• 饮食紊乱身体异化归咎于美的理想

    Beauty ideals are blamed for eating disorders and body alienation.


  • 女性美的理想千变万化某些要求也是永恒

    The ideality of female beauty is changing constantly, but there are some of the eternal requirements.


  • 李斯特踊跃,他说:“贝森多夫超过理想期望。”

    Franz Liszt wrote enthusiastically, "The perfection of a Bösendorfer exceeds my most ideal expectations."


  • 理论上一个非常完理想,然后现实实施并非易事

    It's a great idea in theory, but not so easy to implement in the real world.


  • 说起乌托邦一种解释就是尽善尽理想世界最终解决

    Speaking of Utopia, a perfect explanation is that the ideal world, or perfect a final settlement.


  • 说起乌托邦解释就是尽善尽理想世界最终解决

    Eutopia, a kind of explain the ideal world being to be perfect as for, consummate ultimateness solves or.


  • 一些整形外科医生援引了希腊数学家争论基于传统概念一个统一美的理想

    Some plastic surgeons cite Greek mathematicians to argue there is a universal beauty ideal based on classical notions of proportion.


  • 张洁人性遭遇压抑痛苦中温情呼唤美的理想,获得了与读者的“音叉共鸣”。

    Zhang Jie still calls for love and beauty though she is very suffering because human is experiencing repression. And the readers quite agree with her.


  • 美的理想世界中,每个全天24小时都可以想用干净水资源网络化下水道服务

    In the perfect world, everyone would have 24-hour access to clean water and networked sanitation services.


  • 假充内行可以有意地谈论过去艺术家试图表现美的理想,这与当今成见形成明显对比。

    The bluffer can knowingly slip into conversation that, in the past, artists were seeking to express the ideal of beauty, in stark contrast to present-day preoccupations.


  • 实际上并不是人们放弃理想而是艺术的话语几乎无从谈起、艺术缺乏萌发的广阔沃土

    Is actually not the people abandoned the ideal of aesthetic, but the art of words is almost impossible talked, and the lack of germination of a broad fertile ground for art.


  • 智能控制程序逻辑清晰实用高效使动力输出传动比变化达到一种近乎完美的理想状态

    The logic of the intelligent control programme is clearly, practical and high efficiency, making the output of power and the change of transmission ratio achieve a perfect state.


  • 一部爱情喜剧35岁的男子妻子抛弃然后爱上邻居,一个完美的理想中的女人

    This is a romantic comedy, a 35-year-old man his wife left, then he fell in love with the neighbors, a perfect ideal woman.


  • 一部爱情喜剧35男子妻子抛弃然后他就爱上邻居,一个完美的理想中的女人

    A romantic comedy in which a 35-year old man is abandoned by his wife and falls in love with his neighbor, a perfect, ideal woman.


  • 委内瑞拉探索宏伟壮观自然美景理想出发点

    Venezuela is the ideal starting point to explore the grandeur and natural beauty of South America.


  • 坚定实现高尚理想因为你知道,这种真、美的精神面貌会为带来宁静幸福快乐

    Stick to your ideal, knowing that the mental outlook, which gives you peace, happiness, and joy is right, good, and true.


  • 坚定实现高尚理想因为你知道这种真、美的精神面貌会为带来宁静幸福快乐

    Stick to your ideal knowing that the mental outlook which gives you peace happiness and joy is right good and true.


  • 在我理想中的女人朴实善良美的不一定就是外表,想想我们的容颜能维持多久,人的一生短暂美丽的容颜只占了生命的五分只,现实生活中搀杂了太多的无奈化装品,手术整形,药物刺激还有无法想象的更多的方式争取得到那个美,但却失去了纯真的美!

    Life is full of helplessness. There are a variety of ways to obtain your expected beauty, like using cosmetics, facial operation and drug stimulations.


  • 人们必须这个世界上敲出自己多余理想主义意味着不完统治世界。

    One must be either hammer or anvil in this world, and too great an excess of idealism only means that the unideal people shall rule the world.


  • 爱迪生为了找到纤维,辛苦地工作着,发现理想材料一种日本纤维之前,他尝试过碳化纤维、须发非常名片

    Edison also worked hardest to find the perfect filament, trying carbonised thread, beard-hair and very tightly rolled calling CARDS, before lighting on the ideal material, bamboo from Japan.


  • 一个家庭拥有身材,从事自己理想事业达到了自己的理财目标——这多么完美的生活

    Imagine your life as perfect, as if you already had the perfect family situation, were in perfect shape, had your dream career and had accomplished your financial goals.


  • 洛克赞成“或然性”,笛卡尔则有着一个理想——知识非常坚定的理想

    Locke is also a probablist whereas Descartes has an ideal of perfect knowledge, absolutely incontrovertible certainty.


  • 大脑分泌大量胺多酚,沉浸强烈的感官愉悦享受中对方就是美的理想的、就是你的真命天子。

    In this stage of relationship, endorphins soak your brain and you're immersed in intense pleasurable sensations. Your lover is perfect, ideal, made for you.


  • 最后也承认,关于妇女通常被赞童贞理想只是空想,当然不言而喻的。

    And he acknowledges here finally that the ideal of virginity is an ideal for which women are typically praised - and of course this goes without saying.


  • 女孩子在五岁的时候就开始幻想她的婚礼了,她们要婚礼,最理想地方,更重要的,她们想要一个真正懂得这场仪式对她多大意义的人来托付终身。

    We dreamed about the perfect wedding, and the perfect place, w. But the most important part is that we had the perfect guy who understood just how important all that other stuff was.


  • 女孩子在五岁的时候就开始幻想她的婚礼了,她们要婚礼,最理想地方,更重要的,她们想要一个真正懂得这场仪式对她多大意义的人来托付终身。

    We dreamed about the perfect wedding, and the perfect place, w. But the most important part is that we had the perfect guy who understood just how important all that other stuff was.


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