• 他们做的建立货物分配网络

    What they're doing is setting up distributional networks.


  • 神经网络模仿大脑运行计算机系统

    Neural networks are computer systems which mimic the workings of the brain.


  • 综合业务数字网连接实现计算机网络通讯

    ISDN connectivity allows computers to communicate over a network.


  • 这些网页都带有点击其他网络文献友情链接。

    Each of these pages has hot links to other documents throughout the network.


  • 办公室网络用户共享文件软件使用中央打印机

    The office network allows users to share files and software, and to use a central printer.


  • 如果网络中增加计算机可能就重新设定防火墙

    You may need to reconfigure the firewall if you add a new machine to your network.


  • 食品分发正在通过当地教会人士其他志愿者组织网络进行

    Distribution of the food is going ahead using a network of local church people and other volunteers.


  • 现在看到一个对话,上面列出网络所有打印任务。

    You should now see a dialogue box listing all of the print queues on your network.


  • 管理人员已经学会如何去应付网络人工智能计算机辅助工程制造等问题。

    Managers have learned to grapple with networking, artificial intelligence, computer-aided engineering and manufacturing.


  • 例如大多数加入NSF网络大学校内计算机网络

    For example, most universities that joined the NSF network had intracampus computer networks.


  • 然而那时起,社交网络已经开始网络上大量移植电视价值观

    Social networks, though, have since colonized the web for television's values.


  • 意味着5G网络可能不足以为月球表面工作提供稳定的网络支持。

    This means that a 5G network may not yet be stable enough to work on the moon's surface.


  • 对于iPhone这些网络可能AT&T数据网络提供更快连接速度更长的电池续航时间。

    With the iPhone, those networks may provide faster connections and longer battery life than AT&T's data network.


  • 网络服务总是最新的且随时可用

    Web services are always up-to-date and available.


  • 需要一个最新的网络浏览器

    You need an up-to-date Web browser.


  • 实力较弱的网络公司倒闭了。

    The weaker dot-coms have collapsed.


  • 美国有线新闻网络欧洲进行广播

    CNN also broadcasts in Europe.


  • 这家公司拥有遍布全世界销售网络

    The company has worldwide distribution channels.


  • 站点数千名网络交易者门户网站

    The site acts as a portal for thousands of online dealers.


  • 经济新闻网络杂志《忧郁科学家趣闻十足。

    The Dismal Scientist, a webzine dedicated to economic news, is fun.


  • 需要只是文件上传到网络空间

    All you need to do is upload the files on to your web space.


  • 日本业主们正在美国构建复杂政治影响力网络

    Japanese proprietors are erecting a complex infrastructure of political influence throughout America.


  • 网络报纸可以纸质报纸共存带来不错利润

    Newspaper Web sites can coexist with the newspapers and still bring in healthy profit margins.


  • 经过试用后,自己网络杂志中推荐这项服务

    She recommended the service on her Web journal after trying it out.


  • 网络浏览器高速缓冲存储器里最新下载网络文档

    In your Web browser's cache are the most recent Web files that you have downloaded.


  • 新闻组网络称为新闻组讨论组成,任何人都申请加入

    Usenet is a collection of discussion groups, known as newsgroups, to which anybody can subscribe.


  • 面向消费者的网络直销公司看上去尤为脆弱,它们其中有19%的公司价值现在不比资产负债表金额多少。

    B2C companies look particularly vulnerable with 19 per cent of them now worth little more than the cash on their balance sheets.


  • 国会需要采取行动确保网络中立性

    Congress needs to take action to ensure net neutrality.


  • 起初网络似乎一趋势相悖

    At first, the web seemed to push against this trend.


  • 欺凌是指在网络上进行欺凌。

    Cyberbullying means bullying on the Internet.


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