• 背书必须书于汇票本身,背书签署

    Article29 an endorsement shall be signed and the date of endorsement specified by the endorser.


  • 背书人依法实现其质权可以行使汇票权利

    The endorsee may exercise the rights on the bill when exercising his right of pledge according to law.


  • 第二十九背书背书签章并记载背书日期

    Article29 an endorsement shall be signed and the date of endorsement specified by the endorser.


  • 背书通过背书而被转让给可转让文件所有权

    One to whom ownership of a negotiable document is transferred by endorsement.


  • 我行在此向汇票出票背书合法持有表示同意

    We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of drafts .


  • 我行在此向汇票出票背书合法持有表示同意

    We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of drafts.


  • 退票办理,持丧失背书人追索权。

    If not handled according to a refund, ticket holders that the loss of the drawer and the endorser of recourse.


  • 如果正常的签字疑问,银行不予支付退背书

    If there was any doubt about a particular signature, the check would not be paid and would be returned to the endorser.


  • 假如正常的签字疑问,银行不予支付退背书

    If there was any doubt about a particular signature, the check would not be paid and would be returned to the endorser.


  • 背书破产退票通知得当事受托发出。

    If the drawer or indorser is bankrupt, a refund may notice issued to the parties or the trustee himself.


  • 空白背书并不指明背书人如此背书汇票成为付与之汇票。

    The blank did not identify the endorsee, so endorsement of the bill as paid and the bearer of the bill.


  • 如果银行签字的真实性怀疑,它拒绝兑现支票,将支票退背书

    If there is any doubt about the signature, the bank will refuse to cash the check and will return the check to the endorser.


  • 情况下任何涂销签名当事具有追索权之背书责任即可解除

    In this case, any sign of the party being wiped clean with a recourse liability of the indorser can be lifted.


  • 限制背书赋予被背书人收取汇票款项及起诉背书起诉任何一方权利

    A restrictive indorsement gives the indorsee the right to receive payment of the bill and to sue any party thereto that his indorser could have sued.


  • 汇票背书,于背书汇票后,即保证该汇票正式提示时会按照期限承兑支付

    The indorser of a bill, by indorsing it engages that, on due presentment, it shall be accepted and paid according to its tenor.


  • 情况下任何本可对该签名注销之当事行使追偿背书责任告解除

    In such case, any indorser who would have had a right of recourse against the party whose signature is cancelled is also discharged.


  • 汇票签名承兑以外的其他作出,正当持票背书之责。

    If the signature on the bill by the drawer or acceptor other than the person that this person that is the legitimate holder of the person responsible for a negative endorsement.


  • 保证背书通常没有真实交易关系债权债务关系,背书不得因此拒绝承担票据责任

    Hidden guaranty endorsement usually does not have true relation of business between creditor and debtor, but endorser cannot refuse to undertake the bill duty.


  • 限制背书授权再转让,所有其后背书享有之权利承担义务限制背书第一背书人相同

    If the restricted endorsement re-transfer of authority, then all subsequent endorsee right hand rights and assume the obligations and limitations of the first endorsee endorsement of the same.


  • 担保同意,担保担保书项下的义务买方可能给予卖方任何其他担保背书的义务免除而免除。

    Guarantor a GREes that any releases which may be given by Buyer to Seller or any other guarantor or endorser shall not release it from this Guaranty.


  • 汇票之出背书收到保留承兑通知而未合理时间内向表示同意被视为同意保留承兑。

    If the bill is received by the drawer or indorser to retain acceptance of the notice within a reasonable time without ticket holders did not agree shall be deemed to have agreed to retain acceptance.


  • 担保同意,担保担保书项下的义务买方可能给予卖方任何其他担保背书的义务免除而免除。

    Guarantor agrees that any releases which may be given by Buyer to Seller or any other guarantor or endorser shall not release it from this Guaranty.


  • 保证背书形式上构成回头背书背书人得以存在保证关系为由,要求作为背书后手承担票据责任

    When hidden guaranty endorsement composes turning round endorsement in form, the endorsee can ask the successor as endorser to undertake the bill duty for the cause of existing guaranty relation.


  • 凭证为登记持有名下或者持有背书人证券证书,代表台湾公司的在非台湾银行托的一定数目股份

    TDR is a certificate registered in the holder's name or as a bearer security giving title to a number of shares in a non-Taiwan-based company deposited in a bank outside Taiwan.


  • 汇票作为承兑背书签名当事所占有相反证明之前推定为由有效无条件交付

    If the bill as a non-drawer, acceptor or indorser signature of the party's share has, until the contrary is proved, be presumed that the person on grounds of effective and unconditional delivery.


  • 不论是现金支票还是转账支票,背书银行预留印鉴支票上所签发单位收款共同,不然银行不予受理

    Whether cash cheque or bank transfer check, endorser should check and seal your units issued by the payee or jointly, the bank will not handle this ticket.


  • 译文:我行特向依本信用证条款出具汇票背书善意(正当) 持票承诺本汇票提示时将予以兑付。

    We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and bona-fide holders of drafts drawn in compliance with the terms of the credit that such drafts shall be duly honored on presentation.


  • 付款对于背书支票的付款,应负识别背书连续之责,对于背书签名,不负识别真伪之责。

    The drawee who pays an endorsable check is bound to verify the regularity of the series of endorsement, but not the signature of the endorsers.


  • 如果提单做成凭指示式抬头做成凭托运指示式抬头,则提单必须经托运背书

    If a bill of lading is issued to order or to order of the shipper, it must be endorsed by the shipper.


  • 如果提单做成凭指示式抬头做成凭托运指示式抬头,则提单必须经托运背书

    If a bill of lading is issued to order or to order of the shipper, it must be endorsed by the shipper.


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