• 一些种族群体不能适应主流

    Some ethnic groups can't become acclimatized to the mainstream.


  • 这些信念某些社会群体很盛行。

    Those beliefs still prevail among certain social groups.


  • 这些动物母系群体生活

    The animals live in matriarchal groups.


  • 制订特殊课程,以满足特定群体需要

    Special programmes of study are tailored to the needs of specific groups.


  • 一直在毫不避讳这些群体谈论艾滋病

    She has been talking very explicitly about AIDS to these groups.


  • 无经济支持母亲们申请福利群体中人数增长速度最快的一部分。

    Unsupported mothers are one of the fastest-growing groups of welfare claimants.


  • 朋克摇滚歌手士兵嬉皮士相扑留着他们那个群体特有独特发型

    Punks, soldiers, hippies, and Sumo wrestlers all have distinct hair styles, peculiar to their group.


  • 市场研究包含什么内容?”—“问题取决于我们目标年龄群体。”

    "What does your market research consist of?"—"Well, the thing is, it depends on our target age group."


  • 包含现代动物群体祖先

    It contains no ancestors of modern animal groups.


  • 这些群体限制AK党的野心

    These groups set limits to the AK party's ambitions.


  • 不同黑猩猩群体不同交流方式

    Different chimp groups differ in their way of communication.


  • 有时候主意某些群体带来麻烦

    Other times, bad ideas can cause problems for certain groups of people.


  • 一些条件提高初级群体出现可能性

    A number of conditions enhance the likelihood that primary groups will arise.


  • 我们有责任帮助老年人穷人弱势群体

    It's our responsibility to help such vulnerable groups such as the elderly and the poor.


  • 工匠群体成员增加小型工艺组织形成了

    When a group of craftsmen expands to include more members, a small craft organization is formed.


  • 没有他们那些经济上落后的群体仍然可以生存。

    Groups with pimitive economics still manage without them.


  • 一些同一亲本群体进化而来的群体在繁殖不再相容——他们进化成了不同物种

    Some groups that had descended from the same parent population were no longer reproductively compatiblethey had evolved into separate species.


  • 所有调查都发现人们孙辈朋友兄弟姐妹关系群体混淆名字很少混淆这些群体以外的名字。

    All the surveys found that people mixed up names within relationship groups such as grandchildren, friends and siblings but hardly ever crossed these boundaries.


  • 如果处于群体边缘个体由于捕获风险更大而变得更加警惕那么个体通常较小群体必须更加警惕。

    If individuals on the edge of a group are more vigilant because they are at greater risk of being captured, then individuals on average would have to be more vigilant in smaller groups.


  • 表示自己弱势无助群体一边。

    He voiced his solidarity with the weak and defenseless.


  • 文明社会特征关心弱势群体

    The mark of a civilized society is that it looks after its weakest members.


  • 纽约城市大学全美多元化学生群体之一

    City College of New York has one of the most diversified student bodies in the nation.


  • 歌曲一个忠实作家群体撰写的。

    The songs he recorded were written by a small coterie of dedicated writers.


  • 选民们选举代表大众的利益不是狭隘群体利益。

    Voters elected him to represent them, rather than narrow sectional interests.


  • 如果经济不景气穷人遭受最大打击,因为他们弱的群体

    If you have an unhealthy economy, the poor will get hurt worst because they are the weakest.


  • 社会成为一个统一群体成员就必须共同价值观

    If society is to exist as a unity, its members must have shared values.


  • 大学校园种族群体日趋多样化,使人们初步感受到未来社会面临诸多冲突

    As university campuses become increasingly multiethnic, they offer a glimpse of the conflicts society will face tomorrow.


  • 终于融入了她的群体

    I finally fitted in her group.


  • 果一条鱼要在两个群体中选择,加入较大的群体会更安全。

    If a fish has a choice between two groups, it's safer to join the larger one.


  • 人和小孩都热爱这一群体

    Both children and adults love this group.


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