• 卸载速率越快,岩石脆性破坏,发生岩爆可能性越大

    The brittle failures of rock are more intensive with high unloading rate, and the probability of rock burst is larger.


  • 结果表明:在应力作用下,改良破坏脆性破坏

    Research results show that the failure styles of two kinds of cement-soil under dynamic load are brittle failures.


  • 白云岩较高表现屈服塑性,在围压下表现脆性破坏

    Limstone reflects yielding plastic character in high confining pressure, in low confining pressure reflects brittleness character.


  • 美国北领地震中不少框架梁柱连接出现意想不到脆性破坏

    Many steel frames suffered from unexpected brittle fracturing of beam-to-column connections in the Northridge earthquake.


  • 结果表明,单轴应力条件下水泥石具有明显的弹性变形脆性破坏特征

    The following conclusions are obtained: There are sensible elastic deformation and brittle failure feature in the oilwell cement under monopodium stress conditions.


  • 研究了诸如化学成分热处理条件焊接因素压力容器脆性破坏影响

    The influences of basic metal chemical composition, heat treatment conditions and welding parameters on the pressure vessel brittle fracture have been investigated.


  • 研究结果表明:浆液存在延续样的变形减少煤样试件的脆性破坏

    The study has shown that: the coal shows much less brittle failure because the grout in it can continue the deformation of the coal sample;


  • 所有不能完全溶解中时,就会在金与钩的界面附近发生脆性破坏

    When all the gold does not dissolve in the solder brittle failure occurs near the goldsolder interface .


  • 应变接近超过轴向应变时,大理岩发生剧烈脆性破坏可能性将明显提高。

    The dramatic brittle failure of marble may happen more frequently if the circumferential strain approaches or exceeds the axial strain.


  • 引发结构脆性破坏,采用箍筋办法对加强,其抗剪承载力满足抗震要求

    Short columns can induced brittle failure, strengthen it with additional stirrups, which shearing capacity can meet the seismic requirements.


  • 其端部斜面焊缝结构疲劳强度对接焊缝结构高,且不会发生一次性脆性破坏

    The fatigue resistance of the scarf weld in the end of the vessel is stronger than that of the butt weld.


  • 结果显示改性浇铸尼龙材料拉伸屈服能够产生很大塑性形变不会发生脆性破坏

    The results showed that cast nylon modified with laurolactam could produce heavy plasticity deformation without brittle destruction after the tensile yielding.


  • 结合粘结裂纹模型研究结构延性脆性失稳特性以及引起脆性破坏影响因素

    Combining with the cohesive crack model, the behavior of structure in the range from ductile to brittle instability and the factors influencing the brittle failure are studied.


  • 混凝土掺入橡胶颗粒后破坏产生较大变形破坏形式脆性破坏变为延性破坏

    Due to the addition of rubber granules, the deformation of concrete will be larger in damage, and the damage form will be changed from brittle fracture to ductile fracture.


  • 分析了不同形式节点承载性能延性特征,总结了不同节点构造对节点脆性破坏敏感性

    The moment resistance and ductile behavior of these specimens are analyzed, and the sensitivity to fracture failures is assessed.


  • 水力劈裂过程只有弹性变形脆性破坏存在裂隙压裂过程中的第三种变形机理—压缩破坏

    There are only elastic deformation and brittle deformation on the process of hydraulic fracturing, and not compaction.


  • 不论刀具形状如何破坏过程大体分为三个阶段脆性破坏阶段、塑性破坏阶段、断裂破坏阶段。

    No matter what the shape of cutting tools is, failure procedures are simply divided into three stages: brittle failure, plastic failure, and fracture.


  • 破坏发生钢板受拉强度得到充分利用脆性破坏必须采取合理的锚固措施予以克服

    When the failure taking place, the strength of steel plates has not been fully used, it belongs to brittle failure and must be overcome with reasonably measure.


  • 研究目的钢轨钢材低温力学性能差,容易发生脆性破坏直接威胁着铁路运输安全。

    Research purposes: at a low temperature, the mechanical properties of rail steel get worse and brittle (failures) can happen more easily.


  • 试验研究表明,转换层结构有效满足跨度要求并具备好的延性性能,能避免脆性破坏

    The result indicates that the arch transfer floor can satisfy the requirement of large span effectively, possess relatively good ductility and avoid brittle destruction.


  • 上覆土层存在可以消耗一部分基岩释放出的能量,避免管线遭到突发力的作用而导致的脆性破坏

    Some conclusions are obtained: a Overlaying soil can consume some energy from fault bedrock rupture, and decrease pipeline damage.


  • 两者相比高温砂岩峰值强度弹性变形模量有所提高,两者受温度影响均以脆性破坏为主

    Compared with both of them, the peak-value strength, elastic modulus, and deformation modulus of sandstone after high temperature increase by a little and they are all brittle fractures.


  • 实测数据所建模型对比验证,延性破坏脆性破坏模式本模型精度较高岩石损伤评估提供依据

    Proved by the test data, the precision of constitutive model with brittle, ductile failure is higher, which can provide accurately the basis for rock damage assessment.


  • 这些现场实验室研究结果基础上,作者提出蠕变扩容理论(1981 ~ 1983)和简化脆性破坏理论。

    On the basis of these field and experimental results he suggests the creep dilatancy theory (1981, 1983) and the simplified brittle failure theory.


  • 应力集中钢结构构件厚度影响发生脆性破坏一个重要因素,它的影响是和其应力集中区复杂应力状态相联系的。

    The thickness of steel elements with high stress concentration is a very important factor for brittle fracture. Its effects depend on the complex stress state for the stress concentration area.


  • 实验结果表明:[0]16层板破坏表现出典型不规则脆性破坏,纤维的损伤具有初始门槛值,而纤维的强化存在应变门槛效应。

    The experimental results show that disheveled catastrophic brittle failure is observed for the [0]16 specimens tested at quasi-static strain rates.


  • 通过分析试验结果和有限元模拟,得出以下结论:①普通钢板极限抗承载力较高,破坏形态混凝土拉剪破坏,属于脆性破坏

    The parameters of impact elements are analyzed to find out their influential regulation of the shear properties of the concrete components which have near-surface mounted the steel plate.


  • 影响受力性能主要因素轴压比不同时可能会发生不同破坏,为了避免发生脆性破坏设计时就会出现截面很大的情况,在高层结构尤甚。

    Axial compression ratio is the mainly factor that can impress capability of the steel reinforced column. When the axial compression ratio has changes different destruction be can happen.


  • 通过现场原型测量实验压缩实验获得了大量海冰破碎动冰力时程曲线以及结构振动响应时程曲线,研究了冰与结构作用快速挤压脆性破坏形成动冰力机理。

    In this paper, many data are presented of dynamic ice forces and corresponding responses of structure recorded by full-scale tests in the Bohai Bay and by uniaxial compression tests in laboratory.


  • 脆性陶瓷刚性聚合物通常外科手术修复破坏的,癌症坏死的骨头。

    Typically, fragile ceramics or rigid polymers are used in surgery to fix broken, old or cancer-damaged bones.


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