• 即使网站首页出现废话回访者也不会注意

    You can write complete nonsense on your home page, and many returning visitors won't even notice.


  • 好友在读内容至少新闻网站首页显示新闻内容同样重要

    What friends are reading is at least as important as the newsdisplayed on the homepage of a news site.


  • 网站首页决定访问者行动进行链接或者离开网站

    Home page is the place where the visitor decides what he will do, click on some of your links, or leave the site.


  • 今后学校减少周刊内容,大部分消息随时刊登在网站首页

    The school is going to reduce the content of weekly newsletters; instead, the news and announcements will be posted at the home page of the school website.


  • 过世后官方网站首页出现一张简洁黑白空荡荡的鸟笼,笼大大敞开着。

    Since his death, a simple black-and-white drawing has appeared on his website. It shows an empty birdcage, the door wide open.


  • 用户网站首页进入注册表单时,保持设计一致性非常重要的。

    As users transition from the homepage to the form, it is important that the design of the pages remain consistent.


  • 客户部分包括网站首页、书籍浏览、书目搜索、在线订单以及其他服务

    Customer's part includes homepage, explore pages, search pages, order pages and other services.


  • 访问网站首页分享下载”区,项目文件”部分下载团结楼调研报告

    Please go to "Sharing & Download" from the homepage, and download survey report from "Project Files".


  • 认为logo链接网站首页令人沮丧的事情,恰恰有很多网站没有这样做。

    Not linking a logo to your site’s home page is one of the more frustrating things I’ve come across on the Web. I can’t understand why someone wouldn’t so this.


  • 可以通过每个产品IBMSupport网站首页访问该产品特色文档页面

    The Featured Documents page for each product can be reached from the front page of the IBM Support Web site for that product.


  • 如果产品网站首页一个功能列表加上60种它支持格式,是令人印象深刻,

    If the front page for the product is one long feature list, with an impressive 60 + supported formats on display, that's all very well and good.


  • 此外今年多个主流门户网站首页悬挂广告植入木马病毒用户一旦访问这些网站中毒。

    In addition, the advertisement with pensile this year home page of website of many mainstreams portal also by embedded Trojan virus, once the user visits these websites to be met toxic.


  • 网站前台主要包括六项内容:网站首页五星简介网上购物在线留言人才招聘联系我们

    The website includes six main prospects: Home and the five-star profiles, online shopping, online messages, talent recruitment, contact us.


  • 一个导航网站没有任何情况下PR达到了3可能网站首页权威网站链接有关。

    One of my site navigation in the absence of any circumstances outside the chain, PR reached 3, may be the authority of the home page and website link on the site.


  • digg按钮不仅作为突出网站首页元素同时也是所有网站目录页面实时内容流页面的中心元素。

    The digg button is not only the most prominent element on the site's home page; it's also the central element on all of the site's category pages and in activity streams as well.


  • Movistar网站首页上仍在広告Blackberry 8520手机实际上早已销售一空。

    Movistar advertises the 8520 model on its home page, but the phone is in fact sold out.


  • 经常看到某些ppc广告banner广告把搜索者带到网站首页-一个并没有提供搜索者需求的页面

    I see a lot of PPC ads and banner ads that land the searcher on the homepagea page that isn't set up to give that searcher what they're looking for.


  • 笔者以前曾多次使用这种方法非常有效当然现在不用了,直接一个稍高pr网站首页个链接OK

    Several previous occasions the author using this method, very effective, of course, now no need, directly in a higher pr website link on the home to be OK.


  • 既然你们可以未经证实图片网站首页作出主观结论,你们当然有可能做出更加让人难以接受的事情。

    Since you put the unconfirmed pictures on the front page of your website and made the subjective conclusion, you maybe do something more unacceptable.


  • 网站首页的一条亦中亦英的横幅写道:Let’stalkaboutbujingqi(让我们谈谈“不景气”)。

    Let’s talk about bujingqi, ” says the slogan on its homepage.


  • 一个网站建设公司手机网站那么底部应该网站首页”、“网站套餐”、“网站建设作品”、“联系我们这样导航

    If a website construction company's mobile phone site, then the bottom should be put on the website home page, web site packages, website construction work, contact us such a navigation.


  • 例如假设搜索希尔顿头等3人间的房费”,如果广告网站首页那么在我已经我的需求后,我仍然得再次搜索。

    For example, say I'm searching for "3-bedroom Hilton Head Rental." If that ad lands me on the homepage, then I have to go searching for something I've already told you I'm looking for.


  • Casey表示,除了网站首页链接以外,汉莎航空正努力通过其它方式AffinityShopper融合网站的其它地方。

    Casey says Lufthansa is working on additional ways to integrate Affinity Shopper into its websites beyond the home page link.


  • 本文试图借用市场营销学的两个基本概念——“定位品牌”,中国新闻网站首页作为种市场竞争营销产品大胆进行学术探讨

    "Positioning" and "branding", this dissertation tries to take the front page of China's journalistic websites as a kind of product in market competition and do some academic researches.


  • 本文试图借用市场营销学的两个基本概念——“定位品牌”,中国新闻网站首页作为种市场竞争营销产品大胆进行学术探讨

    "Positioning" and "branding", this dissertation tries to take the front page of China's journalistic websites as a kind of product in market competition and do some academic researches.


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