The day I told my mother I was pregnant, she was so excited. The first words out of her mouth were
The day I told my mother I was pregnant, she was so excited. The first words out of her mouth were.
You may write, email, or blurt out something you later wish you had not.
Nancy's reference to the police during her conversation with Yvette had been an offhand, impulsive remark.
Nancy's reference to the police during her conversation with yvette had been an offhand impulsive remark.
技艺 娴熟的艺术家们充分挖掘口头评议的丰富内涵,创造一种快捷的脱口而出的娱乐形式。
Skilled artists make use of all the richness of the spoken language to create a rapid flow of fun.
What does a "date" mean to you?If you automatically say "dinner and a movie, " you don't know what you're missing.
He has come out with exaggerated, even irresponsible comments such as: "Your voice is the saving grace for today's music industry in China."
Before your reading today, give yourself a summary and decide how much you've mastered and can be blurted out during this month.
大部分在线写作正在朝短信和tweets形式转变, 都是些含有缩略词和跟帖式参考的快速、脱口而出的注释。
Most writing online is devolving toward SMS and tweets that involve quick, throwaway notes with abbreviations and threaded references.
So, in the great scheme of the mathematical universe, the Numbers being bandied about over the last few weeks are pretty small beer.
And Rosamond Oliver? Suggested Mary, the words seeming to escape her lips involuntarily: for no sooner had she uttered them, than she made a gesture as if wishing to recall them.
"I don't know what they would think those that understand it, but I loved it" is a declaration often heard when he leaves the movies or finishes a novel that has ensnared him.
"' Let's stop it, '" Crutzen recalls blurting out."' We are no longer in the Holocene." We are in the Anthropocene. 'Well, it was quiet in the room for a while.
"' Let's stop it, '" Crutzen recalls blurting out."' We are no longer in the Holocene."We are in the Anthropocene. 'Well, it was quiet in the room for a while.
Whatever you do, do not respond right away. You could blurt out emotional slurs and add fuel to the fire.
It is easy to blurt out a swear word at an inappropriate time, or to bark out a tactless or tasteless remark before you have a chance to consider the impact.
The view that nothing is shameful, that everything should be permitted,? To say whatever comes to our lips?
Italians must decide between "a European future, or an African one," a politician says, before exchanging looks with an assistant and asking for the remark to be struck from the record.
This man with boundless energy and charisma is also a master of hype, hyperbole and the catchy phrase. And even when he’s trying to talk normally, brilliant verbiage comes tumbling out.
Moments into the next counseling session, her body trembling, she blurted out through sobs, "It's my fault!" It's all my fault!
The photographer swore to the veracity of the image, until he thought he was about to die and suddenly blurted out that he and his mate had staged it all along.
The supply teacher blurted out : "it's your parents who leave out presents on Christmas Day" when excited youngsters got rowdy as they talked about Christmas.
Of course if you are trying to determine if you can let him or her go online, your child has probably already said, "I'm ready, I can handle it".
Of course if you are trying to determine if you can let him or her go online, your child has probably already said, "I'm ready, I can handle it".