• 天,一个7岁的小男孩手里拿着一美元硬币,问沿街的店主:“请问,你们出售上帝吗?”

    One day, a 7-year-old boy held a dollar coin in his hand and asked the shop owners along the street, "Excuse me, do you sell God?"


  • 这些空白经过几个步骤之前送入记者作为新兴美元硬币

    These blanks will go through several steps before being fed into a press and emerging as dollar COINS.


  • 七月份联邦赤字达1.1万亿左右,如果使用美元硬币可能会是几近崩溃的国会减少开支一个方法。

    With the federal deficit totaling around $1.1 trillion through July, switching to a dollar-coin might provide a way those desperate in Congress to cut costs.


  • 即便美元硬币使用没有限制店主也有权力决定是否硬币没有义务收你的硬币

    Even the use of dollar-coins is limited. The shop owner has the right to choose whether or not he wants to take your coins but doesn’t have to.


  • 图为空白成千上万硬币充分这些空白经过几个步骤之前送入记者作为新兴美元硬币

    Pictured is a bin full of thousands of blank dollar COINS. These blanks will go through several steps before being fed into a press and emerging as dollar COINS.


  • 11月中旬伯纳德麦道夫承认其旁氏骗局星期,一个小偷佛罗里达的房子里偷出了一1万美元硬币做成的雕像。

    A WEEK after Bernard Madoff’s vast alleged Ponzi scheme came to light in mid-December, a thief made off with a $10,000 copper statue from his Florida estate.


  • 真正地付诸实施,卡索还成功说服北达科他州,他们不想眼看着萨卡加维亚——自己土地上著名公民之一——就这样1美元硬币上消失

    But to get to the floor, Castle had to persuade North Dakota, which did not want to have one of its most famous residents, Sacagawea, booted off the dollar coin.


  • 现在流通的1美元硬币最早出现1998年,上面印着萨卡加维亚的头像,面世后很快被广泛使用。萨卡·加维亚是一位年轻的肖松尼族翻译,曾担任过刘易斯克拉克探险队的向导。

    The current dollar coin, which made its debut in 1998, features Sacagawea, the young Shoshone interpreter who guided the Lewis and Clark expedition.


  • 轮到那位老妇人结账现金付款,像先前一样沉着数着美元硬币

    When the older woman's turn in line came, she paid in cash, counting out the dollars and coins with the same sureness she'd displayed earlier.


  • 他们不痛苦叫喊而是美元声响弯腰硬币

    Instead of listening to the cry of agony, they listen to the ring of dollars, stoop down and pick up the coins.


  • 如果拥有枚1913年的价值100万美元自由女神头像硬币,你可能也愿意给予特殊待遇

    If you owned a Liberty Head coin from 1913, which is worth about one million dollars, you would probably be willing to give it special treatment, too!


  • 1979年至1981年间,美国共铸造了约8.57亿美元银色苏珊·安东尼”币,这种硬币并不受欢迎因为看起来感觉上都25美分硬币了。

    The United States minted about 857 million silver-colored "Susan Anthony" dollars between 1979 and 1981, but the coin proved unpopular because it looked and felt too much like a quarter.


  • 显然水池里收集硬币已经数千美元了,这可以作为当地慈善基金

    Apparently, COINS collected from the basin have resulted in thousands of dollars in donations to local charities.


  • 现在当回头这件事时,我仍然认为这位小偷是个异装癖我家调整了一下自己着装,然后北走花掉大约等值美元加拿大硬币

    When I think back on the incident, I still picture a cross-dressing burglar, jamming to some tunes, heading north to spend approximately three dollars of Canadian money.


  • 有助于解决这个困难例子聚拢资金”——欧元美元不管哪种货币硬币聚集起来

    A good example that helps to lower the hurdles is "round-ups" - where the cents are rounded up to the next Euro, Dollar or whatever currency.


  • 1851年发行50美元硬币正在美国国家历史博物馆名为故事”的展览展出

    A 50-dollar coin from 1851 on display at the National Museum of American History in a new exhibit called "Stories on Money."


  • 硬币另一面雅虎Yahoo),2005年10亿美元收购阿里巴巴40%的股权

    The flip side of this coin is Yahoo (YHOO), which acquired a 40% stake in Alibaba in 2005 for just $1 billion.


  • 它们除了”以外没有任何其它意义:2008年一年纳税人为此支付成本费用就达到8亿4800万美元其中超过2/3的花费用于铸造硬币,铸币生产过程中要消耗14823吨的锌、23879吨的铜、2514吨的镍。

    And that ain't money for nothing: The cost to taxpayers in 2008 alone was $848 million, more than two-thirds of which was spent minting coins that many people regard as a nuisance.


  • 收藏者本周一称,英国皇家铸币局近日酿成大错数万20便士硬币被漏印铸造时间,这导致的身价飙升至50英镑(合60欧元或80美元)。

    An error by the Royal Mint in Britain has seen the issue of tens of thousands of 'dateless' 20 pence COINS — driving their value up to 50 pounds (60 euros, 80 dollars) each, a collector said Monday.


  • 实验开始,研究人员志愿者们每人50美元用于下注,硬币决定输赢

    At the start of the experiment each volunteer was given 50 dollars with which to gamble on the outcome of tossing a coin.


  • 支持者们希望一新举措使市面1美元需求上涨,现在这些硬币多半被丢袜子抽屉钱币收藏者的柜子里,满了灰尘

    Supporters hope the new twist would drive up demand for dollar COINS that are now gathering dust in sock drawers and coin collections.


  • 谢谢二十五美分的硬币美元的零钱吗?

    Thank you. Oh, it only takes quarters. Do you have changes for a dollar?


  • 硬币放在家中抽屉里。 他有一个小小的栗色银行存折,第一个银行账户,里面20美元——父亲6岁的钱,有时他会硬币存入银行,而每一次存款记录在这本存折上。

    He kept his coins at home in a drawer, sometimes adding to the $20 his father had given him when he turned six, all recorded in a little 7)maroon passbook—his first bank account.


  • 如果四分之三美元40硬币4便士 那么你就有1.19美元

    If you have three quarters, four dimes, and four pennies, you have $1.19.


  • 这种货币不会印刷纸币不会铸成硬币,可以用来处理各成员国之间债务问题,同时还可减少美元依赖

    No sucres will be printed or coined, but the virtual currency will be used to manage debts between the nine nations in a move to reduce reliance on the US dollar.


  • 这种货币不会印刷纸币不会铸成硬币,可以用来处理各成员国之间债务问题,同时还可减少美元依赖

    No sucres will be printed or coined, but the virtual currency will be used to manage debts between the nine nations in a move to reduce reliance on the US dollar.


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