• 曾经认为工业化文明将来具体表现美国福特汽车生产线内。

    I used to think that the future of industrialized civilisation was embodied in the production line of the American Ford motor car.


  • 美国著名发明家、汽车制造商亨利·福特说过:“美国事业就是商业。”

    Henry Ford, the famous U.S. inventor and car manufacturer, once said, "The business of America is business."


  • 例如福特汽车公司最近宣布部分生产业务带回美国时,白宫欢呼雀跃。

    When the Ford Motor Company, for example, recently announced that it was bringing some production home, the White House cheered.


  • 最终,“丰田”成为了美国受欢迎汽车品牌之一。我们分析,它已加入国内少有的知名品牌行列——福特雪弗莱——并且直奔顶级品牌而去。

    As a result, Toyota is among the best-loved car brands in America, according to our analysis, joining a couple of domestics brands — Ford and Chevrolet — in a race to the top.


  • 恐怕没有大多数美国日常生活影响能超过汽车生产先驱亨利。 福特

    Probably no man had moreeffect on the daily lives of most people in the Untied States than didHenry Ford a pioneer in automobile production.


  • 《新闻周刊》报道还提到奥巴马妻子米歇尔共用一部国产的福特汽车,盖特·格认为这辆环保美国“新汽车象征

    Newsweek said that Obama and his wife Michelle own a single car, a Ford Escape Hybrid, which was dubbed by Gettelfinger as a "green machine" emblematic of a future generation of US vehicles.


  • 据悉,万向兴趣主要在于获得福特先进设计生产技术希望促进万向的中国制造汽车零部件美国销售

    Wanxiang is understood to be interested mainly in acquiring Ford's advanced design and production technology, and in improving the prospects for distribution of its Chinese-made car parts in the US.


  • 恐怕没有谁对大多数美国日常生活影响超过汽车生产先驱亨利.福特

    Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the Untied States than did Henry Ford a pioneer in automobileproduction.


  • 恐怕没有大多数美国日常生活影响能超过汽车生产先驱亨利。 福特

    Probably no man had moreeffect on the daily lives of most people in the Untied States than didHenry Ford a pioneer in automobile production


  • 福特美洲业务负责人曾警告分析师去年第三季度以来由于消费者避免大件购买,美国汽车市场一直低靡

    The chief of Ford's Americas unit also warned analysts the U.S. auto market had "flat-lined" since last year's third quarter as consumers avoided making big purchases.


  • 大批优质小型车摆上美国汽车经销商的前院福特公司产品与欧洲产的车相比并没有优势。

    A wave of great small cars is about to hit the forecourts of American dealers-none better than the European-developed cars that Ford will be offering.


  • 困境中的美国汽车制造商通用福特克莱斯勒同时面临华盛顿方面指责对于他们中心放在耗油越野车上而错失良机

    The ailing Big Three US automakers -- General Motors, Ford and Chrysler -- meanwhile have faced criticism in Washington for being too slow to shift their focus from gas-guzzling SUVs.


  • 另一个可能严重问题如今通用汽车福特国际化得多,通用三分之二销售额来自美国以外福特得这个数字只有二分之一

    Another, potentially even bigger problem is that GM is now more international than Ford: two-thirds of its sales come from outside America, whereas half of Ford's sales are domestic.


  • 美国福特汽车公司没有参加本次展览通用汽车只是占据了展会的小小一角

    Ford Motor Co. of the U.S. skipped the show, and General Motors Co. had only a tiny corner booth.


  • 阿里最大的成就可能事实,即使福特最终避免破产,在美国汽车中保留了下来。

    Mulally's greatest accomplishment was likely the fact that Ford managed to avoid the eventual bankruptcy of the rest of the U.S. car industry.


  • 欧洲政策制定者们对于美国国会救济克莱斯勒福特通用汽车第一反应怀有敌意

    European policymakers' first response to the bail-out considered by Congress for Chrysler, Ford and General Motors (GM) was hostile.


