• 网络安全服务提供商可以提供培训改变管理方案,从而弥合知识鸿沟

    Cybersecurity service providers can provide training and change management solutions that will bridge the knowledge gap.


  • 这个框架来收集其他网络安全服务,它包括一个实时的”certdata.txt ,里面存放了那些我们已经获得许可权可以推向开源的证书(我们所有者那里获得许可权之后,更多的证书加入这个文档中)”

    Include a 'live' certdata.txt with those certs we have permission to push to open source (additional certs will be added as we get permission from the owners).


  • ACI公司提供信息技术网络安全解决方案以及系统工程学开发服务,其主要客户是美国情报军事部门

    ACI provides information technology and network security solutions, and systems engineering and development services, for the U.S. Intelligence and military communities.


  • ACI公司提供信息技术网络安全解决方案以及系统工程学开发服务主要客户是美国情报和军事部门

    ACI provides information technology and network security solutions, and systems engineering and development services, for the U.S.Intelligence and military communities.


  • ACI公司提供信息技术网络安全解决方案以及系统工程学开发服务,其主要客户是美国情报军事部门

    ACI provides information technology and network security solutions, and systems engineering and development services, for the U. s. Intelligence and military communities.


  • 正如IT服务提供商BT公司的首席安全技术网络安全专家布鲁斯·施奈德指出的那样,黑客的确无处不在

    Indeed, hackers are everywhere, according to Bruce Schneier, security expert and chief security technology officer for it service-provider BT.


  • 来自于F网络安全公司米克·海坡嫩(Mikko Hyppönen)说道网络攻击最好防范便是在多个国家建立起强大的多服务网络,这家公司芬兰的一家英特安全公司并负责监控这次的网络攻击。

    Mikko Hyppönen of F-Secure, a Finnish internet security company that has been monitoring the attacks, says the best defence is to have strong networks of servers in many countries.


  • 新的网络服务GoogleFontAPIFont Deck,以及原有TypeKit使得设计者可以跳出原来少量网络安全字体的限制而了更多的选择。

    New web services such as Google Font API and Font Deck, alongside existing services such as TypeKit, have helped web designers use fonts outside of the very small set of web-safe fonts.


  • 目录服务可以应用信息发布网络设备管理网络应用管理和网络安全各个方面。

    Directory Service can be applied to information publication, network device management, network application management, network security and so on.


  • 所知诺顿网络安全特警诺顿防病毒软件基于订购服务

    As you know, Norton Internet Security and Norton AntiVirus are subscription based services.


  • 进行信息网络安全技术标准研究开发相应安全产品从事安全服务工作

    To do research on the information network security technology and standard and develop the relevant security products and to be engaged in the security service work.


  • 加密可以个人计算机系统网络安全设备提供密码服务实现数据的安全存储网络信息保密通信

    Cipher Card can offer cryptogram service to PC system and network security device to realize safe storage for files and secure communication for information on network.


  • 健康服务66%,健康服务器占比26%。帮助用户及时修复了漏洞补丁网络安全策略项

    Unhealthy servers accounted for 66%, sub health servers accounted for more than 26%. Cloud lock to help users fix vulnerabilities and network security strategy.


  • 对等实体鉴别服务网络安全体系结构中的一项重要服务

    The peer entity authentication is an important service in the network security architecture.


  • 健康服务66%,健康服务器占比26%。g 01帮助用户及时修复了漏洞补丁网络安全策略项

    Unhealthy servers accounted for 66%, sub health servers accounted for more than 26%. Network anti G01 help users fix vulnerabilities and network security strategy.


  • 接着服务配置技术、资源组织存储技术、负载均衡技术网络安全技术几个方面予以论述

    Then, the author discusses them from four aspects: the configuration of server, information organization and resource storage, load balance, and network security.


  • 现有网络安全计费方法基础上,结合宽带社区信息服务特点设计一种基于社区信息服务安全计费集成系统。

    Based on the methods of network security counting and combined with the feature for wideband community information server, a security counting system is designed in this paper.


  • 分布式拒绝服务攻击出现已经使分布式入侵检测逐渐成为入侵检测乃至整个网络安全领域的又研究重点之一

    The emergence of the DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service), which has made DID (Distributed intrusion detection) an important research point of the intrusion detection and the whole network safety.


  • 随着网络安全领域研究深入网络服务广泛应用人们网络攻击数据集需求量逐渐增大。

    With the deep research on network security field and the extensive application of network service, the demand for network attack raw dataset is increasing.


  • 这些公司所面临主要问题如何保障无线保真热区网络安全如何收取服务费,以及如何确保使用者缴费

    The main hurdles for companies are assuring the security of Wi-Fi hotspots, how to charge for such a service and how to make sure people don't use it without paying.


  • 拒绝服务攻击由于容易实施难于防范、难以追踪,成为最难解决网络安全问题之一。

    Denial of service attack is among the hardest security problems to address because it is easy to launch, difficult to defend and trace.


  • 内容过滤网络安全领域课题文章建立了一个完整的内容过滤模型在TISWWW代理服务实现内容过滤模型。

    Content filtering in network security is a new subject. This paper founds a complete content filtering model and implements the content filtering model in WWW proxy of TIS.


  • 基础设施方面包括网络接入结构规划信息服务设置网络安全中的物理保障

    Infrastructure include access and structure planning , establishment of the information server, physical guarantee in the online security etc.


  • 网络安全目标就是保障网络信息完整性保密性可用性可控性需要采用相应的安全机制提纲相应的安全服务

    The goal of network security is that provide integrity, confidentiality, availability, controllability for network information. It need some security services according to security mechanism.


  • 对于网络安全领域研究提升网络服务安全性都有重要的意义。

    It can greatly promote the research on network security and improve the quality of network service.


  • 结合实际工作出现问题,在保证内部网络安全和满足医院医疗服务的前提下,作者提出利用A CLNAT技术,实现医院内部信息外部医保网络对接解决方案给出了具体的实现方法

    With the appearance of the problem from practical work, the authors put forward a solution and detailed methods to connect the hospital internal LAN to external medical insure net using ACL and NAT.


  • 但是人们享受服务的同时,潜在的网络安全问题以及随之而来巨额的经济损失更是人们胆战心惊

    However, the ensuing potential network security problems and the consequent huge economic loss make people tremble with fear.


  • 但是人们享受服务的同时,潜在的网络安全问题以及随之而来巨额的经济损失更是人们胆战心惊

    However, the ensuing potential network security problems and the consequent huge economic loss make people tremble with fear.


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