By mixing soil in with old food, leaves, and even newspaper, microorganisms will get to work.
You couldn't just blame bad p.r. for the company's woes. Stale food and tired stores also kept people away.
Go through your pantry and fridge and clear out items that need to be thrown out -the old, unused, and rotting.
Go through your pantry and fridge and clear out items that need to be thrown out - the old, unused, and rotting.
Sugar can cause tooth decay by being used as a food source for the bacteria found on our teeth, which causes plaque.
Sugar can cause tooth decay by being used as a food source for the bacteria found on our teeth which causes plaque.
Give gifts with thought: When giving food as a gift, avoid highly perishable items and make an effort to select foods that you know the recipient will enjoy rather than waste.
Apples give off a natural gas called ethylene that can wilt, spot, or rot other food.
The food supply is made up of dead and decaying plant and animal matter that's sunk to the ocean floor.
On top of that, a lot of methane (a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide) emerges when all this food rots.
Therefore, our food spoiled if we did not eat it on the day it was purchased.
The food within his refrigerator had begun to rot; he needed fresh provisions and a means of cooking for himself.
The food is covered with mucus that prevents it from decomposition and is widely used by older wolves, she-wolves that can't hunt after delivery yet and small pups.
Starvation was another threat; all he was fed were cornmeal buns, bowls of brine and rotten vegetables crawling with worms.
Both in rich countries and poor, a staggering 30-50% of all food produced rots away uneaten.
But recently, they found that they had to wash them every 2 days: a few degrees increase in temperature was causing food to spoil more rapidly.
I can bear the bad smell that cankered food gives out, but stink of your draught animals canopy more very.
They started exporting small quantities of cold food such as meat so that they could avoid wastage of it due to spoilage.
When there is a power failure, people grope about in flickering candlelight; cars hesitate in the streets because there are no traffic lights to guide them, and food spoils in silent refrigerators.
The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas and hence you will bloat!
And they do-at least But when any organism dies, it goes through the series of chemical, physical, and biological changes that end up returning the body to the food chain.
And they do-at least But when any organism dies, it goes through the series of chemical, physical, and biological changes that end up returning the body to the food chain.