Chain.NET (or NChain) is a generic implementation of Chain Of Responsibility design pattern for .NET and Mono platforms.
Chains of responsibility, authority, and communication that empower people within an organizational structure (static or structural component of governance).
Establishes chains of responsibility, authority, and communication (decision rights).
Establishing chains of responsibility, authority, and communication (decision rights).
America's Certified Cargo Screening Programme makes shippers, forwarders and manufacturers take responsibility for their part of the supply chain.
IT represents an IT environment that is simple and compelling, meeting the unique needs of each different role in the product's value chain.
Owning expert plant dye factory, textile mill as well as other cooperating- companies, Ning Hao has become one industry chain with well-defined duties and responsibilities as well as quick reflection.
大卫·刘是这座城市的议员,他的职责范围也包括这座公园。 他说在公园里保留一个在食物链顶端的食肉动物也是大有裨益的。
There are benefits to having an apex predator in Griffith Park, said David Ryu, the city councilman whose district includes the park.
大卫·刘是这座城市的议员,他的职责范围也包括这座公园。 他说在公园里保留一个在食物链顶端的食肉动物也是大有裨益的。
There are benefits to having an apex predator in Griffith Park, said David Ryu, the city councilman whose district includes the park.