Og gTheora编码器在不断改进。
The encoder interface displays the computer name and port number.
XML is a standard language, and it is very easy to write encoders and decoders for.
In the case of the JSON encoder, the actual data is converted to JSON.
The SDK documentation explains the different data formats and the available encoders.
It also USES proper encoders for data values based on their automatic inferred type information.
The encoder tester is able to power the encoder as well as itself during parameter testing.
The encoder is set to the AMR_NB, which is an audio format, sampling at 8 KHz.
All can be used to identify and monitor motor speeds or determine pulse counts of encoders.
Each player chooses one of the three classes of characters—Coder, Hacker, Operative—with specific advantages and limitations.
The simplicity of the Activity Streams standard makes it easy to build an encoder.
Absolute coding method in the electronic theodolite encoder encoding can be divided into single Multi-ring coding and Single-ring coding.
There are plenty of free geocoders out there that convert human-readable locations into latitude/longitude points.
这个模型依赖于可以完整解析和管理整个 SOAPEnvelope的编码器。
This model relies on the coder understanding and managing the whole SOAPEnvelope.
This structure is built around entries and allows a crafty coder to pick out just one file among many when decompressing.
Using PHP V4, you would have to test the argument types in this example to be absolutely sure that the coder passes around the right kind of objects.
PackageKit then looks for the appropriate codec and, if you approve, installs it.
Part of this knowledge includes familiarity with the things that coders have a fair chance of doing wrong and that almost always lead to security problems.
And what of the bazillion codecs you needed in the past to actually play movies and MP3s?
And in these bearings here are shaft encoders, and they sense that the rotation that the outer housing makes in order to keep this thing pointing at the same direction.
Our wide range of encoder accessories provide form, fit and function for trouble-free installation of your encoder into your application.
This is not an endorsement of that implementation over others that are available, though I can say that I had no problems using the MigBase64 encoder.
正如所显示的,没有什么阻止编码器将完全随机的对象传递给 addDictionaryIO()。
As it stands, nothing is stopping a coder from passing an entirely random object to addDictionaryIO().
MPlayer's movie encoder mencoder is then used to assemble the movie frames into an mpeg4 or divx-encoded video stream.
如果开始出现的是0 ,那么这个规则需要改变,但效果是一样的,因为编码器和解码器都遵循这一规则。
This rule can be inverted to store a 0 if the run begins with a 0 bit, but the effect is the same as long as both the encoder and the decoder of the inversion list agree on this detail.
Once that PHP array is fully constructed, then the Services_JSON encoder can easily convert it to JSON-formatted data.
为了压缩数据,LZ 77算法使用对匹配数据的引用来取代数据部分。匹配数据已经通过编码器和解码器传递。
To compress data, the LZ77 algorithm replaces portions of the data with references to matching data that has already passed through both the encoder and the decoder.
为了压缩数据,LZ 77算法使用对匹配数据的引用来取代数据部分。匹配数据已经通过编码器和解码器传递。
To compress data, the LZ77 algorithm replaces portions of the data with references to matching data that has already passed through both the encoder and the decoder.