• 了收购股权基金我们行业已经结束了

    The days of high acquisition multiple by equity funds in our industry are over.


  • 随着资金令人晕眩的比例私人股权基金想要打消从业者们兴趣已经很难了。

    WITH money pouring into private equity at a dizzying rate, it is hard to wipe the smiles off the faces of its practitioners.


  • 大约三分之一对冲基金持有苹果的股票,其中包括著名的SAC股权基金绿光基金

    Around a third of all hedge funds own it, including big names like SAC Capital and Greenlight.


  • 报道美国司法部(DoJ)已经着手调查私人股权基金竞标人之间可能存在的非法串标问题。

    News reports said that America's Department of Justice (DoJ) had launched an inquiry into possible collusion among bidders in private-equity deals.


  • 诸如到底什么私募股权基金,什么是投行之类的问题,晚餐午餐的时候,坐在身边完全陌生作出了回答。

    Questions like what exactly is private equity or investment banking have been answered by complete strangers who sat next to me at dinner or lunch.


  • 金融市场面临的影响是最大的,尤其是对于通过交易所而直接售给顾客的金融衍生品、流水套期保值私募股权基金

    The most dramatic effects will probably be felt on capital-markets activities, especially in over-the-counter derivatives and in running hedge and private equity funds.


  • 其中有限合伙制作为私募股权基金组织形式最为流行美国80%以上的私募股权基金采取了这种组织形式

    Limited partnership in which private equity funds for the production of the most popular forms of organization, the United States more than 80%of private equity funds have been taken this form.


  • 不过遵守一般公认会计原则GAAP),KKR认为必须大多数基金并表(包括所有私募股权基金)。

    To comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), however, KKR believes that it must consolidate the majority of its funds (including all of its private equity funds).


  • 包装企业表示答复澳大利亚市场可能已经猜测Amcor公司正在考虑提高部分股权基金收购可能

    The packaging business said in its reply to the ASX that the market may have been speculating that Amcor is considering an equity raising to partially fund the possible acquisition.


  • 正如集团交易使私募股权基金购买力大大增强,集中资源意味着更大目标也能被拿下(当信用变得昂贵时是没有便宜的交易的)。

    Like the club deals that propelled private equity up the buying ladder, pooling resources means that bigger targets can come into play (no small consideration when credit has become more expensive).


  • 他们因为反对而退出,但是现在,即便这种冲突依然存在投资银行还是回到这一领域,”一家私人股权基金公司执行官

    They retreated because of conflicts, and they are returning despite those conflicts still being present,” says an executive at one private-equity firm.


  • 他们因为反对而退出,但是现在,即便这种冲突依然存在投资银行还是回到这一领域,”一家私人股权基金公司执行官

    "They retreated because of conflicts, and they are returning despite those conflicts still being present," says an executive at one private-equity firm.


  • 截至200563010年间,该指数收益率9.9%,而主动管理型股权基金的年平收益率9.6%,我们落后30基点

    For the ten years ended June 30, 2005, it returned 9.9% per year and then the average return for the actively managed equity fund was 9.6% per year, so we're back to that thirty basis points.


  • 一方面过去回报率未来回报指标对于那些十年交替购买股权共同基金的人们而言,这点已经证明是真理了。

    On the one hand, high past returns are an indicator of low future returns: that has certainly proved true for those who bought equity mutual funds at the turn of the decade.


  • 而且该公司一直通过主权财富基金出售少量管理公司股权的方式,为创始人带来流动性

    Moreover, it has been generating founder liquidity by selling off small management companies stakes to sovereign wealth funds.


  • 所以基金公司通过抱怨公司管理表达对于股权过于分散的无奈

    So funds are reluctant "to cheese off management too much" by complaining about corporate governance, says Mr Mukherjea.


  • 另一个涌入另类资产(众所周知对冲基金私募股权)的原因在于他们的收益其他资产的收益无相关性

    Another rationale for the move into alternative assets (as hedge funds and private equity are known) is that returns are uncorrelated with those on other assets.


  • 今年私募股权公司的巨人们对冲基金魔法师们占据了头条,因为大众发现他们巨额收入支付15%联邦(译注:关于这个,可以参考本人翻译的另一篇文章)。

    This year, private-equity titans and hedge-fund wizards got caught in the headlights when it became public that they were paying just 15 percent in federal tax on their gargantuan payouts.


  • 其中一共是17股权共同基金,将它们的货币加权回报率,时间加权回报率进行比较

    There were seventeen categories of equity mutual funds and they compared the dollar-weighted to the time-weighted returns.


  • 某私企老板George Kappaz最近委托clearspire一项复杂的业务(的一家基金公司Astrata构建股权)。

    George Kappaz is a private-equity boss who recently gave a complex job to Clearspire (structuring an equity package for Astrata, one his fund's firms).


  • 社会学家William Domhoff表示,99%榨油38%企业股权,40%的金融债券,62%的股票基金

    Sociologist William Domhoff reports that the 99 percent hold just 38 percent of equity in businesses, 40 percent of financial securities, and 62 percent of stocks and mutual funds.


  • 持有阿斯顿·马丁(译注:astonMartin英国豪华轿车、跑车生产厂,建于1913年)半数股权科威特主权财富基金承认正在努力清理自己债务人们愈发担心这家英国老牌豪华汽车公司的未来

    Fears for the future of Britain's Aston Martin car brand were heightened after the Kuwaiti sovereign wealth fund that owns half of the luxury carmaker admitted it was struggling to refinance its debt.


  • “影子银行业系统”一种私募股权对冲基金货币市场基金以及拍卖利率证券外加诸如通用电气资本等非银行机构债务抵押证券、信用违约掉期等新型证券所组成的网络

    This is a nexus of private-equity and hedge funds, money-market funds and auction-rate securities, non-banks such as GE Capital and new securities such as CDOs and credit-default swaps.


  • Yandex主要内部股东包括俄罗斯私募股权公司BaringVostok (IPO前持股24.17%)美国对冲基金TigerGlobal(持股2.76%)。

    Major inside shareholders include Russian private equity firm Baring Vostok (24.17% pre-IPO stake) and U.S. hedge fund Tiger Global (2.76%).


  • 过去30年中我们见证金融服务业(比如资产管理套保基金并购基金私募股权风险投资)GNP中的比率不断增长

    We have witnessed financial services (think asset management, hedge funds, buyout funds, private equity, and venture capital) grow as a percentage of GNP for the past thirty years.


  • 过去30年中我们见证金融服务业(比如资产管理套保基金并购基金私募股权风险投资)GNP中的比率不断增长

    We have witnessed financial services (think asset management, hedge funds, buyout funds, private equity, and venture capital) grow as a percentage of GNP for the past thirty years.


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