Over and over people tell me they are using RSS readers less and less and that they are using Facebook and Twitter more and more.
美国社交网站My Space调查显示,已故流行音乐巨星迈克尔·杰克逊的歌曲《颤栗》被评为流行音乐史上最具影响力的音乐电视作品。
Michael Jackson's video for his hit single "Thriller" has been voted the most influential music video in pop music history, according to a survey by us social networking site Myspace. com.
In May 2007, Facebook unveiled an initiative called Facebook Platform, inviting third-party software makers to create programs for the service and to make money on advertising alongside them.
Mobile-phone footage of Arab uprisings and American tornadoes is posted on social networking sites and shown on television newscasts.
After drastically reducing the size of its American workforce, the social-networking website slashed its international staff by two-thirds as it ADAPTS to a sharp decline in advertising revenue.
This will eventually spill over to the US where there is already talk about mining the social media sites.
The powerful lobbying group for older Americans said Facebook is by far the most popular networking site, followed by MySpace, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Thirty-six percent of Americans under 30 get their news through social networking sites.
But now one in five divorces involve the social networking site Facebook, according to a new survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.
Today, nearly 70 percent of Americans are on a social-networking site of one kind or another, with Facebook as the clear leader among the options.
Figures for the week ending March 13th showed that the social-networking site accounted for 7.1% of the country's traffic, compared with Google's 7.0%, the first time it has had a weekly lead.
US. teens who use social networking sites and watch "suggestive" TV shows are more likely to use drugs and alcohol than teens with little exposure to such media, a new survey found.
Nearly half of US employers research the online profiles of job candidates on social networks such as Facebook, MySpace or LinkedIn, according to a new survey.
Busy Americans are increasingly getting their news from friends or social networking websites.
Tennessee woman has been arrested for "poking" another user on the social website Facebook after she had been ordered not to communicate with that user, ABC News reported.
The survey states that almost 60% of the US population, not 60% of Internet Users but the entire population, are active on social networking sites.
Out of the 110 million Americans (or 60% of the online population) who use social networks, the average social networking user logs on to these sites quite a bit.
Last week, some mobile users who downloaded an iPhone app from the social-mapping network Loopt found out about a special offer from Virgin America promoting its new service to Mexico.
Recently, research in the US commissioned by the BlogHer network, iVillage and Compass, into women on the web showed that women are the most active users of social media and networking sites.
This could be from LinkedIn, Facebook, the company website, or anywhere else your interviewer's face might appear online.
Last October Americans spent just under six hours surfing social networks, almost three times as much as in the same month in 2007.
就连美国零售业巨头沃尔玛也启用一个名为 The Hub 的社交服务网站。 此举被传为笑柄,原因是该网站对用户所喜爱的那些独特而活泼的内容予以禁止。
Even Wal-Mart, an American retailing giant, has started a social-networking site, called The Hub — to widespread derision, because it forbids the racy content that users enjoy.
Yahoo! Has fared less well with its social-networking site, Yahoo! 360, and is now negotiating to buy Facebook, a networking site used by many American college students.
The social-media website for professionals can tell you that one of the fastest-growing job titles in America is adjunct professor.
Episodes lasting three to five minutes will initially appear on AOL, before being distributed more broadly across the web via social networking sites.
A Top Ten list compiled by the world's most-used search engine includes British website Badoo, Spanish-language Hi5, and US-based Facebook.
Web research firm eMarketer estimates U.S. advertisers will spend $900 million on social network advertising in 2007 and more than $2 billion in 2010.
Charts: Americans and the Social-Networking Sites They love.
Charts: Americans and the Social-Networking Sites They love.