• 对她表示了感谢,虽然没有期待什么,但还是告诉她,我们有时会沿着这条小路遛狗,如果她发现什么可以联系我们

    I thanked her, expecting nothing, but still told her that we sometimes walked our dog along the path if she might find something.


  • 一个关系如何影响我们例子就是,与我们关系的人联系我们告知他们认为可能适合我们工作细节

    An example of how the connection can influence us is when our weak-ties get in touch and pass on details about jobs they think might be suitable for us.


  • 遇到关于数据库如何使用数据库的问题联系我们

    Please contact us if you have any questions about the dataset and how to use it.


  • 如果对于世行隐私权政策还有什么问题或者关切联系我们

    If you have any questions or concerns about the World Bank Privacy Policy, please contact us.


  • 那些真正需要帮助留下真诚反馈读者往往是通过“联系我们来留言

    Those readers who truly need help or have genuine feedback usually send me a message through the contact form (feel free to do the same.)


  • 但是我们保证只要测试版放出来联系我们所以我们可以邀请人们测试

    But we were assured we would be contacted once the beta began so that we can invite people to help test it.


  • 遇到关于数据库如何使用数据库的问题联系我们尝试浏览我们论坛发帖。

    Please contact us if you have any questions about the dataset and how to use it. You can also try browsing and posting on our forum.


  • 它们之中的百分之九十九都会联系我们以确保我们同意他们一点改动

    Ninety-nine percent have come to speak to us. In every case they have made changes to ensure compliance.


  • 有些关系相对较要说没有任何人通过网站联系我们的,我们没有任何广告

    Some of the relationships are relatively new, but still, my point is that no one contacted us through a web site and we haven’t done any advertising.


  • 最爱的主题是不是不一样呢?您觉得我们应该推荐您正在使用的主题吗?通过常用方式联系我们

    Got a different favourite? Working on a theme you think we should feature? Let us know via the usual methods.


  • 可以在IRC联系我们#twinfra (irc.freenode.net)频道,或者加入这个邮件列表

    Talk to us on IRC, in #twinfra (irc.freenode.net), or join the mailing list


  • 就像一位朋友最近潜在完全互联生活发表的评论一样,通过加入更加紧密联系我们可以增加换位思考价值同时减少隔阂

    As one friend commented recently on the full potential of connected lives, by being joined more closely together, we can increase empathy and meaning, while decreasing isolation.


  • 促使参与社会媒体之中,主动联系我们客人一做法已经通过亚航FacebookFanPage得到了证明。

    This has prompted AirAsia to engage in social media to connect with our guests, and the response has proven to be encouraging through AirAsia's Facebook Fan page.


  • 谢谢我们介绍你们产品我们保持联系

    Thanks for showing us your productswe'll be in touch.


  • 我们采取联系各家报社非常规做法劝阻他们不要承接则广告

    We took the unusual step of contacting newspapers to advise them not to accept the advertising.


  • 我们试图建立这些团体金融机构间的联系

    We're trying to establish linkages between these groups and financial institutions.


  • 我们作用确保学校家长联系

    Our role is to ensure liaison between schools and parents.


  • 它们纯粹是想象出来的,认为它们揭示了大量关于文化的信息以及民间故事文化之间联系我们稍后会谈到。

    They are purely imaginative and so quite revealing, I think anyway, about the culture and the connection between folk tales and culture, which we'll talk about.


  • 为了方便我们联系最好留着卡片

    To make it easier to get in touch with us, you'd better keep this card at hand.


  • 也许重要的是,教育我们看到事物之间联系以及看到我们迫切需求之外的东西。

    More important, perhaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs.


  • 我们大多数某种程度自己联系所以我们只是不能认识深刻真理

    Most of us are in touch with ourselves in a way, so we just aren't capable of recognizing profound truth.


  • 在上我们失去土地联系,而现在我们失去了与我们赖以生存机器的联系

    In an earlier generation, we lost our connection to the land, and now we are losing our connection to the machinery we depend on.


  • 工具性联系我们为了实现某种目标他人合作形成社会联系

    Instrumental ties are social links formed when we cooperate with other people to achieve some goal.


  • 知识我们的知识联系起来我们容易记住新知识。

    Connecting new knowledge to what we have learnt can help us remember new knowledge more easily.


  • 足以建立一种联系而且这种联系可能我们想象的更加有益

    That's enough to make a connection, and this connection can turn out to be more beneficial than we might suspect.


  • 旅行相比这种社会实践我们联系在一起,我们了解到我们父母多么的坚强

    Compared to traveling, such social practice connects us and makes us learn how tough our parents are.


  • 许多研究已经注意快乐心境健康身体之间联系——我们快乐结果似乎就越好的健康状态。

    Many studies have noted the connection between a happy mind and a healthy body—the happier we are, the better health outcomes we seem to have.


  • 为了这些物理量我们不是理解这个联系起来,我们必须斜率有一定的了解。

    In order to relate turning these physical knobs to this quantity, which we don't have a very good feel for, we've got to have a feel for the slopes.


  • 为了这些物理量我们不是理解这个联系起来,我们必须斜率有一定的了解。

    In order to relate turning these physical knobs to this quantity, which we don't have a very good feel for, we've got to have a feel for the slopes.


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