• 本周一美元人民币汇率就比中间价水平上涨了0.5%。

    And on Monday, the yuan is up about 0.5% against the greenback.


  • 星期三央行大幅降低人民币参考汇率之后美元人民币汇率达到6月以来的最高点。

    But on Wednesday, the dollar recorded its biggest gain against the yuan since June, after the Chinese central bank sharply lowered the reference rate for yuan movements.


  • 虽然中国去年略微提高了一些其汇率制度灵活性,但中国央行美元兑人民币汇率升降幅度控制在0.3%以内。

    Although China moved to a slightly more flexible exchange-rate regime last year, the central bank still restricts the yuan's trading band to a narrow 0.3% each day up or down against the dollar.


  • 口头干预美元欧元汇率受欢迎的,目前到了口头干预印度卢比人民币汇率时候

    Verbal intervention on the dollar and euro is welcome - but it is time for verbal intervention on the rupee and renminbi as well.


  • 随着美元欧元的走软,人民币汇率欧洲公司带来了大的压力,欧洲也开始惊慌地关注事态变化。

    With the dollar falling against the euro, Europeans are watching with alarm as their companies come up against an even greater Chinese currency advantage.


  • 这种减速反映出中国注重于管理人民币篮子货币汇率不再是美元兑人民币汇率

    The slowdown would reflect China's apparent new emphasis on managing the yuan against a basket of currencies, rather than focusing on the dollar-yuan exchange rate.


  • 市场预期显示1年后人民币汇率可能当前1美元6.8871人民币贬值为1美元兑7.30人民币

    Market expectations for the renminbi a year from now indicate it could weaken to Rmb7.30 against the dollar from its current level of Rmb6.8871.


  • 年末人民币汇率1美元6.8346元人民币,比上年末升值6.9%。

    At the end 2008, the exchange rate was 6.8346 RMB to 1 USD, an appreciation by 6.9 percent against the end of 2007.


  • 以后几年人民币汇率逐步升值上升稳定1美元兑人民币8.5

    In the subsequent few years, RMB gradually appreciated, and finally rose and stabilized at 1 Dollar against 8.5 Yuan.


  • 根据汇率合理均衡水平测算人民币美元即日升值2%,1美元8.11人民币

    According to exchange rate reasonable balanced level surveying, the RMB revalues 2% to US dollar today, namely 1 US dollar exchanges 8.11 Yuan.


  • 举例来说假设美元其它自由浮动货币(特别是欧元)以及美元兑人民币汇率下跌。

    Suppose, for example, that the dollar went down against the floating currencies, notably the euro, accompanied by the renminbi.


  • 一些美元今天美元人民币汇率多少

    Yes. I'd like to change some US dollars. What's today's rate of US dollars to RMB?


  • 曾经受到严密控制人民币美元汇率今年下跌了6.5%,目前处在1美元兑6.945元人民币8年低点,如果2015年8月算起,跌幅则达到10.6%。

    The once closely controlled Chinese currency has tumbled 6.5 per cent to an eight-year low of Rmb6.945 against the greenback this year, taking its slide since August 2015 to 10.6 per cent.


  • 随着美元欧元的走软,人民币汇率欧洲公司带来了大的压力,欧洲也开始惊慌地关注事态变化。

    With the dollar falling against the euro, Europeans are watching with alarm as their companies come up against an even greater Chinese currency convenience.


  • 昨日人民币汇率连续第7下跌人民币美元汇率0.02%,至1美元兑6.1244元人民币,盘中一度创下去年8月初以来低点

    The renminbi posted its seventh straight daily decline yesterday, sliding 0.02 per cent against the dollar to close at 6.1244 having hit its lowest level since early August in intraday trading.


  • 这种升势近来呈现停顿态势,本周四,人民币美元汇率连续下跌。店头市场人民币美元汇率已跌至一美元兑换6.8837人民币

    But its rising trend has stalled recently as it continued to fall on Thursday for the fifth straight day, trading at 6.8837 per US dollar in the over-the-counter market.


  • 尽管不如美国其他国家期望的那么高,但人民币终于重估了:人民币美元中心汇率上升2.1%,调整为1美元兑8.11人民币

    And the currency has been revalued, although by nothing like as much as America and others have been demanding: the yuan's initial central rate against the dollar was shifted by just 2.1%, to 8.11.


  • 中国央行周四人民币汇率中间价设定1美元人民币6.5997。中间价是一个适用于当日参考汇率汇率围绕中间价上下浮动0.5%。

    The People's Bank of China set Thursday's mid-point rate - a daily reference rate around which the yuan can rise or fall 0.5 per cent - for the renminbi at 6.5997.


  • 中国央行周四人民币汇率中间价设定1美元人民币6.5997。中间价是一个适用于当日参考汇率汇率围绕中间价上下浮动0.5%。

    The People's Bank of China set Thursday's mid-point rate - a daily reference rate around which the yuan can rise or fall 0.5 per cent - for the renminbi at 6.5997.


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