Whether to automatically adjust zoom to fill available space.
Plus, you'll find options for scaling, cropping, and aligning pictures.
Therefore, we should always arrange, where possible, for scaling factors to be powers of two (for example, 64 rather than 66).
In fact, the femur of the elephant is only 100 times thicker, so it scales just as the size.
For example, you can choose from various brush widths, magnification factors, and line styles.
The scaleX and scaleY properties allow you to change the scale of the vector drawing, if you so desire.
The module is designed for both integral and fractional scaling ratios and utilizes variable filter window for calculating pixels of a scaled image to realize pixel re-sampling.
When the ship was rescaled and redesigned away from its Falcon origins, the cylindrical cockpit was replaced with the current hammerhead design.
Unless you are careful, it is easy to create models without any notion of their scale and consequently end up with a set of objects that are disproportionate in size when they are imported into Unity.
Absolute scale shows progress relative to work that the team performed on all user stories in the report, and 100% scale shows progress specific to the baseline of work for each user story.
Lines 22 through 53 modify the UIDefaults of the look and feel to magnify the standard ICONS by a factor defined in the external resource file.
It was decided to make the replica half-scale for reasons of cost and time, and synthetic materials were used for the stitching, owing to doubts about the scaling and tight timetable.
RationalPerformance Tester通过允许您添加更多的用户组以及指派用户的绝对值数量或者百分点数量,从而无缝的掌控缩放比例。
Rational Performance Tester handles the scalability seamlessly by allowing you to add more user groups and assign either absolute users or users based on a percentage.
This object provided the correct scaling and translation for each cell, and whenever the component was repainted from its parent, the scale and position were correct.
The map can be moved with a left-click, drag mouse action, and the scale can be changed with the zoom control in the upper left corner of the map.
It is this scaling factor that is the key to SVG dynamic scaling.
Computing Y coordinates involves scaling a value from one range to another.
These functions also internally scale data values from one range to another, using the same algorithm in Step 2.
The images have been scaled to represent the true relative sizes of the four moons and are arranged in their order from Jupiter.
You do this by zooming to an integer zoom level (an arbitrary fixed-scale experiment to see the effect of different values) and defining a point by latitude and longitude.
当你正在使用选框工具或自由变换,按住组合键opt + Shift的同时再用鼠标拖动可以从中心按比例对对象进行按比例缩放。
When you are using the Marquee tools or Free Transform, hold down Opt + Shift + drag will scale proportionally from the center.
ImageMagick will automatically respect the ratio created by the two sides of the image when it is resizing.
Note: If you adjust the pivot or non-uniform scale of an instance, it will become unique.
But well there's two things: one it will allow scaling to continue at a marculiar rate to make much denser electronics.
However, sliders are an excellent choice for zooming interactions, such as adjusting the scale of a map or the size of photo thumbnails.
For example, the establishment of a castle model, we often build it by scaling a real model and then use a series of measures to produce more realistic effects and inefficiency.
A method to design the value of coupling capacitor in coupled high-resolution charge-scaling DAC is presented.
将HBA 1000被设计成比例的,最多可连接16个存储设备本身,或与膨胀甚至进一步缩放。
The HBA 1000 was designed to scale, connecting up to 16 storage devices natively, or scaling even further with an expander.