• 曾在美国斯坦福大学学习。

    He once studied at Stanford University in the United States.


  • 美国斯坦福大学教育学院名誉教授拉里古巴

    Larry Cuban, emeritus professor, Stanford University School of education.


  • 德博拉博士美国斯坦福大学教育学院院长

    Dr. Deborah Stipek is the Dean of the School of Education at Stanford University.


  • 美国斯坦福大学研究人员深部电刺激术治疗癫痫效果显著

    Deep brain stimulation is a promising therapy for epilepsy, US researchers from Stanford University have said.


  • 1963年美国斯坦福大学一个研究小组首先提出利益相关者理论

    The United States in 1963, a Stanford University Group first proposed the theory of stakeholders.


  • 保罗·格雷戈里休斯敦大学卡伦特聘教授美国斯坦福大学胡弗研究所研究员

    Paul Gregory is the Cullen Distinguished Professor of Economics at the University of Houston and a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.


  • 微格教学美国斯坦福大学爱伦教授等发起培养师范生一种方式

    Micro teaching is a mode of cultivating the students from normal university, which was initiated by Dwight Allen who was a profession in the Stanford University in the United States.


  • 美国斯坦福大学一项最新研究男性电脑游戏狂热来自根深蒂固征服欲。

    Men's passion for computer games stems from a deep-rooted urge to conquer, according to a latest research by Stanford University.


  • 事实上美国斯坦福大学科学家认为这种化合物其他植物能增强这些抵抗癌症的活性。

    In fact, Stanford University scientists determined that sulforaphane boosts your levels of these cancer-fighting enzymes higher than any other plant chemical.


  • 美国斯坦福大学分子生物学家斯-B-沃特曼正利用人工智能技术表述科学数据

    Russ B. Altman, a molecular biologist at Stanford University, is employing the techniques of artificial intelligence to represent scientific data.


  • 美国斯坦福大学鲍哲楠及其研究小组通力合作使有机晶体管成为更为先进的电子装置

    At Stanford University, Zhenan Bao and her team of researchers work to make organic transistors for cutting-edge electronic devices.


  • 时常告诉记者据说包括智慧策略讨价还价技巧已经美国斯坦福大学收入教课书

    He also often told reporters that his bargaining techniques, which he said involved using his wit and tactics, had been included in a textbook used by the United States' Stanford University.


  • 未来还会更热。美国斯坦福大学研究人员日前指出,随着全球持续变暖高温天气未来将变得越来越普遍

    As global warming continues, heat waves will be increasingly common in the future, a Stanford University study concludes.


  • 乔布斯美国斯坦福大学发表毕业演讲时说:“没有死亡我们每个终点不过。”

    During a commencement speech at Stanford University, Jobs said: "No one wants to die. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it."


  • 曾于1987年至1989日本东海大学访问学者,1992年至1993年在美国斯坦福大学客座研究员

    He was a visiting scholar at Japan's Tokai University from 1987 to 1989 and a visiting fellow at the Stanford University from 1992 to 1993. Mr.


  • 布赖特学者物理学家身份毕业挪威科技大学工程经济系统研究领域获得美国斯坦福大学硕士学位

    A former Fullbright scholar, he graduated as a physicist from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and holds a master 's degree in Engineering-Economic Systems from Stanford University.


  • 来自美国斯坦福大学研究人员认为一发现能够解释化疗现象。“化疗脑”病人在接受化疗之后出现的思维清和记忆衰退症状

    Researchers from Stanford University believe the findings could explain the phenomenon "chemo brain" - a term used to describe foggy thinking and memory lapses following chemotherapy sessions.


  • 自从1965年第一专家系统DENDRAL美国斯坦福大学问世以来各种专家系统遍布各个专业领域,取得了很大的成功

    With the appearance of the first Expert System called DENDRAL in 1965, Expert Systems have been applied in various research fields successfully.


  • 2006年度诺贝尔化学授予美国斯坦福大学医学院结构生物学教授科恩伯格,表彰研究真核细胞转录分子机理方面的贡献。

    The Chemistry Nobel Prize in 2006 is awarded by Roger Kornberg for his fundamental studies of the molecular basis of eukaryotic DNA transcription.


  • 根据美国斯坦福大学约翰·科扎(John Koza,领域位科研先锋)的说法,需要使用计算机耗费数月来完成的“进化设计如今几天内就可以实现。

    According to John Koza of Stanford University, who is one of the pioneers of the field, evolutionary designs that would have taken many months to run on PCs are now feasible in days.


  • 网络电子资源长期保存问题已经成为当今图书馆大挑战,为此,国际上相继启动了一系列项目解决这一问题,美国斯坦福大学LOCKSS项目就是其中的个。

    The long-term preservation of network electric resources is becoming a challenge in library, so a series of programs were started-up. Stanford University's LOCKSS program is one of them.


  • 斯坦福大学位于美国西海岸所世界著名大学

    Stanford is a world-famous university on the west coast of the U.S.


  • 据说,拥有美国顶尖计算机科学系的学校麻省理工学院斯坦福大学、伯克利大学卡内基梅隆大学

    The top US Computer Science departments are said to be MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, and Carnegie-Mellon.


  • 正如斯坦福大学莫妮卡派阿泽斯马丁·施奈德所说,房产泡沫集中于市场低收入区隔,这美国典型的房产繁荣是不同的。

    The housing bubble, as Monika Piazzesi and Martin Schneider of Stanford University have argued, was focused in the lower-income segments of the market, unlike in the typical U. S. housing boom.


  • 正如斯坦福大学莫妮卡派阿泽斯马丁施奈德所说,房产泡沫集中于市场低收入区隔,这美国典型的房产繁荣是不同的。

    The housing bubble, as Monika Piazzesi and Martin Schneider of Stanford University have argued, was focused in the lower-income segments of the market, unlike in the typical U.S. housing boom.


  • 斯坦福大学客座教授唐纳德·莱特所做最新研究指出即使面临价格管制欧洲医药企业创新性也高于美国企业。

    The new study, written by Donald Light, a visiting professor at Stanford University, claims that European drug firms are more innovative than American ones, in spite of price controls.


  • 生于肯尼亚,马克·奥巴马现在拥有美国国际斯坦福大学获得物理学硕士

    Born in Kenya, Mark Obama has a US citizenship and a physics degree from Stanford University.


  • 美国加州斯坦福大学一个研究团队利用计算机学习软件分类整理了脑部扫描所得的数据,从而对人们处于疼痛的时刻进行了检测

    A team at Stanford University in California used computer learning software to sort through data generated by brain scans and detect when people were in pain.


  • 斯坦福大学专家系统”计划始于1965年,用于美国国家航空航天局航天器收集物质的化学测量二十年,推算其有机分子可能结构

    Stanford University's Dendral project, was started in 1965 and used for two decades to extrapolate possible structures for organic molecules from chemical measurements gathered by NASA spacecraft.


  • 斯坦福大学专家系统”计划始于1965年,用于美国国家航空航天局航天器收集物质的化学测量二十年,推算其有机分子可能结构

    Stanford University's Dendral project, was started in 1965 and used for two decades to extrapolate possible structures for organic molecules from chemical measurements gathered by NASA spacecraft.


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