• 街道上布满腐烂的水果粪便疾病撒布的风化物。

    Streets are filled with rotting fruit, faeces and other disease-spreading detritus.


  • 告诉你们除了漂亮之外,牠们喜欢腐烂水果

    I'll tell you something interesting about the Blue Morpho aside from how pretty it is - they like to drink rotten fruit


  • 想起那些长期存放在冰箱里腐烂水果蔬菜,那些还没来得及吃掉发霉的面包

    That's according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. I think of all the fruits and vegetables I buy that rot, or bread that gets moldy before I can eat it.


  • 越来越多垃圾窗口阳台上洒下来,半腐烂的水果桶装啤酒,摔地上发出硫磺臭味鸡蛋

    More refuse showered down from windows and balconies: half-rotted fruit, pails of beer, eggs that exploded into sulfurous stink when they cracked open on the ground.


  • 有时候认为我们天生该由于错误分离我们心脏被扯半的球形水果一半腐烂了。

    Sometimes I think we were meant to be one person who got split by mistake, our heart a globed fruit pulled in two, my half gone rotten.


  • 科学家已经研究一种星球大战”的等离子束能够阻止水果发霉腐烂

    A 'Star Wars' style plasma beam which can stop fruit going mouldy has been created by scientists.


  • 发软水果经过40摄氏度等离子束的照射,随着时间水果腐烂扩散霉菌将被杀死

    Soft fruit was treated with the cold plasma, which has a temperature of 30-40 degrees Celsius, to try and kill off the fungus which spreads as time passes, or when the fruit is bruised.


  • 实际上大部分苍蝇都会食用腐烂水果利用酒精防御黄蜂

    In fact, it seems that most flies that eat rotting fruit use the alcohol defense against wasps.


  • 尽管剩下部分并未腐烂但是其中绝大部分已经微生物代谢过程中所产生各种有害物质侵蚀特别是真菌水果上的繁殖加快

    Although the rest did not decay, but most of them have been microbial metabolic process from the erosion of harmful substances, especially fungi in fruit breeding accelerate.


  • 所以尽管除了腐烂部分剩下水果仍然不能

    So, although in addition to decay and to the rest of the fruit still can not eat.


  • 不新鲜水果蔬菜很快就腐烂了。

    The old fruits and vegetables decomposed quickly in the heat .


  • 就是为什么采用传统方法工人使用紫外线-腐烂柑橘果皮精油紫外线发生反应时,水果发出荧光

    That is why traditionally, workers use ultraviolet light - and when the essential oils of the decayed citrus rind react with UV rays, the fruits emit fluorescence.


  • 西班牙,人们研制机器,它使用人工视觉紫外线扫描柑橘水果腐烂剔除掉。

    OrangesA machine that uses artificial vision and UV rays to scan through citrus fruits and get rid of rotten ones has been developed in Spain.


  • 腐烂水果刺鼻苦甜气味开始弥漫开来,随时另一个水果紧随着上一个从树上落下来发出一种奇怪的声音。

    The harsh bitter-sweet smell of rotting fruit began to grow, and now and then another would drop to its fellows with a splash.


  • 一个CO2等离子体在那里其他已经腐烂了,如果甘斯的话水果是可以延续34星期时间

    The one with the CO2 plasma is still there and the other is rotting. If you grow your cops with GANS, the fruit last longer, up to 3 to 4 weeks longer.


  • 今天终于发现了,公寓奇怪气味由于之前我的前男友闯入我家并且在卡卡角角地方放一些腐烂水果

    Today, I finally found out what that weird smell in my apartment was. My ex-boyfriend had been breaking into my apartment and hiding rotting fruit all over the place.


  • 水果腐烂其它食物混合制造气体所以使人胃胀

    The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas and hence you will bloat!


  • 这样处理水果浆果蔬菜表皮上形成透明薄膜这种薄膜可以长期储存中防止产品发蔫腐烂

    Fruits, berries and vegetables after treatment will form a layer of transparent membrane on the outer surface so that it can be stored for long time to prevent from shrivelling up and putrid.


  • 以一份肥料块骨头来施肥时,我通常能获得水果(包含腐烂),或是得快一点束。

    When I give my carnivorous plant 1 fertilizer, 2 water, and 3 bones, I generally get rotten fruit, fruit, or a root that provides me with the ability to run faster.


  • 以一份肥料块骨头来施肥时,我通常能获得水果(包含腐烂),或是得快一点束。

    When I give my carnivorous plant 1 fertilizer, 2 water, and 3 bones, I generally get rotten fruit, fruit, or a root that provides me with the ability to run faster.


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