• 美国小费盛行的,动不动就要小费我们纽约3星级宾馆可是我们在哪里没有人为我们服务,连开水也不供应

    Tipping the United States is very popular, often have to pay the tip, we went to New York to live in the 3-star hotel but we where there is no man-made our services, nor even water supply.


  • 请教了很多这种规则何以维系下去几个美国觉得付小费自然的事情,压根考虑过这个问题

    I have asked many people for the reason why it could play on. Some American simply answered tipping was so natural that they have never questioned it.


  • 任何美国年纪大足以是菜单那位仁兄都知道,在餐馆里,我们预期小费那些礼貌地清理我们的餐桌的侍者的。

    Any American old enough to read a menu knows we're expected to tip as our server politely clears away our meal at restaurants.


  • 小费大概得算美国社会重要的“潜规则”,对于酒店的门童、餐馆服务员,老板有意会比较低的工资小费成了他们主要的收入。

    Tipping is the most prominent underlying rule in American society. Doormen in hotel, waiters in restaurant are paid with relatively low salary by their managers.


  • DeRoux谈到外部因素似乎可以解释为什么美国高居为最大花销最多小费游客德国法国游客被列为最抠门的。

    De Roux says external factors similarly account for why Americans wound up as the biggest-spending and best-tipping tourists, while Germans and the French were among the worst penny-pinchers.


  • 我特别不能理解,干吗直接把价格提高小费除了麻烦而且额外付出感觉,特别像我这样平时俭省惯了的中国自己嗓子冒烟了都舍不得买瓶矿泉水,到了美国一伸手就得给人付出几美元,还叫“小费”,简直让我心头淌血。

    Why not simply hike the prices? Apart from the inconvenience in calculating the tips, it also makes people feel that they have paid more than they should.


  • 小费大概美国社会重要“潜规则”,对于酒店的门童、餐馆服务员,老板有意付比较的工资,小费成了他们主要的收入。

    Perhaps, the tip might be regarded as the most important underlying rule in America. The bosses of the restaurants will prefer to offer a low pay to the doormen and the waiters.


  • 林恩先生,“美国人们开朗大方喜欢表现支付小费社会认可的。”

    And, says Mr Lynn, "in America, where people are outgoing and expressive, tipping is about social approval."


  • 另一个美国想法则恰恰相反第一伦敦那里他得不停地给小费,几乎都给逼上了绝境

    Of quite an opposite mode of thought was another American visiting London for the first time.


  • 经济学家奥费尔·阿扎尔(Ofer Azar)调查发现,美国小费绝对金额在很大程度上取决于账单金额。

    According to a survey by the economist Ofer Azar, the absolute size of tips in the US is overwhelmingly dependent on the size of the bill.


  • 教授引用调查显示高达34%的美国希望,服务生并没有寄望他们小费

    Surveys cited by Prof Lynn indicate that up to 34 per cent of Americans wish they were not expected to tip.


  • 林恩先生,“美国人们开朗大方喜欢表现支付小费社会认可的。”

    And, says Mr. Lynn, "in America, where people are outgoing and expressive, tipping is about social approval".


  • 理论上小费给多少纯属自愿但是美国不少地方有不成文规矩

    In therory the amount of tips is optional, but in many places of Ameica, there are some unwritten rules on tipping.


  • 缘自于乘车公司当成卖点之一,网站告诉顾客无须给予小费纵使美国,给予计程车司机小费一项久远的习俗

    Because the ride-share company uses this as a selling point , telling customers on their website that "there's no need to tip", even though it is customary in the US to tip taxi drivers.


  • 缘自于乘车公司当成卖点之一,网站告诉顾客无须给予小费纵使美国,给予计程车司机小费一项久远的习俗

    Because the ride-share company uses this as a selling point , telling customers on their website that "there's no need to tip", even though it is customary in the US to tip taxi drivers.


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