• 要求开发者公开源代码而且很有可能永远都不公开。

    This would not require the developer to release source code, and presumably most will never do so.


  • 马龙当时简直怪兽而且很有可能被现在球迷低估了。

    Malone was a monster back in the day and might even be underrated by this community.


  • 第一而且很有可能重要一点就是足够的容纳能力

    The first, and possibly the most important, is that there is sufficient capacity available. For this reason MRP is sometimes called infinite capacity scheduling.


  • 然而HEN并不支持ISO而且有可能它永远都不会支持。

    HEN doesn't support ISO's and most likely never will.


  • 如果你过的幸福我会内疚担心而且很有可能这样

    If not happy, I will feel guilt and worried. But in high probability it will be like this.


  • 让人震惊的是玛雅金属工具而且可能车轮

    Astonishingly, the Mayans had no metal tools and it is possible that they did not even have the wheel.


  • 大多数迹象表明,印度前景片光明而且可能成为超级大国。

    Most signs point to a bright future and to the possibility that India could well become a superpower.


  • 而且很有可能广州启航,当时广州是海上丝绸之港口最大的港口。

    It probably set sail from Guangzhou, the largest of the ports linked by the Maritime Silk Route.


  • 警察认为他们是想这个国家制造混乱而且很有可能武装活动牵连。

    Police: I think they want to create anarchy in the country, and probably connected with the militancy.


  • 每天文档报告图片其它文件打交道而且可能还为数不少

    You work with documents, presentations, graphics, and other files all dayand chances are, you have a lot of them.


  • 几乎可以肯定的是,未来十年股票的收益超过现金,而且很有可能大幅超越。

    Equities will almost certainly outperform cash over the next decade, probably by a substantial degree.


  • 只巨型龙虾可能水族馆度过它的下半生,而且很有可能问鼎“英国最”。

    This Giant Pink Spiny lobster looks set to live out his retirement in an aquarium - and perhaps score a place in the record books.


  • 它们午睡时间19 - 20个小时。狮子的栖息地已经变小而且很有可能小。

    With 19-20 hours of nap time. The habitat of lions has shriveled, and threatens to shrivel more.


  • 周六中国毫无争议获得男子跳台跳水乒乓球男单冠军而且有可能至少获得枚拳击金牌

    China is all but certain to win in men's platform diving and men's table tennis Saturday and is quite capable of winning at least one boxing gold.


  • 希望Apple计算机能实现类似功能而且有可能Windows7上市时间

    I also expect Apple to have a similar feature on its computers, and quite possibly ahead of Windows 7 final ship date.


  • 计划花费现金可能准备而且很有可能永远也不会准备好——这就是评估人员需要试图预测一个因素。

    Some of the cash you're planning to spend may not yet be readily available; and, indeed, may never materialize — factors an estimator will try to predict.


  • 我们不能忽视在不远将来电子书纸质版书籍相互竞争而且很有可能部分读者而言不仅仅用来阅读

    There's no ignoring the fact that the e-book will, not too far from now, compete with the paperback; and the likelihood is that some readers won't just use them to read.


  • 如果雅思阅读句子只读一个单词那么你阅读速度就会而且有可能到的大部分内容产生误解

    If you read IELTS each word in a sentence once at a time, you will read very slowly and most likely misunderstand the meaning of much of what you read.


  • 如果赴约面试时安排准时到达,那么你会立即留下一个时间观念印象,而且很有可能得不到工作的一席之地

    If you are not organized enough to turn up on time for an interview, you immediately give the impression of poor time keeping, and are not likely to be offered a place of employment.


  • 5564年龄段所占的比率已经1995年的10.5%上升到2005的13.3%,而且有可能在2015年超过16%。

    The share of people aged between 55 and 64 has risen from 10.5% in 1995 to 13.3% in 2005 and is likely to reach over 16% by 2015.


  • 进入银行业认为学会交易简单事情,所以无论是什么样的背景,你都可以迅速改头换面成为一个体面的银行家而且很有可能你会做

    Many of them join the industry thinking that it's so simple to learn the trade so from whatever background you soon could be a banker and be big.


  • 如果是个IT老手这些所说估计你大部分遇到过而且可能自己的心得—当然,非常欢迎你花秒钟的时间所知道的其它小秘密添加本文的讨论中。

    If you are an IT veteran, you've probably encountered most of these issues and have a few of your own to add - and please, by all means, take a moment to add them to the discussion.


  • 很有可能这些数据不再可读了,而且需要读取这些媒体设备已经垃圾箱久了

    Chances are that the data is no longer readable and the device where you need to read the media has long been tossed into the trash bin.


  • 有可能平时频繁而且看一眼的时间会比平时一点

    Chances are that he looks at you more often than is usual with glances a little longer than the normal.


  • 有可能认为这会花上你实际时间还长,而且随着最后期限的临近,你最终会茫然地盯着几页纸

    Most likely, you will believe that this will take more time than you actually have and you will end up staring blankly at the pages as the deadline draws near.


  • 不管怎样如果个人不用心学的话外教可能看成一种“娱乐而且并不严肃的对待它。

    However, if one is not careful, there is a danger that the foreign teachers' classes can be seen as 'entertainment' and not treated seriously.


  • 因为他们可能成为到达现场第一救助者,而且他们必须了解采取了哪些行动.

    These are likely the first type assistance to arrive on the scene, and they'll need to know what actions you've taken.


  • 但是,更为主要原因新的研究表明超过人们预期的地震有可能加州发生,而且之前人们认为破坏力要大。

    But the main reason is new research suggesting that a huge quake in California is probably more overdue, and will be more devastating, than previously thought.


  • 房子其实想象漂亮虽然他们可能不够宽敞足够温馨,而且很有感觉

    Your house is set up pretty much how you want it - there might not be loads of space, but it feels like home.


  • Google 2008年的本18.而且虽然 Google 的盈利增长但是却可能连续几年一直保持增长.

    Google’s 2008 P/E is now 18. And while Google’s profits are growing much more slowly, they are likely to be growing for years.


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