• 可以自动存储数据库创建的备份镜像恢复自动存储数据库系统但是反之则不行。

    You can restore a backup image taken from a non-automatic storage database into an automatic storage database system, but not the opposite.


  • 万一软件硬件发生故障一个可用性解决方案保证系统自动恢复

    A high availability solution guarantees that a system will automatically recover in the event of a software or hardware failure.


  • 除了系统故障自动恢复现有支持之外,增加新的自动存储内存管理特性。

    New automated storage and memory management add to existing support for automated recovery of system failures.


  • 如果愿意在每次引导系统自动恢复规则可以将上面指定命令放到任何一个初始化shell脚本

    And if you prefer to restore the rule set automatically every time you boot your system, then you can put the command specified above into any of your initialization shell-scripts.


  • 使用DB 2 9.7重定向恢复系统转换为自动存储

    Convert your system to automatic storage using DB2 9.7 Redirected restore.


  • 看到一个特性自动页面复原恢复无意关闭we b页面(或者因为系统崩溃而关掉的页面)。

    One feature I want to see is automatic page recovery, which can restore Web pages that were accidentally closed (or killed during a system crash).


  • 数据库(DB 2Express - C)帮助下,我们消息系统出现故障时能够进行自动快速可靠数据恢复流程

    With the help of the database [DB2 Express-C] we now have an automated, fast, and reliable process for recovering data and restoring systems in case of failure of the information system.


  • 工作人员还在继续试图恢复自动冷却系统,以帮助防止这个遭到严重损坏核电站释放辐射情况进一步恶化

    Work continues to try to bring automated cooling systems back on line that would help prevent an even potentially worse spread of radiation from the severely damaged complex.


  • 介绍列车自动识别系统(atis)统计复示系统快速恢复方法

    It was introduced the method of quick recovery of Statistic Redisplay System for atis.


  • 如果系统没有自动开始恢复,说明计算机屏蔽光盘自动运行功能

    If the system isn't automatically recovered, the computer shields CD automatic running function.


  • 方案各节点数据库可以分布wanLAN中客户应用实现透明切换数据的自动同步,系统恢复时延开销较小

    In this scheme, the database nodes can be distributed in WAN or LAN and switched transparently to user applications and the system's disaster recovery time is short and the cost is low.


  • 前面公路一旦恢复畅通,主动巡航控制系统自动加快车速,一直预先设定的车速为止。

    Once the road ahead is free again, Active Cruise Control will accelerate your car automatically to the pre-selected speed.


  • 结合中国人民大学图书馆重要数据备份恢复实际需求探讨自动备份系统图书馆中的实现

    This paper explores how to achieve the automatic backup system through analyzing the current requirements of backup and restore in the Library of Renmin University of China.


  • 不仅实现常规备用电源自动投入的功能,可实现系统自动恢复

    It can not only realize conventional spare power source automatic switch-in, but also realize system automatic recovery.


  • 系统试运行中已经过多次故障考验,故障点判断准确隔离及时提供有效恢复方案提高了隆配电网自动运行水平。

    The system can isolate fault accuracy and timely in actual operation. It also can supply effective restoration scheme and improve Longyao Country distribution network.


  • 阐述一个基于J2EE网络商务系统框架设计,它具有自动恢复系统故障屏蔽功能。

    This paper presents a J2EE based on the framework design of an E-Commerce web service system that provides self-recovery guarantees and masks most of system failures.


  • 为了提高控制系统稳定性可靠性,采用现场数据自动修复,程序自动恢复等设计方法。

    To increase control system's steady ability and reliability we keep the scene data and program to return to normal.


  • 自动备份系统构建有利于数据备份管理快速恢复系统数据,保证业务高可用性运行

    The construction of automatic backup system is helpful for the library to manage the data backup and restore system and data rapidly, ensuring the run of operation system highly.


  • 电池放电量达到容量80 %时,电路自动切断负载防止电池过度放电,延长电池寿命,保证系统(或设备)在供电恢复正常后正常运行。

    It will switch off the load automatically when it discharged closing to 80% of their energy capacity, thus overwork of batteries can be avoided and lifetime may be extended.


  • 针对车载雷达机动性系统要求快速恢复特点提出了一种与天线控制单元相结合自动标校方法

    A new method is proposed according to features of strong maneuverability and highspeed renewal of vehicle borne radar system.


  • 系统以极限值保护自动恢复优化系统默认运行参数

    The system is equipped with functions of limit protection, automatic recover, and optimizing default operational parameters.


  • 该居民住宅小区配电自动系统设计功能主要集中五个方面,即数据采集监视控制故障隔离与供电恢复、地理信息系统及数据统计报表

    The functions of this automation system focus on five aspects: data acquisition, supervision and control, fault isolate and recovery, GIS , data statistic and report.


  • 另外,系统设计充分进行了可靠性设计,引入容错技术故障诊断技术进行了故障自动恢复的设计。

    In the design, reliability design is considered fully, and fault-tolerant technique, malfunction diagnoses technique and system auto-resume design is brought in.


  • 传统几何建模技术不同基于图像的建模技术采用的策略是光学系统原始场景模型进行扫描,然后自动恢复出场景的三维模型。

    Different from the traditional geometric modeling technology, the image based modeling technology get raw data from the original scene with cameras or other kind of optical instruments.


  • 发明公开了一种系统自动恢复方法属于计算机软件技术领域

    The invention discloses an automated system recovery method, belonging to the technical field of computer software.


  • 实现一个系统10分钟后自动删除每个过期恢复

    I want to implement a system that will automatically delete each expired recovery after 10 minutes.


  • 同时系统闪变电压跌落造成生产设备停机可以实行自动恢复报警连续性生产工艺提供了种有效防护

    In addition, shutdown of production equipment caused by drop off voltage flicker can be recovered or alarmed automatically, which offers effective protection to continuous production process.


  • 对黑液预处理系统改进中,根据工艺要求运行特点设计一种利用PLC自动控制系统,阐述了该系统的总体设计方案及运行机组切换时的自恢复功能实现方法。

    When rebuilding the pretreatment system of pulp black liquor, according to the technical regulation and the operating characteristic, a PLC-based automatic control system is developed.


  • 嵌入式系统引入COP保证系统故障点自动恢复正常运行

    The introduction of Computer Operating Properly (COP) in embedded system can guarantee the normal operation of system, and automatically come back to the normal operation from failure.


  • 原创益智解游戏游戏同样感觉自动保存恢复系统最后一重新开始

    Try to beat yourself Same feel of original coin-op puzzle game Automatic save and restore system. Restart from last level you played!


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