• 格林伍德推荐遵循美国糖尿病协会提供饮食指南

    Greenwood's recommendation is to follow the dietary guidelines from the American diabetes Association (available at diabetes.org).


  • 格林伍德推荐遵循美国糖尿病协会提供饮食指南

    Greenwood's recommendation is to follow the dietary guidelines from the American diabetes Association (available at diabetes. org).


  • 根据美国糖尿病协会部分原因可能早餐有助于加速新陈代谢

    Part of the reason, according to the American Diabetic Association, may be that eating breakfast helps speed up your metabolism.


  • 美国糖尿病协会将近2,100万美国人患有糖尿病

    According to the American diabetes Association, nearly 21 million Americans are living with diabetes.


  • 研究美国糖尿病协会国家糖尿病、消化和肾病研究所资助

    This study was funded by the American Diabetes Association and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.


  • 事实上美国糖尿病协会建议,在试图怀孕维持个月血糖控制

    In fact, the American Diabetes Association recommends maintaining good blood sugar control for three to six months before attempting to conceive.


  • 研究发表糖尿病护理杂志(美国糖尿病协会杂志)网络版

    The study is published in online in Diabetes Care, the journal of the American Diabetes Association.


  • BARI2d试验结果第69美国糖尿病协会年会上进行了报道。

    The results from the BARI 2d trial were presented at the American Diabetes Association 69th Scientific Sessions.


  • 美国糖尿病协会已经推荐了二甲双,该药证明可以降低心脏病风险

    The American Diabetes Association already recommends metformin, which has been proven to lower the risk of heart disease.


  • 这个结果星期六芝加哥召开美国糖尿病协会年度科学会议上公布出来。

    The results were presented on Saturday at the American Diabetes Association's annual scientific meeting in Chicago.


  • 同样治疗之间武器没有显着差异,他们报告发表美国糖尿病协会会议

    But again, there were no significant differences among any of the treatment arms, they reported here at the American Diabetes Association meeting.


  • 会议内分泌协会美国糖尿病协会共同主办,由诺和诺德公司限制性教育基金赞助

    The conference was coendorsed by The Endocrine Society and the American Diabetes Association and was supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Novo Nordisk.


  • 关于膳食规划,2003年美国版权饮食协会交流名单基础美国糖尿病协会交流计算

    Exchange calculations based on the Exchange Lists for Meal Planning, copyright 2003 the American Dietetic Association, the American Diabetes Association.


  • 这项研究结果发表美国佛罗里达州奥兰多召开的美国糖尿病协会第70届年度科学会议上。

    The results of the study are also being presented at the American Diabetes Association's 70th annual scientific sessions in Orlando, Fla.


  • 美国糖尿病协会(ada)的,新的研究表明严重的牙龈之间疾病糖尿病关系双重的

    According to the American diabetes Association (ADA), emerging research suggests that the relationship between serious gum disease and diabetes is twofold.


  • 我们希望本刊做推动以使其能在明年启动,一旦国会通过此举美国糖尿病协会也将及时知会

    We expect more action on this issue to occur early next year, and the American Diabetes Association will keep you informed as this moves through Congress.


  • 美国糖尿病协会ADA一直积极参与制定糖尿病护理标准准则传播连续多年参与相关文件

    The American Diabetes Association(ADA) has been actively involved in the development and dissemination of diabetes care standards, guidelines, and related documents for many years.


  • 美国糖尿病协会这些数据令人烦恼困惑,极力主张患者更多信息出现之前不要改变当前的治疗方案。

    The American Diabetes Association called the data "conflicting and confusing" and urged patients not to change their regimens until more information is available.


  • 任何一种测试可以用来诊断前期糖尿病糖尿病美国糖尿病协会推荐使用FPG测试,因为简单快速便宜完成任务

    Either test can be used to diagnose pre-diabetes or diabetes. The American diabetes Association recommends the FPG because it is easier, faster, and less expensive to perform.


  • 正如所说世界卫生组织在半年前通过了将糖尿病HbA1c诊断切点定为6.5%的建议得到了美国糖尿病协会推荐

    As you've mentioned, the WHO has approved our report from one and a half years ago where we recommended a cutoff point of 6.5% and that was also recommended by the ADA.


  • 星期一美国糖尿病协会两个有影响心脏病组织联合发表声明建议糖尿病患者在停止任何治疗之前都应该事先同时他们的医生

    On Monday, the American Diabetes Association and two influential heart groups jointly released a statement advising diabetics to talk to their doctors before stopping any medication.


  • 主要争议代谢综合征是否是心血管疾病风险的一个有价值的预测指标一点不得不同意美国糖尿病协会欧洲糖尿病研究协会的观点。

    A major issue is whether the metabolic syndrome is a valid indicator of cardiovascular risk. I would have to agree with the ADA and the EASD on this point.


  • 根据美国糖尿病协会数据显示,超过二千三百万美国人,8%的美国人口糖尿病患者,而且这个数目2005年2007年增加了13.5%。

    More than 23 million Americans, or eight percent of the population, are diabetic, and that group swelled by 13.5 percent from 2005 to 2007, according to the American Diabetes Assn.


  • 根据美国糖尿病协会调查,在大约2千4百万美国糖尿病患者中,70%都会严重心血管疾病方面的疾病,中风心脏病这些都会导致死亡

    Nearly 70 percent of the estimated 24 million Americans with diabetes list a major vascular event such as a stroke or heart attack as a cause of death, according to the American diabetes Association.


  • 卡路里美国糖尿病协会(AmericanDiabetes Association)建议糖尿病患者把每克视为克碳水化合物。

    Sugar alcohols contain about two calories pergram, and the American Diabetes Association recommends that diabetics count each gram as half a gram of carbohydrate.[4]


  • 美国心脏协会认为糖尿病冠心病可控危险因素之一

    The American Heart Association considers diabetes one of the six major controllable risk factors for cardiovascular disease.


  • 美国糖尿病前期患者治疗的干预就是国家健康协会测试一种模式的延伸,这种模式在过去年里糖尿病可能性降低了58%。

    United’s intervention for pre-diabetics is an expansion of a model tested by the National Institutes of Health, which reduced the likelihood of developing diabetes by 58% over three years.


  • 美国心理学协会表示睡眠通常高血压心脏病中风糖尿病抑郁症有着密切的关系。

    The APA stated too little sleep is often connected to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and depression.


  • 美国医学协会杂志7月11日刊上报道该项研究分析发现患者服用羟基氯喹时间越长,患糖尿病风险越低

    This analysis, reported in the July 11 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, also found that the longer the patients took hydroxychloroquine, the lower their risk of diabetes.


  • 美国医学协会杂志7月11日刊上报道该项研究分析发现患者服用羟基氯喹时间越长,患糖尿病风险越低

    This analysis, reported in the July 11 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, also found that the longer the patients took hydroxychloroquine, the lower their risk of diabetes.


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