• 这些项目将会成为公司大学之间至关重要的联系纽带

    These projects will provide vital links between companies and universities.


  • 旅游提供访问者东道社区之间联系纽带促进对话和互动。

    Tourism offers a wonderful connecting thread between visitor and host community. It promotes dialogue and interaction.


  • 价值流概念如图1 中所示,即价值链供应链之间的联系纽带

    The value stream concept is illustrated in Figure 1 as the linkage between your value chain and your supply chain.


  • 但是关键的回归莫过于斯科特看起来才是那些天才们联系纽带

    But the key returnee is likely to be Byron Scott, who seems to have a genuine connection to his point god.


  • 祈祷各信仰之间建起了足够灵活联系纽带,以期将各个不同教派凝聚在一起。

    The Prayer Book has provided a flexible enough nexus of beliefs to hold together the different church parties.


  • 光照现实打破权力权威之间联系纽带击穿基于权力和权威的等级制度

    Where Light enters a reality, it breaks the bonds of mere power and authority and it breaks down the hierarchies based on it.


  • 北京每年摄影季期间来自国内外摄影家公众之间搭建起难以估量联系纽带

    In Beijing, the annual photography quarter will come from domestic and foreign photographers and the public erected between the immeasurable bond.


  • 模式中,数据仓库集中存储主要应用子系统公用数据,各应用子系统联系纽带

    In the said mode, the data storage is mainly used to store the public data of the main application subsystems, and is also the key link o...


  • 社会体育指导员培养就职市场缺少必要联系纽带难以在培养和需求二者间形成良性互动

    It lacks a necessary link between the training institutions and employment market to social sports instructors, which is hard to form a positive interaction between them.


  • 通过车辆碰撞运动参数作为两个过程仿真再现的联系纽带大客车碰撞事故进行全面分析

    Through connecting the two collision processes with vehicle impact kinematical parameters, comprehensive analysis of whole bus collision accident can be achieved.


  • 生命源泉,是万物生长基础人类对水与生俱来的亲近之;水也是人类与自然联系纽带

    Water is the source of life, growth is the basis of all living things, human beings are born with the water close to the sense of water for human and nature of the link.


  • 要求中国拥有一个成熟金融体系,而这个体系要基于储蓄投资者间有一套更综合联系纽带的基础之上。

    That will require a more sophisticated financial system, based on a more complex set of links between savers and investors.


  • 嘉定青年中心位于嘉定新城核心处,是紫气东来公园远香之间联系纽带,更是城市中心公共空间系统中的重要节点

    Situatedin the center of New Town, Jiading Youth Centre ambitions to connect Ziqidonglai Park and Yuanxiang Lake, thus becoming an significant node of public space of this district.


  • 但是,在广义文化概念中,不仅包括科学知识而且包括作为历史沉积物历史联系纽带存在人们日常生活之中文化。

    However, a broader sense culture concept include not only the knowledge of science, buy also the culture of historic inheritance and historic belt that existed in People's Daily lives.


  • 西风带作为北大西洋气候东亚季风气候之间联系纽带,对东亚季风气候和西风带气候具有重要影响,西风带一定意义上控制着东亚季风北界

    Westerly wind as a link between the climates of the North Atlantic and East Asian monsoon area, has great effect on the climates of East Asian monsoon area and westerly wind area.


  • 情感纽带一种在我们投入自己感情并且将我们的感情托付他人所形成社会联系

    Expressive ties are social links formed when we emotionally invest ourselves in and commit ourselves to other people.


  • 不仅仅一种标志,更是我们可以追溯到祖先根源,是将我们与同族其他成员联系一起纽带,是大多数希望而活尊严

    Rather than merely a sign, it is the root from which we can trace back to our ancestor, the tie that helps bind us to other members of the same clan, the dignity most people hope to live for.


  • 邓恩认为陌生人伸出援手的感到种强烈归属感,那是一种他人建立联系纽带

    Dunn believes that people who reach out to strangers feel a significantly greater sense of belonging, a bond with others.


  • 是的建立深厚情感联系上,是两国人民文化的情感纽带

    Yes, it is founded on a deep emotional connection, by sentiment and ties of people and culture.


  • 如果入某个修复而没有更新错误报告或者如果存在将修复与特定代码构建版本联系起来的纽带,则团队中的就会中断。

    The flows within the team break down if a fix is checked-in without updating the bug report, or if there is no link to connect the fix to a particular code stream and build.


  • 因为弟弟缺少联系可能产生内疚惭愧中解脱自己,我可以选择我要称作家人人,并且他们分享共识,一种纽带

    Freed from any last sliver of shame and guilt I may have felt for the lack of connection with my brother, I can choose the people I call my family, and share with them a common understanding, a bond.


  • 父母之间保持联系并且和孩子们关系亲密,这就加强家庭纽带

    Parents remain connected and intimate with each other and their children, strengthening the family bonds.


  • 他们联系在一起战后历史以及大臣官员军人学生之间一系列制度化纽带而结成的网络

    They are linked by post-war history and a mesh of institutional bonds between ministers, officials, soldiers and students.


  • 但是连接我们远远只是商务纽带过去30年中,我们两国人民经由教育工作旅游等方面的接触越来越紧密地联系在一起。

    But we're bound my much more than commerce. Over the last three decades, our people have become increasingly linked through education, through work and through travel.


  • 语言知识以及对于几个他自己一样亲戚联系唯一纽带。而国家现在那个土地面包保护重要地位的国家。

    The knowledge of the language, the love of a few kindred as poor as himself, were the only cords that tied him: his country is now that which gives him land, bread, protection, and consequence.


  • 这个闭合作用域闭包调用函数定义代码联系起来的纽带

    This closed scope is the communication that ties the closure to the calling function and the code that defines it.


  • 这些武器军事作用虽微乎其微它们一条象征性纽带,将美国核武库欧洲防御联系在一起。

    The weapons are of little military use, but they are still the symbolic link that couples America's nuclear Arsenal to the defence of Europe.


  • 这些武器军事作用虽微乎其微它们一条象征性纽带,将美国核武库欧洲防御联系在一起。

    The weapons are of little military use, but they are still the symbolic link that couples America's nuclear Arsenal to the defence of Europe.


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