Picture your gut chakra opening in a slow-motion explosion of sausage-casing small intestine.
肠子- 7.5磅(大肠4磅,小肠3.5磅)。
Intestines - 7.5 pounds (4 pounds for the large intestine, 3.5 pounds for the small).
OK – so most of us are well aware that our gut is part of of our digestive system.
And they carry out various biochemical processes in your intestine and they help you digest food.
After all this, the Lord afflicted Jehoram with an incurable disease of the bowels.
And after all this the LORD smote him in his bowels with an incurable disease.
FIFTY years ago a soldier injured on the battlefield would be sewn up by medics using sheep's gut.
Reading 'Guts' takes a full head of steam. You don't get many moments to look up from the page.
Today, the most commonly transplanted organs are the kidneys, liver, heart, lungs, pancreas, and intestines.
That's why I wrote 'Guts'. Just a three-act short story based on true-life anecdotes.
The tiny animal, nicknamed Frodo, received a fracturedskull, and gun pellets were found scattered throughout her body, damaging herintestines.
Why do we then choose to stop just short of giving our gut the full credit it deserves?
田鼠冲洗干净 从肚子切开清理掉所有的肠子 但是肝和心脏都被留在肚子里.
The rat is then washed in water and a cut is made along its belly to remove all the intestines. The liver and the heart are kept inside the body.
By squatting, they say, we can achieve "complete evacuation" of the colon, ridding our bowels of disease-causing toxins.
But there's no reason to think that getting into a squat will make defecation more complete, nor that most people are sickened by their colons.
Similarly, if a child is to say, "I hate your guts, mother," it's an unusual mother, "That's wonderful."
The mosquito has a sensory nerve that signals the brain when the midgut is full; otherwise feeding would continue until the bursting point.
You answer "no" simply and without explanation when a woman asks if you're a playboy (and change the subject if she asks again).
Playboy magazine had declined to buy the 'Guts' story, some staffers saying it was too extreme.
"After just two weeks of using African Mango, I lost 22 pounds of fat, including a lot of fat off my gut," says Kennedy.
Inulin helps keep intestinal flora in balance (the good bacteria that live in your intestines to stop the bad bacteria from spreading).
Surely you were warned, most likely by your mother: You shouldn't swallow gum, because it stays in your digestive system for seven years.
I mean, boiled leech guts is also unlike any coffee I've ever tasted, that doesn't mean I want to drink it. How about.
Before my entire ravaged colon was removed, my doctors let me peer through the scope and take a look at it as it died.
On the promotion tour for my novel Diary, I read 'Guts' for the first time in public.
Of the 71 patients, 41 were told they could have surgery to repair their bowels, while the rest were told that there was nothing more they could do.
Of the 71 patients, 41 were told they could have surgery to repair their bowels, while the rest were told that there was nothing more they could do.