• 结论:间变性星形细胞肥胖细胞性星形细胞瘤更具恶性复发。

    Conclusion The result suggest that anaplastic astrocytoma and gemistocytic astrocytoma are more malignant and more recurrent.


  • 回顾比较-单独使用短效乙型作用剂,与合并使用短效乙型作用剂和肥胖细胞稳定效果。

    The review also compares the effects between a short acting beta-agonist alone to a combination of a short acting beta-agonist + mast cell stabiliser.


  • 肥胖细胞稳定可以有效减少运动诱发的支气管收缩,但是,与支气管扩张剂相比效果如何? 目前不清楚。

    Mast cell stabilizing agents are effective in attenuating exercise-induced bronchoconstriction but their effectiveness compared to bronchodilator agents is unclear.


  • 红酒木瓜靓汤细胞吸收营养同时清除细胞里多余脂肪,填瘦小细胞缩小肥胖细胞因此,会产生大了、瘦了”的效果

    Red papaya soup to cells to absorb nutrients in the same time will remove excess fat cells, large thin cells filled, reduce fat cells, therefore, will have a "big chest, thin waist" effect.


  • 这种LINCs(RNA)将蛋白质运输一个关键基因帮助细胞控制管理诸如免疫反应肿瘤生长肥胖细胞细胞生成事务

    The molecule delivers proteins to a crucial cluster of genes and helps regulate immune response, cancer growth, and fat and stem-cell production, among other things.


  • 如果我们更好了解脂肪细胞分化生长积累原因,我们就可以更好地治疗肥胖引起并发症

    If we better understand the origin of fat cell differentiation, growth, and accumulation, we can better treat obesity and its constellation of complications.


  • 肥胖超重大的可能形成胰岛素抵抗这种情况下细胞不再胰岛素反应,不再吸收葡萄糖

    Obese and overweight people, are more likely to develop insulin resistance, a condition in which the cells no longer respond to the hormone and absorb glucose.


  • 灰色脂肪种人类抵御肥胖一种天然保护,”哈佛医学院细胞生物学家Bruce Spiegelman也是周四发表Nature上文章的作者之一。

    Brown fat is one of the body’s natural defenses against obesity, ” said cell biologist Bruce Spiegelman of Harvard Medical School, who co-authored the paper published Wednesday in Nature.


  • 骨盆转移性癌细胞沉积物表明身材肥胖满口木乃伊遭受癌症的折磨。

    Obese, plagued with decayed teeth, the mummy also suffered from cancer, as a metastatic deposit in the pelvic bone revealed.


  • 科学家通过研究揭示了垃圾食品对健康危害:因为热量超标的垃圾食品会破坏大脑控制体重细胞,并且可能引发出现肥胖

    Fatty junk food destroys the brain cells that control weight, leading to a vicious circle of obesity, scientists have revealed.


  • 天普大学科研人员研究分别肥胖的人群取得的脂肪时,他们发现主要差别脂肪细胞行为不同

    When Temple University researchers studied fat taken from obese and lean people, they found major differences in the way fat cells from the two groups behaved.


  • 科学家发现病态肥胖人群动物脂肪细胞组织能够储存达到适度脂肪限度

    Scientists have found that the fat cells and tissues of morbidly obese people and animals can reach a limit in their ability to store fat appropriately.


  • Dr Brünin知道这种阻抗不回应是不是延伸调节胰岛素细胞从而解释何以肥胖症患者常有食欲异常。

    Dr Brüning found himself wondering if such resistance extended to insulin-regulated cells in the brain, and whether that might be an explanation for the inappropriate appetites of the obese.


  • 肥胖小鼠人类脂肪中还含有名为细胞其他种类免疫细胞正常体重的人类和动物中则没有

    Obese mice and people had another class of immune cells called macrophages in their fat while normal weight people and animals did not have them.


  • 研究表明那些胰岛素敏感脑垂体细胞遇到肥胖普遍存在升高胰岛素水平时,不育症增加

    Infertility arises when those insulin-sensitive pituitary cells get flooded with the rising insulin levels that are so common in obesity, the new research shows.


  • 细胞分析显示肥胖脂肪细胞多种蛋白质的过度表达是由于能量脂肪代谢

    The analysis revealed over-expression of several proteins related to energy and fat metabolism in the fat cells from obese people.


  • 我们脂肪细胞作为内分泌器官肥胖健康方面作用的认识正朝着一个新的观念进展。

    Increasingly, our understanding of the adipocyte as an endocrine organ is leading to new insights into obesity and health.


  • 细胞吞噬白色脂肪组织范围肥胖程度相关的。

    The extent of macrophage accumulation in WAT correlated with the degree of adiposity.


  • 因此研究人员们提示说肥胖抵消脂肪细胞产生的额外雌激素所引起的保护作用。

    So obesity, the researchers suggest, cancels out the extra protection afforded by extra estrogen production by fat cells.


  • 目的探讨肥胖大鼠骨骼肌细胞葡萄糖转运因子4(GLUT-4)转位变化

    Objective: To investigate the changes in the translocations in the skeletal muscle cell glucose transporter-4 (GLUT-4) in Wistar rats with obesity.


  • 本文简要综述了脂肪细胞因子生物学特性,以及其肥胖癌症关系

    The biological character of adipokines and the relationships between adipokines and obesity and cancers are briefly reviewed.


  • 肥胖肝癌细胞介素- 6,信号转导蛋白转录激活3关键作用吗?

    Obesity and liver cancer: a key role for interleukin-6 and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3?


  • “牠们的脂肪细胞较大可能使牠们容易肥胖并且可能使得更难以为牠们减肥,”约尔

    "Their fat cells were larger, which might make them more prone to obesity and might make it harder for them to lose weight," Bayol says.


  • 这项发表细胞杂志上的发现,或许有助于解释为什么肥胖导致这么不同疾病可能会提供预防肥胖本身的方法。

    The finding, reported in the journal Cell, could help explain why obesity causes so many different diseases. It might also offer a way to prevent obesity itself.


  • 研究主要作者卡塔琳博士补充说:“瘦素脂肪细胞产生用来调节食欲的,肥胖患者身体抵抗这种减少食欲的作用。”

    Dr Katarina Kos, lead author of the research, added: "Leptin is produced in fat cells to regulate appetite, but the body becomes resistant to the effects of appetite reduction in obese patients."


  • 雷斯博士同事现在正进一步深化研究,对肥胖父亲与其后代细胞中的表观遗传学模式进行比较。

    Dr. Barres and his colleagues are now expanding on the study by comparing epigenetic patterns in the sperm of obese fathers with the patterns in the blood cells of their offspring.


  • 雷斯博士同事现在正进一步深化研究,对肥胖父亲与其后代细胞中的表观遗传学模式进行比较。

    Dr. Barres and his colleagues are now expanding on the study by comparing epigenetic patterns in the sperm of obese fathers with the patterns in the blood cells of their offspring.


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