• 美国摄影师第戎附近所房子

    An American photographer borrows a house near Dijon.


  • 另一位美国摄影师沃克·埃文斯拍摄布鲁克林大桥照片

    This is a photo by another American photographer, Walker Evans, a photo of Brooklyn Bridge.


  • 时不时的,《美国摄影师》杂志上还可以看到图片关于特效文章

    Occasionally, American Cinematographer would have an effects article with pictures!


  • 这里出示照片美国摄影师——罗伯特·贝特曼(音译)克里安技术制作的。

    The photographs shown here, produced using the Kirlian technique, were taken by American photographer Robert Buelteman.


  • 冰岛美国摄影师任务偏远社区变得纠结神秘的欧洲夫妇

    An American photographer on assignment in a remote Icelandic community becomes entangled with an enigmatic European couple.


  • 美国摄影师唐纳德·米拉列凭这幅夏威夷2009年铁人世锦赛图片赢得体育动作故事组别一等奖

    American photographer Donald Miralle, Jr takes first prize in the Sports Action Stories category with this photo showing the Ironman World Championships, Hawaii 2009.


  • 巴西里约热内卢美国摄影师模特被杀害了,摄影师开始寻找凶手时,也使自己卷入个危险境地…

    An American photographer in Rio de Janeiro becomes involved in the world of "knife culture" when he sets out to find the killer of one of his models.


  • 31岁美国摄影师布兰登·斯坦顿因博客——“纽约”而广为人知。“人在纽约”在过去一直记录着纽约居民

    Brandon Stanton, a 31-year-old American photographer known for his blog Humans of New York, has been documenting New York City's inhabitants over the past five years.


  • 艰难题材因为山脉的海拔险峻,”这位美国摄影师告诉国家地理,“夜里温度零下30度(华氏温标)(摄氏温度约为零下34度,译者注)。”

    "This is the hardest story I have ever done because of the altitude and the steepness of the mountains," the U.S. photographer told National Geographic. "At night it was 30 below zero [Fahrenheit]."


  • 使用同一个电影摄影师欧文鲁伊兹曼创造了一种当时美国不习惯的阴暗紧张氛围

    He used the same cinematographer, Owen Roizman, to create a dark, intense atmosphere which was very un-American at the time.


  • 美国基础作家摄影师电影导演艺术家ChristopherBoffoli微型人物食物创建了有趣的场景

    Us based writer, photographer, filmmaker and artist Christopher Boffoli creates interesting scenes using miniature figures and food.


  • 美国博客网站Jezebel批评洛菲德摄影师史蒂芬·克莱恩改变模特的肤色做法,指责他们文化缺少敏感性

    The us blog Jezebel criticised the decision of Roitfeld and photographer Steven Klein to alter the model's skin colour, accusing them of cultural insensitivity.


  • Nicklen作为一位美国国家地理杂志卓有贡献摄影师,正向我们传递来自两极动物的讯息:它们的生存面临威胁

    And Nicklen, a contributing photographer for the National Geographic, is passing along a message from the creatures he sees in the Arctic and Antarctica: They're in trouble.


  • 他们在朝我们开枪——美国海军,我一起摄影师Ashley Gilbertson。然而我们继续前行

    They were shooting at us, the Marines and me and Ashley Gilbertson, the photographer who was traveling with me, but we kept moving anyway.


  • 美国依然出双入对,愿意恋人长相厮守,只是现在没有戒指婚纱重金聘来的摄影师

    Americans are pairing off and staying together just as much as ever, but now it's without the rings, gowns and expensive photographers.


  • 丈夫-摄影师赫伯特·布兰奇美国时候事实上已经催生了法国电影工业

    She had literally given birth to the French film industry by the time she moved to America with her husband, the cameraman Herbert Blache.


  • 美国密歇根摄影师Terry Hancock自家后院望远镜观测到了由无数恒星发光气体暗色尘埃形成巨大漩涡

    But the photographer from Michigan, USA, used the observatory in his backyard to reveal an enormous swirling spiral of billions of stars, glowing gas and dark dust.


  • 创始人格里·韦斯-科布里上世纪80年代美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)任摄影师编辑,现在每天都在网上搜集正面新闻在GNN上发布

    The founder Geri Weis-Corbley, who was a CNN camera operator and editor in the 1980s, spends her days browsing for reports of positivity and Posting them on the site.


  • 一直战争结束,私人摄影师Hugo Jaeger才一直装一个玻璃罐子里埋慕尼黑郊区照片取出,随后将这些照片卖给了美国《生活》杂志。

    He buried the images in glass jars on the outskirts of Munich towards the end of the war, fearing that they would be taken away from him.


  • 美国建筑摄影师迈克· 托利最新出版摄影册上,(人们可见到)他捕捉神秘历史遗迹展示了马丘比丘的奇异永恒之美。

    In a newly published collection of images, American architectural photographer Mike Torrey captures the wonder and timeless significance of this mystical, historical site.


  • 自从美国新闻》的图片编辑之后,我接到的自由摄影师打来的电话很多都是以这么一句开场

    That was the opening line of more than a few phone calls I got from self-employed photographers when I was a photo editor at U.


  • 他们婚后生活起初比较贫苦,但自从1952年牛顿成为时尚美国版的首位签约摄影师之后情况就有所好转。

    The marriage began in penury though things looked up after 1952 when Newton became the first contract photographer for American Vogue.


  • 康格1959年成为国家地理的职业摄影师,他承担所有涉及欧洲亚洲美国的拍摄任务

    Conger joined National Geographic as a staff photographer in 1959 and worked on assignments all over Europe, Asia, and the United States.


  • 超过100专业摄影师,专业摄影师官方杂志美国帮助读者提前摄影行业职业生涯

    For more than 100 years, Professional Photographer, the official magazine of Professional Photographers of America, has helped readers advance careers in the photographic industry.


  • 超过100专业摄影师,专业摄影师官方杂志美国帮助读者提前摄影行业职业生涯

    For more than 100 years, Professional Photographer, the official magazine of Professional Photographers of America, has helped readers advance careers in the photographic industry.


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