• 公司有一种惯常做法叫做股票分割”。

    Companies routinely do what are called "splits."


  • 股票红利股票分割应用红利政策中的必要组成

    An integral part of dividend policy is the use of stock dividends and stock splits.


  • 如果公司通过股票分割增加总股数,不是薄,因为没有发生实质性变化。

    If the company increases the number of shares through a split that is not dilution because it doesn't really mean anything.


  • 送十股票分割使每股面值减少一半但是将不改变任何账户的余额。

    A 2-for-1 stock split will reduce the par value per share by one-half, but it will not change the dollar balance of any account.


  • 股票分割改变任何分类账账户余额因此普通日记账通过一个备忘分录记录业务

    A stock split does not change the balance of any ledger account; consequently, the transaction may be recorded merely by a memorandum entry in the general journal.


  • 比例股票股利一样股票分割目的大量降低普通股市价使投资者购买更多股票

    As with a large stock dividend, the purpose of a stock split is to reduce substantially the market price of the common stock, with the intent of making the stock more affordable to investors.


  • 沃伦·巴菲特没有对,伯克希尔·哈撒韦股票分割其他一些公司谷歌也是不做分割的,对吧。

    Warren Buffett doesn't do splits with his Berkshire Hathaway and there are other companies that — I guess Google doesn't do splits, isn't that right?


  • 现在,该公司提出了对该季度业绩三对股票分割使每个脸书股东已经持有单独份额上获得两个额外的,无投票权股份

    Now, the company has proposed a three-to-one stock split in its quarterly results, which would give each Facebook shareholder two additional, non-voting shares for each single share they already hold.


  • 本文针对中国股票市场1992- 1997年度AB市场分割问题进行研究讨论了B股大幅度折价原因

    This paper studies the issue of market segmentation of a shares and B shares in the Chinese stock market during the years of 1992-1997, and discusses the reasons for the deep discount of B shares.


  • 由于体制制度设计原因股票市场分割现象十分严重。

    But stock market segmentation has been severe due to systematical and institutional factors.


  • 一个公司可以通过分割股票增加发行在外普通股股数,比例降低面价值设定价值

    A corporation may split its stock by increasing the number of outstanding shares of common stock and reducing the par or stated value per share in proportion.


  • 第三部分B市场国有股流通问题我国股票市场分割问题进行阐述

    The third part concerns the elaboration of market segmentation of our stock market, which included the question of B stock market and the circulation of state owned stock.


  • 目前公证处开办股票有关的公证主要涉及股票继承分割赠与以及股票权益有关的委托合伙等

    At present, the notary office deals with the stock-related notarization mainly related to stock inheritance, segmentation, gift and entrustment and partnership related to stock equity.


  • 软件设计用于初学者以及尝试通过提供简单输入表格一个简洁分割四个部分界面进行股票行情简单管理

    The software is designed for beginners as well as try to enter through the provision of simple forms and a simple split into four parts of the interface for simple management of the stock market.


  • 因而,探讨股票市场分割我国公司治理影响,研究如何消除我国股票市场的这种分割状况,使我国上市公司的治理更为有效是非常有必要的。

    To enhance the management of the listed companies, it's necessary to study the impact brought by market segmentation and work out a way to put an end to it.


  • 投资者不必要求银行购买大宗股票随后拆,而是可以利用算法交易软件将卖单分割成小部分,然后通过公开市场发售

    Instead of asking a bank to buy a large block of shares and then split it up, an investor can use algorithmic trading software to fragment its order and distribute it through public markets.


  • 投资者不必要求银行购买大宗股票随后拆,而是可以利用算法交易软件将卖单分割成小部分,然后通过公开市场发售

    Instead of asking a bank to buy a large block of shares and then split it up, an investor can use algorithmic trading software to fragment its order and distribute it through public markets.


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