Documentation takes time and requires communication, potentially reducing efficiency.
And moreover, the anygui API is yet to be officially documented.
The goal is to answer and document the core questions assessing the technical dimensions at the domain level that are relevant to the initiative.
As you create your design, document the processes that will change as well as how those processes will change.
As an extreme case, parameters could be undocumented and the code distributed together with a default parameter set.
As changes are implemented, you need to document and communicate those changes to the rest of the team.
Within a given team, define, document, and educate all members on the processes that will be followed.
Many organizations view process management as a nuisance, and few have taken the time to document processes across the organization.
You're simply documenting a process or other topic so the documentation can be referred to later if a problem occurs.
The documentation release and the source release complement each other; if something isn't documented, you can read the source.
The third fast path for accumulating reusable content is to import an Eclipse documentation plug-in.
By documenting what a member function does, you make it easier for others to determine if they can reuse your code.
You should document any and all exceptions that a member function throws at you so that other programmers know what their code will need to catch.
Any outstanding problems with a member function should be documented so that other developers understand the weaknesses and difficulties with the member function.
This article introduces a toolkit that helps individuals or project teams expedite the task of documenting an it solution.
In that case (so we agree with all stakeholders), we build the code, and test and document it following the SAD.
UML (Unified Modeling Language) is the third generation method for the description, visualization and documentation of products of object oriented system development.
If a given bug is applicable to more than one member function within a class, then it should be documented for the class instead of solely for the function.
The default navigation view template encapsulates best practices for documenting an IT solution in a comprehensive, well-organized way.
但是,当对您自己DB 2系统中的适当数据进行收集、分析和编制文档之后,应该对这些ROT加以验证和修改。
But these should be verified or modified, after collecting, analyzing and documenting the appropriate data from your DB2 system.
To avoid misunderstandings about how work should be done, define, document, and educate the team on consistent processes that will be followed across all sites.
It is insufficient to simply document your governance solution, establish enablement channels (instructor led training, CBT, self-study, etc.), and "hope everyone gets it."
The next article in this " Document IT solutions with custom Eclipse information centers" series will describe how to manage change in your reused content.
在确保了可重复性的同时,Rational BuildForge Express Edition减少了与未编制文档的或特别的构建规程相关的风险。
This reduces the risks associated with undocumented or AD hoc build procedures while ensuring repeatability.
This is particularly true in cases where processes are not adequately documented, so that knowledge about them resides with just one or a few people.
This additional information is used by tools for the purposes of documentation, compiler checking, and code analysis.
After a team defines goals for a current iteration, the first step is often to analyze their requirements and document them in use cases.
This is a great tool for investigating long methods that have a lot of interaction with other classes, as well as for documentation of your methods.