  • 由于大宗销售上涨通用福特洋洋得意了。不过桑德销量增长了16%,作为美国去年增长最快汽车品牌,现代的销量增长了24%。

    Both GM and Ford may have been flattered by an uptick in fleet sales, but Nissan's sales climbed by 16%, while those of Hyundai, the fastest-growing volume brand in America last year, grew by 24%.


  • 福特汽车市场营销负责人吉姆·法利随着时间推移,整个行业都必须作好准备”迎接汽车中国运到美国一天

    Jim Farley, who is in charge of marketing at Ford, says that "over time the whole industry absolutely has to be prepared" for the day when fi nished cars will be shipped from China to America.


  • 福特美国第二汽车制造商仍旧主营美国本土欧洲业务。

    Ford, the second-largest US carmaker, still makes most of its sales and profits in the US and Europe.


  • 消费者对小型汽车青睐对美国汽车业来说一个良好的信号。福特认为大型车市场继续小型车市场让道,打算推出新版福克斯嘉年华

    Ford is betting that consumer tastes will continue to shift away from big vehicles, and is bringing out new versions of the Focus and Fiesta subcompact.


  • 福特带来了较美国风格轿车欧洲销售很好,通用汽车计划德国设计的欧宝推出同样车型

    Ford is bringing in slightly Americanised versions of saloon cars that have been successful in Europe, while GM plans to do the same with versions of its German-designed Opels.


  • 考虑到克莱斯勒公司所存在弱点美国汽车可能由以下公司来控制:丰田本田尼桑大众福特、梅塞德斯•奔驰宝马现代-起亚

    Given Chrysler's weakness, the new Kings of the auto industry would presumably be Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Volkswagen, Ford, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Hyundai-Kia.


  • 美国召回并不陌生2008年福特巡航控制开关偶然起火,而召回1.4亿汽车

    It's not that Americans are unfamiliar with recalls. In 2008, Ford recalled some 14 million vehicles for faulty cruise-control switches that, on occasion, caught fire.


  • 不仅局限于高端而价格昂贵型号美国销量最佳的汽车型号之一福特Focus内都可以找到它。

    And far from being confined to exclusive, top-of-the-range models, it will be available in one of the country's biggest-selling cars, the Ford Focus.


  • 公司CEOAlanMulally关闭美国福特旗下水星汽车公司(Mercury),转让了沃尔沃品牌,剥离了马自达的股权,因此销售大幅度上升了17%。

    In the U.S., CEO Alan Mulally shuttered Ford's Mercury division, completed the sale of Volvo, divested its Mazda shares, and saw sales jump 17%.


  • 克莱斯勒曾经美国汽车制造商之一,另外两家是通用福特

    Chrysler was one of the America's big three independent automobile makers along with GM and Ford.


  • 福特公司1997年开始就因为怕麻烦而不在美国推出超小型汽车了,当时韩国制造的汽车Aspire粗糙平庸

    The company has not even bothered to offer a subcompact in America since 1997, when it dropped the wretchedly mediocre, Korean-built Aspire.


  • 福特汽车公司决定选择LG化工子公司CompactPower公司(CPI)即将美国2011年销售福克斯电动车制造锂离子电池组

    Ford Motor Company has selected Compact Power Incorporated (CPI), a subsidiary of LG Chem, to build lithium-ion battery packs for the Ford Focus Electric, which will go on sale in the us in 2011.


  • 只要稍微懂点,有铁丝,有几根别针就能东西干活,”干活福特T型车,“小小的汽车造就了美国。”

    If you had just a little knowledge and some baling wire and bob pins, you could keep the thing going, ” she said of the Model T.It was the little car that made America.”


  • 丰田通过在美国销售追赶第二汽车制造商福特汽车公司。

    Toyota also is looking to overtake Ford Motor Co. as the No. 2 automaker by U.S. sales.


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