I thanked her, expecting nothing, but still told her that we sometimes walked our dog along the path if she might find something.
An example of how the connection can influence us is when our weak-ties get in touch and pass on details about jobs they think might be suitable for us.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the dataset and how to use it.
If you have any questions or concerns about the World Bank Privacy Policy, please contact us.
Those readers who truly need help or have genuine feedback usually send me a message through the contact form (feel free to do the same.)
But we were assured we would be contacted once the beta began so that we can invite people to help test it.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the dataset and how to use it. You can also try browsing and posting on our forum.
Ninety-nine percent have come to speak to us. In every case they have made changes to ensure compliance.
Some of the relationships are relatively new, but still, my point is that no one contacted us through a web site and we haven’t done any advertising.
Got a different favourite? Working on a theme you think we should feature? Let us know via the usual methods.
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As one friend commented recently on the full potential of connected lives, by being joined more closely together, we can increase empathy and meaning, while decreasing isolation.
This has prompted AirAsia to engage in social media to connect with our guests, and the response has proven to be encouraging through AirAsia's Facebook Fan page.
We took the unusual step of contacting newspapers to advise them not to accept the advertising.
We're trying to establish linkages between these groups and financial institutions.
They are purely imaginative and so quite revealing, I think anyway, about the culture and the connection between folk tales and culture, which we'll talk about.
To make it easier to get in touch with us, you'd better keep this card at hand.
More important, perhaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs.
Most of us are in touch with ourselves in a way, so we just aren't capable of recognizing profound truth.
In an earlier generation, we lost our connection to the land, and now we are losing our connection to the machinery we depend on.
Instrumental ties are social links formed when we cooperate with other people to achieve some goal.
Connecting new knowledge to what we have learnt can help us remember new knowledge more easily.
That's enough to make a connection, and this connection can turn out to be more beneficial than we might suspect.
Compared to traveling, such social practice connects us and makes us learn how tough our parents are.
Many studies have noted the connection between a happy mind and a healthy body—the happier we are, the better health outcomes we seem to have.
In order to relate turning these physical knobs to this quantity, which we don't have a very good feel for, we've got to have a feel for the slopes.
In order to relate turning these physical knobs to this quantity, which we don't have a very good feel for, we've got to have a feel for the slopes.