• 湾区官员表示,鉴于萨克拉门托办事拖沓令人恼火,他们周四计划搞定当地日益增长电子垃圾问题

    Frustrated with delays in Sacramento, Bay Area officials said Thursday they planned to take matters into their own hands to regulate the region's growing pile of electronic trash.


  • 如果装载电子表格,那么任何指定行列自动成为属性动作

    If you load a spreadsheet, any named range is automatically promoted to a property and action.


  • 他们需要登录,他们可以直接通过电子邮件来回应自动生成网页上回应你的征询信息

    They won't need to sign in, and they can respond directly from the email message or from an automatically generated web page.


  • 可以登录组织任何计算机获得电子邮件自动访问

    You can log in to any computer within the organization and have automatic access to your e-mail.


  • 动作一定要因为控制自动车窗电子系统损害,而且遇水会失灵。

    Do it quickly, though, as the electrical systems on automatic Windows can get damaged and stop working when wet.


  • 现代客机上的航空电子设备已经能够自动飞行模式下完成大部分旅程

    The avionics on a modern airliner are already capable of flying it for most of its journey with the autopilot switched on.


  • ABB提供的一个情景电子制造工业使用快速为人工操作的装配线带来更多自动内容。

    One scenario ABB envisions is using it to bring more automation to the fast-paced, and mostly human-powered, assembly lines found in the electronics industry.


  • 不论是Facebook上上载相片,还是把相片展现朋友们,那些电子地址获得私人批准的朋友自动获得这些信息。

    No need to upload photos to Facebook to show them to friends, since those with privacy permissions in your electronic address book can automatically get them.


  • 现在Jens自己进行每周医疗操作,再通过蓝牙自动保存电子记录的文件传输医生

    He takes his own weekly medical readings which are sent to his doctor via a Bluetooth connection and automatically logged into an electronic record.


  • 关于这些限制并没有很简单解决方法但是通过使用电子邮件自动处理、更新您的列表可以提高名单黑名单质量

    There is no simple way round these limitations, but you can work to improve the quality of your whitelists and blacklists by using auto-processing of your e-mails and updating of your lists.


  • 有些情况下甚至可以使用作为一种自动处理过程作为电子邮件系统中的一部分

    In some situations, you can even use it as an automatic process that just becomes part of the E-mail system.


  • 每周检测身体的医学数据这些数据通过蓝牙连接传给医生自动录入到他的电子病历中。

    He takes his own weekly medical readings, which are sent tohis doctor via a Bluetooth connection and automatically logged into anelectronic record.


  • 这个模块优点表单中收集所有数据自动存储数据库中可以根据管理员的需要通过电子邮件发送这些数据。

    The good thing about this module is that all data collected in these forms is automatically stored in the database and emailed wherever the administrator would like to.


  • 这些帐号都是一视同仁基础上给出的,并根据自动使用电子邮件发送的质询来返回一个证明已经收到随机密钥消息

    These accounts are given out on a non-discriminatory basis, based on an automatic e-mailed challenge to send back a message to prove you received a random key.


  • 条通知可能来自一个自动主动监视工具有时甚至您不愿意看到的形式,比如来自客户电子邮件电话,表示“网站停止运行。”

    It may come from an automated proactive monitoring tool, or sometimes the less-desirable variety, which is an E-mail or phone call from your customer stating, "the site is down."


  • 例如自动部门中,今天交通工具中包含大量电子软件

    For example, in the automotive sector, today's vehicles contain a tremendous amount of electronics and software.


  • 该公司软件自动收集准备管理材料将其进行电子档案处理,这对于IBM公司庞大不断增长分析软件销售业务十分有用。

    The software, which automates collection and preparation of electronic filing of regulatory material, is useful to IBM as a way of selling analytics software, a huge and growing business for IBM.


  • 可以使这个过程自动并且可用空间降低一定级别时,自动管理员(或者管理员)发送电子邮件。

    You can automate the process and automatically send the administrator (or an administration group) an E-mail when the available space gets below a certain level.


  • 同样规则也适用自动名单遗漏垃圾邮件意味着电子邮件地址添加名单中,即使从技术上说的确是垃圾邮件。

    The same rule applies to auto-whitelisting, missed spam that gets through means the e-mail address is added to your whitelist, even thought it's technically spam.


  • 比较可能功能电子罗盘处理器内存升级具有自动对焦和拍摄视频功能摄像头,和其他一些小升级

    Likely features include a digital compass, processor and memory upgrades, an improved digital camera with auto-focus and video-recording capabilities, and other minor improvements.


  • 电子邮件并非能够有效记录跟踪自动运行脚本的输出

    Email is not always an efficient way of recording and tracking the output from the scripts that are run automatically.


  • 上星期拉斯维加斯举行消费者电子产品展中,通用汽车展示自动驾驶汽车体现了这种趋势最新进展。

    The latest edition in this trend comes from General Motors, which showed off a self-driving car last week at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.


  • 尽管出现了这起事件,越来越公司开始对根据电子邮件社会网络通信自动判断用户的社会关系兴趣。

    This incident notwithstanding, many companies are increasingly interested in automatically determining users' social ties through E-mail and social network communications.


  • 黑客通过网络关掉自动警报系统或者照明系统,你的就会很容易地被侵入,使电子盗窃变得很容易。

    Hackers who access the network will have the ability to turn off alarm systems and lights, leaving the home vulnerable to a break-in, or the theft could be more electronic.


  • 他们总是用很艳羡的目光看着电子邮件自动

    They enviously watched as emails were "pushed" to me automatically.


  • 系统程序员通常需要使ftp操作电子邮件发送处理以及GUI测试这样的任务自动化。

    Systems programmers often need to automate things like FTP operations, E-mail emission or handling, and GUI testing.


  • 无论是20 美元的ATM 自动取款还是数百万电子转账公司都是挂钩

    Your company is on the hook for that money, whether it's a $20 ATM withdrawal or a multimillion-dollar electronic funds transfer.


  • 回应信息自动添加电子表格中

    Responses are automatically added to your spreadsheet.


  • 回应信息自动添加电子表格中

    Responses are automatically added to your spreadsheet.


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