• 老师像皇帝一样坐在高高的讲台的大椅子上身后是黑板

    The master sat throned in his great chair upon a raised platform, with his blackboard behind him.


  • 走下讲台,从每个学生身边走过,对他们说:“再闻一闻,看看空气中是否还有苹果的味道。”

    The teacher stepped off the platform, passed by each of the students and said, "Smell again to see if the smell of the apple is still in the air."


  • 感到纳闷,只见老师登上了讲台,对我们:“孩子们最后你们上课。”

    While I was wondering at this, our schoolmaster took his place. "Children," he said, "this is the last time that I shall give you a lesson."


  • 一位严厉幽默老师,她每天崭新书本,迈着轻盈的脚步满面春风的走向讲台

    She eis a tough and humor, good teacher, she holds new books every day, with lightsome pace, all smiles to the podium.


  • 面对讲台黑板时光长河里老师一个个45分钟辛劳汗水智慧编织无数耀眼的光环!

    Face back on the blackboard, platform in the long river, the teacher is time you put a 45 minutes, with sweat and toil wisdom into innumerable dazzling aura weave!


  • 老师看见两鬓白发勾起儿时的记忆讲台挥洒青春,你不但传授知识使我懂得人生感谢您!

    Teacher: see your temples of white hair, recall my childhood memories, three feet platform, you lose youth, you not only teach me knowledge, more life has taught me, thank you!


  • 回到讲台后,老师扫视了全班同学,最后目光停留那个女生课桌上

    Back at the podium, the teacher looked over under the class, finally will stop looking at that girl on the desk.


  • 上课时一直注视老师认真每一个问题仔细观察讲台什么内容。

    Class, I have been watching the way the teacher, listened carefully to each of these issues, she said, carefully watching her on the podium write what it is.


  • 老师知道吗,您讲台形象好伟大迷人希望永远青春永驻光芒四射桃李满天下

    Teacher, you know, you better image on the platform of the great, good charming, hope you forever youthful, radiant, has pupils everywhere!


  • 讲台书桌旁寒来暑往,春夏秋冬,撒下心血点点辛苦了,老师教师节快乐

    Podium, desk, changing seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and little effort. Hard, my teacher. Happy teachers' day!


  • 老师讲台看看孩子们的画。

    Teachers from the rostrum, to see the children paintings.


  • 老师气劲存在班级里讲台,在听众一切都是深爱的。

    A teacher's strength exists in class, on the stage, and among the audience, which are all his beloved.


  • 但是,在老师演讲时候别无选择,只能慢慢地讲台移去。

    But when the teacher asked me to give my presentation, I had no choice. I moved slowly towards the platform.


  • 今天老师前面讲台坚定地说: :“明天节日希望每个人都快乐的节日,了,现在我们起一件好事!”

    Today, , the teacher walked front of the podium, said firmly: "Tomorrow on the holiday, I hope everyone had a happy holiday, good, now we pick up a good thing to go! ""


  • 抛开课本老师讲台喋喋不休的话漫长假期声你好来了

    Despite the textbook, the teacher, the platform words with my talkative of the long holiday to say "hello, I'm coming".


  • 老师句话,没有大道理,也没有空洞说教,可就是这句实实在在的话,伴度过大学几年美好的时光,终于支持走上了讲台

    Teacher Of this, no principles and no empty preaching, this is real, with the University a few years I have spent a good time, and finally I took to the podium to support.


  • 讲台老师发下一张张考卷心惊胆战地着手中的考卷,小心翼翼地拿起笔向眼前的难关挑战。

    The teacher on the platform handed out test papers to us one after another. I held the paper with fear but also great care.


  • 老师有一个心愿,我也希望将来走上平凡讲台成为的同行,延续您那崇高的事业。

    My dear teacher, my amBition is to step onto the ordinary platform in the future, and Become a teacher, too, in order to continue your lofty Muse.


  • 使大家惊讶的是,老师什么也没好像没有听见男孩的话,他径直走向讲台开始上课

    To their surprise, the teacher didn't look anyone and said nothing. It seemed that he didn't hear the boy's words. He just went up to the teacher's desk and began the class.


  • 老师讲台逐个名字学生讲台认真地念到自己名字浪费课堂时间课堂精力

    Teacher on the podium one by one to read the names of students at the podium, such as under the carefully read his name, this waste of classroom time and energy to the classroom.


  • 第一走上讲台面试如果错误,希望各位老师见谅批评指正

    This is the first time that I stand on the platform for an interview, in case there should be some mistakes, please excuse me and advise for correction.


  • 升初中读初一时,我们老师要我们站讲台上做一个简单自我介绍

    When I was in grade one here in this school, my teacher told everyone in the class to give a brief introduction in front of the classroom.


  • 早晨老师走进教室,发现在讲台地板小便

    Teacher walked into class one morning and there was a puddle of pee on the floor beside her desk.


  • 早晨老师走进教室,发现在讲台地板小便

    Teacher walked into class one morning and there was a puddle of pee on the floor beside her desk.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定