• 席间双方就中英能源气候变化领域合作深入交换意见

    At the dinner, the two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on China-UK cooperation in the field of energy and climate change.


  • 这个多极世界,解决许多问题核扩散能源气候变化需要一个一致办法

    In this multipolar world, many issues such as nuclear proliferation, energy and climate change require a concert approach.


  • 能源气候变化影子大臣格雷格·卡拉克:“世界其他国家正在推广智能。”

    The shadow energy and climate change secretary, Greg Clark, said: "in other countries around the world, smart meters are being rolled out now."


  • 6月27能源年报”中,能源气候变化的决定加剧这种增长。

    On July 27th, as part of its new "annual energy statement", the Department of energy and Climate Change put some Numbers to this effect.


  • 2010年3月17日英国大使刘晓明拜会英国能源气候变化大臣埃德·米利班德

    On March 17, 2010, Ambassador Liu Xiaoming called on British Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Ed Miliband.


  • 亚洲CGI会议集中三个主要领域教育能源气候变化公众健康

    This CGI meeting in Asia will focus on three main areas: education, energy and climate change, and public health.


  • 美中双方清洁能源气候变化领域合作关系刚刚起步希望双方的合作继续开展下去

    So, we are just at the beginning of this cooperative relationship on clean energy and climate change. But I am very hopeful that it will continue to grow.


  • 通过历年多次中国访问知道谈到清洁能源气候变化时候这里有人怀疑美国动机

    From my visits to China over many years, I know there are suspicions here about the United States' motives when it comes to discussions on clean energy and climate change.


  • 他说:“双方同意将共同区别责任原则的基础上,加强中美清洁能源气候变化伙伴的合作关系。”

    Yet Qin says China and the United States have "common-but-differentiated responsibilities" when it comes to actions to prevent climate change.


  • ON公司希望肯特郡金斯建立这样个燃煤电站能源气候变化部长埃德·米利最近推迟了这一申请

    E.ON wants to build such a station at Kingsnorth in Kent, an application that energy and the climate change minister Ed Miliband recently delayed.


  • 现场其它19风机工作正常7月13日能源气候变化部长EdMiliband参加了项目投运典礼。

    The remaining 19 turbines were said to be running normally at the site, which was opened by Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband on July 13.


  • EdMiliband掌管国家能源气候变化部门估计2020年为止,账单金额只需提升8%。

    The department of energy and climate change, run by Ed Miliband, has estimated that bills will only have to rise by 8% by 2020.


  • 尽管曼谷紧张气氛在增加,但英国能源气候变化大臣埃德·米利班德哥本哈根会谈上达成协议表示乐观

    Ed Miliband, the secretary of state for energy and climate change, said he remained optimistic that a deal could be struck at Copenhagen, despite the increase in tension in Bangkok.


  • 应对气候变化要求有国际化领导力量,但是,针对清洁能源气候变化全球行动必须地方行动相结合

    While our changing climate requires international leadership, global action on clean energy and climate change must be joined with local action.


  • 根据《信息自由法》,能源气候变化DECC已经外界要求公布他们岛核事故发生几周发出的八十封电子邮件

    The Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has released more than 80 emails sent in the weeks after Fukushima in response to requests under freedom of information legislation. They also show


  • 我们大多数人家中的智能表气候变化之前时代设计的,是个不同的时代,”能源气候变化部大臣艾德·米利班

    "The meters most of us have in our homes were designed for a different age, before climate change," said Ed Miliband, the energy and climate change secretary.


  • 调查显示超过半数英国民众认为气候变化他们造成影响。鉴于能源气候变化司策划了此次极富感染力的广告。

    The DECC came out with the hard-hitting message after research showed that more than half of the UK public think climate change will have no effect on them.


  • 自从一项联邦总量管制与排放交易法案通过众议院批准参议院遭到拒绝后,能源气候变化议题滑到了国会任务优先级别名单下方。

    Since a federal cap-and-trade bill made it through the House but died in the Senate, energy and climate change have slipped down the list of national priorities.


  • 能源气候变化统计数据显示2009年新增七十万户以上英国家庭陷入燃料贫困,让燃料贫困的家庭总数达到五百五十万——是全国家庭总数的五分之一。

    The Department of Energy and Climate Change statistics show 700,000 more UK families fell into fuel poverty in 2009, bringing the total to 5.5 million — one in five of all households.


  • 顾客至上的发言人AudreyGallacher是因为能源和气候变化预测没有考虑6最大能源供应商中的还没有宣布他们价格上涨水平

    Spokeswoman Audrey Gallacher said this was because the department's predictions did not take into account that four of the big six energy providers have yet to announce expected price increases.


  • 英国能源气候变化部(Departmentof Energy and ClimateChange,简称DECC)的发言人说:“没有认为我们达成一个完整条约。”

    "Nobody thinks we will get a full treaty," said a spokesman for the Department of Energy and Climate Change.


  • 这次会议讨论了能源安全贫困气候变化以及其它问题

    The meeting also addressed energy security, poverty, and climate change, among other issues.


  • 这份白皮书英国首次针对二氧化碳预算气候变化目标制定英国未来能源前景。”

    This white paper will be the first time we've set out our vision of an energy mix in the context of carbon budgets and climate change targets.


  • 他说:“从某些方面讲相似比如清洁能源经济增长反恐气候变化等领域里的合作。”

    "It is similar in the sense that it is broadening cooperation in areas like clean energy, on economic growth, on counter-terrorism, on climate change," said Rhodes.


  • Dyson于2007年八月前沿网站的一篇短评迫使改变能源使用气候变化看法

    In August 2007, Dyson wrote an essay for Edge that forced me to change my thinking about energy use and climate issues.


  • 我们在处理清洁能源能源安全环境稳定气候变化等问题时尤其是这样

    That is especially true when it comes to clean energy, energy security, environmental stability, and climate change.


  • 我们在处理清洁能源能源安全环境稳定气候变化等问题时尤其是这样

    That is especially true when it comes to clean energy, energy security, environmental stability, and climate change.


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