• 缺少这份工作必需的经验

    She lacks the requisite experience for the job.


  • 缺少作为主席的判断力政治敏锐性

    He lacked the judgment and political acumen for the post of chairman.


  • 这场演出缺少亮点

    The performance lacked sparkle.


  • 这部歌剧缺少后期作品中所具有上乘境界

    The opera lacks the polish of his later work.


  • 最近研究表明许多宽带服务缺少基本安全特性

    A recent study shows many broadband services lack basic security features.


  • 他们缺少维修费

    They lacked the wherewithal to pay for the repairs.


  • 有些学校缺少资金购买书本铅笔之类的基本用具。

    Some schools lack money for basics like books and pencils.


  • 当地居民缺少停车设施一事政务委员会展开了斗争

    Local residents have joined battle with the council over the lack of parking facilities.


  • 正是因为缺少隐私感最终迫使我们出生了家。

    It was the lack of privacy that eventually persuaded us to move after Ben was born.


  • 如果头痛发生晚上缺少新鲜空气氧气常常原因

    If headaches only occur at night, lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause.


  • 缺少所需要材料

    It lacks the materials he needs.


  • 但是,意志力量巴马缺少要素

    Strength of will is the missing ingredient that Obama lacks.


  • 缺少亲密朋友有人亲近的人容易焦虑抑郁

    People who lack close friends have greater levels of anxiety and depression than people who are close to others.


  • 可怜的坏了脑袋,只要在一起,不会缺少朋友庇护所

    Poor ruined little head, it shall not lack friend or shelter whilst I bide with the living.


  • 三小片厂”——环球哥伦比亚联美——图片,缺少垂直整合关键元素

    The Little Three studiosUniversal, Columbia and United Artists—also made pictures, but each lacked one of the crucial elements of vertical integration.


  • 如今缺少青少年对自我管理渴望他们对这个不安全世界理解所产生的矛盾

    What is lacking today is the conflict between adolescent's desire for autonomy and their understanding of an unsafe world.


  • 许多发达国家工厂老板担心缺少熟练人类劳动者,自动化机器人视为解决方案

    Factory bosses in many developed countries are worried about a lack of skilled human workers—and see automation and robots as a solution.


  • :“发现缺少数学科学工程学课程创办了儿童工程学’(EFK),让的学生可以报名。”

    She said, "I started Engineering For Kids (EFK) after noticing a real lack of math, science and engineering programs to enroll my own kids in."


  • 远古人类发现缺少某种形式机械辅助的情况下,这一过程不可能实现的,这些辅助对他们来说不可或缺。

    These aids would have been indispensable to very early people who would have found the process impossible without some form of mechanical aid.


  • 由于缺少惩罚年轻人似乎便恣意违法

    Lack of punishment seems to give youngsters licence to break the law.


  • 人们感到钱袋紧缩未来缺少安全感

    People feel pinched in their pocketbooks and insecure about their futures.


  • 得不错缺少成为一个明星素质

    She acts well but she hasn't got star quality.


  • 我们缺少熟练工

    We have a problem of skilled labour.


  • 仪式庆典节日每个人类社会不可缺少组成部分

    Rituals, celebrations, and festivals form an integral part of every human society.


  • 什么这么多学生缺少睡眠?

    Why are so many students short of sleep?


  • 许你在写的时候会想到缺少的那个名字。

    Maybe you'll think of the missing name while you're writing.


  • 然而许多城镇缺少公园体育设施

    However, there is a dearth of public parks and sports facilities in many towns.


  • 缺少冲突矛盾没有办法胜过他人

    Without conflicts and contradictions, there is no way to excel in others.


  • 早期元素周期表空缺缺少一些元素

    Early versions of the periodic table had gaps, missing elements.


  • 染色体现在缺少重要遗传信息不再具有功能

    The Chromosome is now losing important genetic information and is no longer functional.


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