• 最后介绍上述结果求解自然数公式方面的应用

    Finally, a little applications of above results for solving powers sum formulas of natural Numbers are introduced.


  • 简单的真数自然数平时我们口数的一、…。

    The simplest real Numbers are the natural Numbers, which are just the ordinary counting number l, 2, 3...


  • 质数指仅有两个约数自然数,例如,1不是一个质数。

    The prime number is a natural number that has exactly two different divisors, i. e. 1 is not a prime number.


  • 简单的真数自然数,即平时我们口数的一、三三…。

    Thee simplest real numbers are the natural numbers, which are just the ordinary counting number l, 2,3


  • 对一个而言,满足此条件最小的自然数即为此图的覆盖

    The cover pebbling number for lexicographic product graphs and some strong product graphs were determined.


  • 改变前提,可以得到连续统自然数集合一个一一对应的。

    If it was changed, a one-one correspondence between continuum and natural number set can be received.


  • 一些年纪大一点孩子明白发明数词满足自然数原则可能的。

    Some of the older children were explicit about the possibility of inventing count words to satisfy the successor principle for natural numbers. For example, A.


  • 借助牛顿公式定理采用迭代方法求解类似自然数和的问题

    With the help of Newton formula and Vieta theorem, iterative method was used to solve problems of power sum.


  • 交叉过程中引入逆序向量进行交叉,简化自然数序列交叉过程

    During the single dot cross operation, import the athuard ordinal number arrow, simplify the cross operation of the natural sequence.


  • 这个自然数每隔被发送到 ScaleInt进程in通道

    This stream of natural numbers one second apart is then fed into the in channel of the ScaleInt process.


  • 如果我们列出10以下且为35倍数所有自然数,我们将得到3、5、69

    If we list all the natural Numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6, and 9.


  • 比如数字5,在自然数计数,它一个基本数字:质数只能1它自身整除

    The number 5, for example, when viewed among the natural, or counting, numbers is one of those elemental creatures: a prime number, divisible only by 1 and itself.


  • 算法采用自然数编码自适应交叉变异算子,融入启发式信息有效地提高搜索效率

    It introduces the natural number coding method, adaptive probabilities of crossover and mutation, and furthermore, makes use of heuristic information to improve search efficiency effectively.


  • 可以这种对应看作各负责另人之安全的两人同行一个自然数某个分数配对反之亦然

    You could think of this correspondence as a buddy system in which each natural number is paired with some positive fraction, and vice versa.


  • 在算法中采用了自然数编码随机选取种群简单“双亲单子交叉策略固定突变概率

    The natural number coding, the random population selection, the simple crossover strategy of "two-parents-and-one-kid" and the fixed mutation probability were totally adopted.


  • 自然数集合里,每个数字不是奇数就是偶数存在个偶数一个偶数更像偶数这样的情形。

    In the set of natural Numbers, every number is either odd or even, and there is not one even number that is more or less even than any other even number.


  • 一个自然数有关问题中,通过寻找关系,由初始获得所需结果的方法称之为递推法。

    In a problem concerning the natural number, the way of seeking recursion relationship and getting the reseclt from primary value recursion is called recursion method.


  • 此论题证明多少自然数1,2,3,4,…),有多少分数(正整数pq比率p/q)。

    Cantor used it to prove that there are exactly as many positive fractions (ratios p/q of positive whole numbers p and q) as there are natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, …).


  • 为了符合应用关于时间模型离散自然数整数,延伸稠密线性实数,甚至扩展到区间代数代数。

    The underlying model of time appropriate to the application can range from discrete natural numbers and integers to dense linear real numbers or to algebras of intervals and trees.


  • 编码技术扩展标记语言(XML)查询处理基础传统编码技术利用自然数进行编码,很难支持XML动态更新。

    Labeling scheme is the basis for Extensible Markup Language (XML) query processing. The traditional labeling schemes use Numbers based on natural order, which is hard to support XML updating.


  • 然后就是其他自然数,其fibonacci就是前面数字,即F(N)=F(N-1)+F(N-2)。

    Then we say that for any other natural number, that fibonacci number is the sum of the previous two fibonacci numbers.


  • 如果集合较小我们可以简单地列出成员并用整数记录列出成员数目,从1开始自然数的次序往下直至结束。

    If the set is small, we can simply list the members and number the list with positive integers, starting with 1 and proceeding in the natural order until we reach the end of the list.


  • JCSP提供的NumbersInt生成一系列自然数通过temp通道传递另一个叫作FixedDelayInt的内置类。

    It USES the JCSP-provided class NumbersInt to generate a sequence of natural Numbers that are fed through the temp channel to another built-in class, called FixedDelayInt.


  • JCSP提供的NumbersInt生成一系列自然数通过temp通道传递另一个叫作FixedDelayInt的内置类。

    It USES the JCSP-provided class NumbersInt to generate a sequence of natural Numbers that are fed through the temp channel to another built-in class, called FixedDelayInt.


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