In compared with the control, the scavenging rate of · OH were increased by 39.
It was demonstrated that the water extractant of Longjing tea had powerful ability to clear off hydroxyl radicals.
The specific scavenger of hydroxyl radical, thiourea, showed clear inhibitory effect on the system.
ObjectiveTo study the extraction and identification of total flavonoids from Eriocaulon buergerianum Koern and its Scavenging activity on hydroxyl free radical.
A new method of determining the antioxidant activity of betulin from betula bark is established.
There are close connection between the hydroxyl radical scavenging activity and flavonoids content or polyphenols content.
Objective To investigate the mechanism and prevention of increasing hydroxyl radical induced by L-DOPA treatment in Parkinson's disease.
Effect of PRL on red blood cell hemolysis and lipid peroxidation induced by hydroxyl free radical were analysed by colorimetric assay.
Aim To establish the method of simultaneous measurement of hydroxyl free radical and monoamines neurotransmitters and their metabolites from brain dialysates of rats.
Objective: the experiment is meant to investigate whether the Shengmai Drink has the function of protecting red blood cell membrane by way of anti - oxidation (clearing away the hydrogen radicals).
This experiment used the rope extraction process from the Chinese angelica and the liquor Chinese angelica withdraws the effective component, determination, the hydroxy free radical ability.
It was suggested that those biological effects were caused by superoxide anions and hydroxyl radicals produced in irradiated cells.
The scavenging effects of strawberry EDTA extract and water extracts from carambola, kidney, chilli, cauliflower on hydroxyl radical(·OH)were studied by spetrophotometry.
The flavonoids extract can scavenge Oxygen and Hydroxy free radicals, and can stop the oxidation of the lard effectively.
The DNA damage induced by hydroxyl radicals was completely prevented by catalase, whereas superoxide dismutase was much less effective.
About activity of scavenging hydroxyl free radical, distilled liquid by using methanol is observably higher than that getting by using ethanol or ddH20.
Compared with WPC, the effect of SWPC on scavenging hydroxyl radicals had been improved a lot, while diminished on scavenging superoxide anion radicals.
ConclusionThe extract has good scavenging effect on DPPH ·, OH · and O2 - · under the condition of experiment.
The results showed that the extracting rate of Litsea Cubeba oil was enhanced by ultrasonic, and Litsea Cubeba oil has a great effect on the elimination of free radical.
The organic pollutant is disposed or oxidized by hydroxyl radical · OH in Fenton, it is one of AoPs.
The results of antioxidation experiment showed that MLE was strong scavenging hydroxyl-radical agent, which was capable of scavenging hydroxyl-radical effectively and putting off its attack.
Distilled the effective component from ant by ultrasonic. Studied the content of trace element of ant's distillation and its elimination of hydroxyl radicel.
The different DH of walnuts peptides has different ability to scavenge hydroxyl radicals. The results showed that when DH is 5% the scavenging activity is 50.90%.
应用高效液相色谱测定纹状体和海马羟自由基(OH· )、三磷酸腺苷(ATP)和多巴胺(DA )含量。
The striatum, hippocampus hydroxyl free radical(OH ·), ATP content and DA were determined by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC).
The effects of 2-ethyl-3-hydroxy-6-phenylthio-4(1H)-pyridinone (HPP) on hydroxyl radical and superoxide anion radical scavenging activity was studied.
摘要:本文就富锌香菇菌丝体的不同溶剂提取物对氧自由基、羟自由基的抑制能力和T - SOD活力进行了测定。
Abstract: This paper researched the clearing ability of different extracts of zinc-rich mushroom mycelium on oxygen free radicals and hydroxyl radicals and on T-SOD activity.
Method: the oxygen free radicals generation system in vitro and mouse liver homogenate lipid peroxidation reaction induced by hydroxy free radicals were used to estimate the effects.
结论FMD对氧自由基、羟自由基等ROS具有很好的清除作用,并对过氧化氢诱导的PC 12损伤具有良好的保护作用。
Conclusion FMD has good scavenging effect to ROS, and can protect PC12 cells from oxidative stress injury induced by hydrogen peroxide.
结论FMD对氧自由基、羟自由基等ROS具有很好的清除作用,并对过氧化氢诱导的PC 12损伤具有良好的保护作用。
Conclusion FMD has good scavenging effect to ROS, and can protect PC12 cells from oxidative stress injury induced by hydrogen peroxide.