• 美国缅因州坎伯兰naples邮政编码04055。

    The ZIP code of Naples, Cumberland, Maine, United States is 04055.


  • 加拿大美国缅因州,你可以点龙虾堡——面包龙虾和沙拉。

    In Canada and the American state of Maine, McDonald's serves the McLobster — a soft roll with lobster meat and salad.


  • 美国缅因州装扮圣诞老人的滑雪者滑冰者星期日的冰面上滑行。

    Skiers and snowboarders dressed as Santa Claus head down the slope at Sunday River, Maine.


  • 树叶开始变色美国缅因州雷斯附近,2009年9月25日星期五

    The foliage was starting to turn near Presque Isle, Maine on Friday, September 25, 2009.


  • 美国缅因州海湾只好奇鲨鱼嘴巴旁的小孔可以感应其他动物产生磁场

    A curious shark in the Gulf of Maine. The small pores on his snout enable to sense electromagnetic fields produced by other animals.


  • 美国缅因州东南部小镇蒙特沙漠岛上避暑胜地人口2' 85。

    A town of southeast Maine on Mount Desert Island. It is a summer resort. Population, 2, '85.


  • RonHood美国缅因州刘易斯顿家里地下室用来放置并展示收藏PEZ分液器商品

    The basement of Ron Hood's home in Lewiston, Maine has been fitted to display his collection of PEZ dispensers and merchandise.


  • 大西洋深水小湾位于美国缅因州西南部。林木葱郁、多岛屿而成为一个大众喜爱度假圣地。

    A deep inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in southwest Maine. The bay, with its wooded, hilly islands, is a popular vacation area.


  • 星期四醒来时接到一个消息我们得力部族成员之一莱娜.杰森感恩节那天美国缅因州死于车祸,开车的司机喝醉酒。

    I woke up on Thursday with a message telling me that one of our most committed tribe members had been killed by a drunk driver on Thanksgiving morning in Maine, in the USA.


  • 居住于加拿大新不伦瑞克省圣约翰河谷美国缅因州东北部的一支美洲土著人。18世纪中期,马莱西特帮助建立起阿伯纳基联邦

    A Native American people inhabiting the St. John River valley in New Brunswick and northeast Maine. The Malecite helped form the Abenaki confederacy in the mid-18th century.


  • 举例来说史黛丝-希尔顿之前美国缅因州首府奥古斯塔从事电视新闻记者新闻主播工作,而现在她在北卡罗来纳州首府罗利正体验着公共关系领域一个全新职业

    Consider, for example, how Stacey Hilton moved from a job as a TV news reporter and anchor in Augusta, Ga. , to a new career in public relations in Raleigh, N.


  • 那个时候美国加拿大之间另一个问题缅因州边界问题。

    Another problem between the United States and Canada at that time concerned the border along with the state of Maine.


  • 那个时候美国加拿大之间另一个问题是两边界线缅因州地位问题。

    Another problem between the United States and Canada at that time concerned the border along the state of Maine.


  • 美国之所以不同意是因为缅因州不会接受这个建议。

    The United States refused, because the state of Maine would not accept it.


  • 美国捕捞鳗鱼受到严格监管缅因州少有几个获准出口玻璃鳗鱼之一。

    Eeling in the U.S. is heavily regulated; Maine is one of the few states allowing the export of glass eels.


  • 预计路向美国东部海岸移动,下午到达缅因州,会给弗吉尼亚州份区域、华盛顿特区新泽西州纽约等地方带来大暴雨。

    It is predicted to travel up the east coast, spewing rain over parts of Virginia and Washington DC, New Jersey and New York City before reaching Maine on Monday afternoon.


  • 人口数据局所作美国社区调查显示,在2000年到2009年间缅因州超过佛罗里达州,一举成为50岁以上老年人口最为密集的地区。

    Between 2000 and 2009 Maine surpassed Florida as having the highest concentration of those 50 and older, according to the Census Bureau's American Community Survey.


  • 计划缅因州旁边农场开始以防供应美国食物链因缺中断

    He plans to start up a farm near his house in Maine, in case the supply chain that provides America with food breaks down for lack of fuel.


  • 美国这份排名中,前十五名德克萨斯州占了七个气温较城市一般排名比较靠后,如排第一百名的缅因州波特兰

    Seven of its top 15 U.S. cities were in Texas, while cold weather cities generally ranked low in that survey, with Portland, Maine last at No. 100.


  • 在(美国)缅因州的卡登举办PopTech会议上,关于贪婪之心长久健康之间关系心理学家LizDunn如是我们说。

    Psychologist Liz Dunn spoke with us from the PopTech conference in Camden, Maine, about the link between greed and long-term health. Christie Nicholson reports.


  • 2004年11月缅因州奥古·斯塔自由记者道格·马萨诸塞州伊斯顿一所学院门警蒂姆·瓦茨兄弟美国鱼类和野生物管理局递交请愿书,将美洲鳗列为受到威胁,甚至濒临灭绝的物种。

    In November 2004 two brothers, Doug Watts, a freelance journalist who lives in Augusta, Maine, and Tim Watts, a janitor at a college in Easton, Massachusetts, petitioned the U. s.


  • 缅因州美国林业局丹尼尔·詹宁征募蜘蛛来云杉芽卷蛾——东北部云杉冷杉林凶恶的敌人——作战

    In Maine Daniel Jennings of the u. s. forest service has enlisted spiders in the war against the spruce budworm the northeast's most devastating enemy of spruce and fir forests.


  • 缅因州美国林业局丹尼尔·詹宁征募蜘蛛来云杉芽卷蛾——东北部云杉冷杉林凶恶的敌人——作战

    In Maine Daniel Jennings of the u. s. forest service has enlisted spiders in the war against the spruce budworm the northeast's most devastating enemy of spruce and fir forests.


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