• 整个想法一句脱口而出的演变来的。

    The whole idea evolved from a casual remark.


  • 告诉母亲怀孕那天非常激动,脱口而

    The day I told my mother I was pregnant, she was so excited. The first words out of her mouth were


  • 告诉母亲怀孕那天非常激动,脱口而

    The day I told my mother I was pregnant, she was so excited. The first words out of her mouth were.


  • 可以电子邮件脱口而东西以后希望没有

    You may write, email, or blurt out something you later wish you had not.


  • 南希和依维特谈话提到警察局,完全不加思索脱口而出的一句话

    Nancy's reference to the police during her conversation with Yvette had been an offhand, impulsive remark.


  • 南希和依维特谈话提到警察局,完全不加思索,脱口而一句话

    Nancy's reference to the police during her conversation with yvette had been an offhand impulsive remark.


  • 技艺 娴熟艺术家们充分挖掘口头评议丰富内涵,创造一种快捷脱口而娱乐形式。

    Skilled artists make use of all the richness of the spoken language to create a rapid flow of fun.


  • 约会对于来说意味着什么呢?如果脱口出的是“吃饭看电影”,那么你就知道错过什么了。

    What does a "date" mean to you?If you automatically say "dinner and a movie, " you don't know what you're missing.


  • 脱口而夸张至极,甚至是不负责任点评比如:“声音当今中国歌坛的救世主。”

    He has come out with exaggerated, even irresponsible comments such as: "Your voice is the saving grace for today's music industry in China."


  • 开始今天阅读自己总结,看看过去的一个月里自己掌握了多少东西,有多少可以脱口而出的

    Before your reading today, give yourself a summary and decide how much you've mastered and can be blurted out during this month.


  • 大部分在线写作正在短信tweets形式转变, 都是些含有缩略词跟帖式参考的快速脱口而注释

    Most writing online is devolving toward SMS and tweets that involve quick, throwaway notes with abbreviations and threaded references.


  • 因此数学宇宙浩瀚无边海洋里,最近信手拈来脱口而出的那些数字简直就是小巫巫,微不足道了。

    So, in the great scheme of the mathematical universe, the Numbers being bandied about over the last few weeks are pretty small beer.


  • 那么罗莎蒙德·奥利弗呢?”玛丽问句话似乎脱口出的,因为说完不久便了个手势仿佛要把它收回

    And Rosamond Oliver? Suggested Mary, the words seeming to escape her lips involuntarily: for no sooner had she uttered them, than she made a gesture as if wishing to recall them.


  • 知道别人怎么去理解这些但是我爱极了”这句话便是在看完一部电影或是本让魂牵梦萦小说经常脱口

    "I don't know what they would think those that understand it, but I loved it" is a declaration often heard when he leaves the movies or finishes a novel that has ensnared him.


  • 等一下”,Crutzen回想当时脱口出的情形,“我们已经不是全新了,我们在人类世年代,”,当即屋子里面便安静了片刻

    "' Let's stop it, '" Crutzen recalls blurting out."' We are no longer in the Holocene." We are in the Anthropocene. 'Well, it was quiet in the room for a while.


  • 等一下”,Crutzen回想当时脱口出的情形,“我们已经不是全新了,我们在人类世年代,”,当即屋子里面便安静了片刻

    "' Let's stop it, '" Crutzen recalls blurting out."' We are no longer in the Holocene."We are in the Anthropocene. 'Well, it was quiet in the room for a while.


  • 不管什么都好,就是不要立即回复,因为可能脱口而出情绪性的谩骂,无疑是在添油加醋。

    Whatever you do, do not respond right away. You could blurt out emotional slurs and add fuel to the fire.


  • 谩骂之词容易不是时候时候脱口而出或者机会考虑影响之前,轻易地给老练没趣味评论

    It is easy to blurt out a swear word at an inappropriate time, or to bark out a tactless or tasteless remark before you have a chance to consider the impact.


  • 没有什么可耻观点所有的事都允许,随意脱口而出

    The view that nothing is shameful, that everything should be permitted,? To say whatever comes to our lips?


  • 在没有示意助手录音中删去的情况下,某政客脱口表示意大利选择“(未来)欧洲人是非洲之间做个了断”。

    Italians must decide between "a European future, or an African one," a politician says, before exchanging looks with an assistant and asking for the remark to be struck from the record.


  • 这个精力充沛魅力无限家伙同时也是一个很会鼓动人心的激励大师甚至平常对话中,经典的语句也常常脱口而

    This man with boundless energy and charisma is also a master of hype, hyperbole and the catchy phrase. And even when he’s trying to talk normally, brilliant verbiage comes tumbling out.


  • 接下来劝解会多个瞬间浑身颤抖着,呜咽脱口而,“,是我的不对!”

    Moments into the next counseling session, her body trembling, she blurted out through sobs, "It's my fault!" It's all my fault!


  • 拍摄者曾经信誓旦旦地保证图片真实性,可是终于,当他意识到自己命不久矣之时,终于脱口,承认他和同伴一手导演闹剧。

    The photographer swore to the veracity of the image, until he thought he was about to die and suddenly blurted out that he and his mate had staged it all along.


  • 当时,兴奋孩子们正在讨论即将到来的圣诞节,有点闹哄哄的,这位女代课老师脱口:“你们圣诞礼物其实是父母送的。”

    The supply teacher blurted out : "it's your parents who leave out presents on Christmas Day" when excited youngsters got rowdy as they talked about Christmas.


  • 当然如果决定是否或者上网孩子可能已经脱口而出:“准备好了,我可以掌控的。”

    Of course if you are trying to determine if you can let him or her go online, your child has probably already said, "I'm ready, I can handle it".


  • 当然如果决定是否或者上网孩子可能已经脱口而出:“准备好了,我可以掌控的。”

    Of course if you are trying to determine if you can let him or her go online, your child has probably already said, "I'm ready, I can handle it".


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