Internet is the most common, also harm the largest kind of network attack means.


  • 这样使得操纵返回地址困难多了不会阻止改变调用函数数据缓冲区溢出攻击

    This makes it much harder to manipulate the return address, but it doesn't defend against buffer overflow attacks that change the data of calling functions.


  • 许多流行MIME兼容电子邮件客户端处理某些报头方法容易受到缓冲区溢出攻击

    Many popular MIME-compliant email clients are susceptible to a buffer overflow in the way they handle certain headers.


  • 最后讨论如何根据溢出规律植入代码结构特征,采取有效措施来防御缓冲区溢出攻击

    At last discuss how to defense buffer overflow by the rule of buffer overflow and the structure character of injected code.


  • 该文编程角度分析了缓冲区溢出攻击提出源代码阶段尽量避免缓冲区溢出方法

    In this paper, from programming point of view, the buffer overflow attacks are analyzed and the methods of avoiding buffer overflow at the stage of source code are introduced.


  • 该文通过分析缓冲区溢出攻击原理,提出数组边界检查方法来对缓冲区溢出攻击进行防御

    In this paper, by analyzing the principles of buffer overflow attacks, the array of border checkpoints and other methods to defend buffer overflow attacks.


  • 本文介绍了缓冲区溢出攻击基本原理关键技术总结了现有缓冲区溢出防御方法不足

    This thesis summarizes the deficiency of contemporary methods for defending the existing buffer overflow attacks and introduces the principle and major technology of buffer overflow attacks.


  • 从根本上讲所有这些方法都能减轻程序接管攻击拒绝服务攻击缓冲区溢出攻击所带来的破坏

    Fundamentally, all these approaches reduce the damage of a buffer overflow attack from a program-takeover attack into a denial-of-service attack.


  • 实际验证表明,该缓冲区溢出攻击描述语言能够动态地构造植入代码,实现缓冲区溢出攻击自动化

    The actual verification shows that attack description language can correspondingly construct suitable embedded code and launch attack automatically.


  • 缓冲区溢出攻击网络攻击事件常用的一种攻击方式,成为系统网络安全中亟待解决重要问题

    The buffer overflow attacks have been the most common form in the network attacks and become a predominant problem in the system and network security area.


  • 文中分析了防止缓冲区溢出攻击运行时方法不足介绍一种静态检测缓冲区溢出漏洞的方法工具

    In this paper, first analyzes the shortcomings of run-time defenses of buffer overflow attacks, and then presents an approach and a tool to statically detect buffer overflow vulnerabilities.


  • 无疑这个网络化信息时代这些漏洞使得缓冲区溢出攻击极易传播和蔓延,极大地威胁系统安全性

    Undoubtedly, in this networked information era, these bugs make the Buffer Overflow Attack very easy propagate, it threatens the systematic security greatly.


  • 恶意软件一种常见攻击类型所谓缓冲区溢出攻击,会使接受输入程序崩溃,web浏览器地址数据库搜索窗口

    One common type of malware, called a buffer overflow attack, overwhelms programs that accept input, like the address line in a Web browser or a search window for a database.


  • 基本上如果攻击能够溢出缓冲区边界,麻烦或许了。

    Basically, if an attacker can overflow the bounds of a buffer, you're probably in trouble.


  • 攻击也许能够通过改变函数其他数据利用缓冲区溢出没有哪种方法能够防止这点

    An attacker may be able to exploit a buffer overflow by changing the value of other data in the function; none of these approaches counter that.


  • 内存空间缺口——通过溢出缓冲区溢出错误来实现,以宿主进程权限执行攻击提供任何代码

    Memory space breachAccomplished via stack overflow, buffer overrun, or heap error, enables execution of arbitrary code supplied by the attacker with the permissions of the host process.


  • 所有这些攻击——以及其他许多攻击都利用了一个称做缓冲区溢出的程序缺陷。

    All of these attacksand many othersexploited a vulnerability called a buffer overflow.


  • MySQL默认安装特别是密码空缺缓冲区溢出潜在漏洞使得这个数据库服务器成为容易攻击目标

    The default installation of MySQL, particularly the empty root password and the potential vulnerability to buffer overflow, makes the database server an easy target for attacks.


  • 一种有用的方法不过注意这种方法无法防止缓冲区溢出改写其他(攻击仍然能够利用这些值攻击系统)。

    This is a useful approach, but note that this does not protect against buffer overflows overwriting other values (which they may still be able to use to attack a system).


  • 利用缓冲区溢出进行攻击可以改变这个过程并且允许黑客执行任何他们期望函数

    Attacking using a buffer overflow can change this process and allow an attacker to execute any function they wish.


  • 任何允许外部实体输入数据程序容易受到恶意攻击例如缓冲区溢出嵌入式控制字符

    Any program that allows an external entity to input data is vulnerable to malicious activity, such as buffer overflows and embedded control characters.


  • 如果攻击能够导致缓冲区溢出那么它就控制程序中的其他

    If an attacker can cause a buffer to overflow, then the attacker can control other values in the program.


  • 通常攻击使用它运行恶意代码来使缓冲区溢出然后攻击者会更改返回指向它们发送的恶意代码。

    Often the attacker will overrun the buffer with the malicious code the attacker wants to run, and the attacker will then change the return value to point to the malicious code they've sent.


  • 问题gets()不能防止出现缓冲区溢出的问题;攻击可以简单地发送超过传递给 gets()缓冲区可以存储的数据

    The problem is that gets() doesn't protect itself from buffer overflows; an attacker can simply send more data than the buffer passed to gets() can store.


  • 本文提出阻止攻击利用缓冲区溢出漏洞的方法。

    We proposed a method to forbid attackers to exploit the buffer overflow vulnerabilities.


  • 根据CWE的列表,跨平台脚本攻击(XSS)SQL注入认为是软件薄弱环节,位于第三位的是缓冲区溢出

    Cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection are considered the weakest points in software, while the buffer overflow comes third, according to cwe.


  • 根据CWE的列表,跨平台脚本攻击(XSS)SQL注入认为是软件薄弱环节,位于第三位的是缓冲区溢出

    Cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection are considered the weakest points in software, while the buffer overflow comes third, according to cwe.


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