• 美好景色悦耳的声音扑鼻芳香带来的愉快当中,不会紧锁住自己感官大门

    In the beautiful scenery, pleasant voice and tangy scent bring me happy, I won't locked the door to his senses.


  • 首诗写诗人黄昏时分登上黄鹤楼看着眼前美好景色,不禁油然生出了家乡无尽的思念之情。

    The poem describes what the poet saw when he ascended the Yellow Crane Tower at dusk and expresses his yearning for his hometown in front of the beautiful scenery.


  • 场地的首要限制因素三角形的地势,其次最美好的景色不是南侧而是北侧,要有很好的采光就不能照顾美好的视野。

    Conceiving the house had still to face a paradox: the most interesting views stand to the north and not south, where the windows should be placed in their quest for light.


  • 面对壮观日落其他美好的景色远离日常生活喧嚣时,我们都能体会到片刻安宁喜悦心灵宽广起来,呼吸也加深

    In front of a beautiful sunset or scenery, away from the turbulences of daily life, we can experience a moment of peace and joy, a widening of the heart, a deepening of our breathing.


  • 纯净美好的空气使景色有些扭曲,这只能不能

    I think the wonderfully fine, clear, brilliant air transfigures the landscape and makes it something that must be seen and can't be told.


  • 旅游不在乎终点而是在意途中人和还有那些美好的记忆景色

    Travel does not care about the destination, but the people and things on the way there are those beautiful memories and scenery.


  • 着美味佳肴一杯红酒坐在酒店最高处欣赏城市美好景色

    Commodities delicious dishes, side glass of red wine sitting on the highest point hotel to enjoy the city's beautiful scenery.


  • 我们旅行任何个地方景色很美,每一时刻都很美好任何一条失望

    The scenery was as fine as any we saw on the trip and that was how it was every time - having to take another pass was never a disappointment.


  • 桂林景色留下深刻美好的印象

    She was deeply impressed by/with the scenery in Guilin.


  • 不管是壮观景色,还是最微小细节仔细看,美好事物光芒穿透一切。

    In the most magnificent vistas and in the smallest details, look closely, for that goodness always comes shining through.


  • 这个空间系列上每个单元还拥有自己独有可以享受周围美好景色花园

    Apart from that, every unit has its own garden with gorgeous view which can be enjoyed exclusively.


  • 牧人对荒漠戈壁景色一种美好描述海市蜃楼的意思

    "The amount of benevolence" is a pastoral landscape of the Gobi desert of a better description, there is the meaning of a mirage.


  • 出去坐一会儿,看看周围景色保证重新认识人生美好

    Sit for a while and pay close attention to your surroundings; I guarantee you'll soon be reminded of the beauty of life.


  • 她最精彩描写都是土地劳动景色心中美好感情溶于一体,情景交融美不胜收

    A few descriptive paragraphs are devoted to integrating her affections with land, labor and landscape. The feelings are melting into the scenes, so fascinating.


  • 朋友下来走走出来了,不是出来的,脚踏实地一步一个脚印走,永远不会看到前方景色多么美好

    A friend is a person, you walk down, the road is out, not float out, not their feet on the ground, one step a footprint to walk, never to see the front the scenery is so beautiful.


  • 警察南非游客被袭击正在享受晚上美好景色

    Officers said the South African had been enjoying an evening of sightseeing when he was attacked.


  • 大小不一的有效图画区域内,软质硬质景观之间协调可以创造出美好的典范和景色极佳的视野。

    A harmony between soft and hard landscapes results in pleasing patterns and scenic views in small or large available plot areas.


  • 加的办公屋顶花园包围,但是没有阻挡景色仍然保留着朝着城市远山的美好视野

    The new five floors office building frames the roof garden without enclosing it and maintains a wide visual panorama on the city and the mountains.


  • 总之住宅空间组织抓住场地赐予的所有美好景色

    The organization capitalizes on the fantastic views afforded by the site.


  • 远景犹如夕阳景色般迷人,夜幕余光慢慢山头夜晚星辰是标志着娱乐休闲美好时间

    Vision is like the sunset, when night scenery charm-not of sunset slowly slide under the stars of a mountain, night entertainment and leisure marks the good time.


  • 感触感染到了暖和的阳光观赏斑斓的景色美好音乐新茶,本人表情圆满的本人没有此外愿望。春季是本赛季最出色的一年。

    Feeling the warm sunshine , enjoying the beautiful scenery , listening to the wonderful music , drinking the new tea , my mood is perfect and I have nothing else to desire.


  • 感触感染到了暖和的阳光观赏斑斓的景色美好音乐新茶,本人表情圆满的本人没有此外愿望。春季是本赛季最出色的一年。

    Feeling the warm sunshine , enjoying the beautiful scenery , listening to the wonderful music , drinking the new tea , my mood is perfect and I have nothing else to desire.


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