• 这笔交易只不过自然景观持续破坏行为遮掩而已。

    This deal is little more than a fig leaf for the continued destruction of the landscape.


  • 他们作品《奥拉夫研究为数不多能够体现世俗作品,这世俗大多时候都能够反应我们自然景观体验

    Their Olaf Street Study, a square of brick-strewn waste ground, is one of the few works here to embrace the mundanity that characterises most of our experience of the landscape most of the time.


  • 他们作品《奥拉夫研究布满残垣断壁废墟,那是为数不多能够体现世俗作品,这一世俗能够反映我们大多数时候面对大多数自然景观体验

    Their Olaf Street Study, a square of brick-strewn waste ground, is one of the few works here to embrace the commonplaceness that characterizes most of our experience of the landscape most of the time.


  • 因为自然景观多变,到处能找到传粉动物。

    They were all around because of the diverse landscapes.


  • 世界充满奇妙自然景观优秀的民族

    It's full of natural wonders and amazing peoples.


  • 它们是一流摄影师眼中美丽欧洲自然景观最好例证

    They are all striking examples of Europe’s natural beauty seen through the eyes of award-winning photographers.


  • 此地国际机场迪斯尼乐园大佛像大量自然景观

    It is home to the International Airport, Disneyland, a gigantic statue of Buddha and a plethora of natural getaways.


  • 文化自然景观于一体泰山中国大名山负盛名座。

    Mountain Tai, a perfect combination of culture and natural landscape, is the best known among the four renowned great mountains in China.


  • 幅画侧重自然景观一些画家理想形象想象结合起来。

    These two painting are focusing on the landscape of nature meanwhile also mixed with some painters imagination on thir ideal image.


  • 如果海南自然景观找寻自己能够忘我远离世界奔忙的喧嚣。

    Finding yourself in the variety of natural scenic spots in Hainan, you will completely forget all about the hustles and bustles of the busy world.


  • 所占地130英亩公园自然景观雕塑融为一体花园小径穿插其间。

    This 130-acre garden blends nature and sculpture, with garden trails weaving through the property.


  • 如果希望自然景观作为摄影主题,那么就有必要把感性一面考虑进去。

    When considering landscapes as a photography subject, it’s imperitive that you take the emotional impact of the geography into consideration.


  • 自然景观植被环绕这个地方使得成为一些质量放松时间房子

    Natural landscapes and vegetation surround this place, which makes it a great house for some quality relaxing time.


  • 建议咨询自然景观方面的专家他们蜱虫治理理念设计方案结合起来。

    Consider consulting a specialist on natural landscapes and ask them to incorporate tick management concepts into your design.


  • 小屋选址非常不错——不远处有一小河自然景观唯美植物种类丰富,便于就地取材。

    The location is very successful - a river not far from the hut, a nature is extremely beautiful and offers various kinds of useful plants.


  • 自然景观”中减少虫,需要对水土进行水平管理,同时也需要野生动物的往来。

    Reducing ticks in a “naturalscape” will require higher level of management of the landscape and visiting wildlife.


  • 世界大奇观以及50国家100处历史名胜自然景观微缩模型展出

    The Seven Wonders of the World and some 100 famous historical and natural sights from 50 countries are on display in miniature.


  • 致力于unesco保护具有文化价值遗迹伟大自然景观相同方式保护文化实践

    It seeks to protect cultural practices in the same way as UNESCO protects sites of cultural value or great natural beauty.


  • 置身包括世界大奇观在内100处历史名胜自然景观之中,便可游遍天下美景

    Surrounded by 100 sites of historical interests and natural attraction, including the seven wonders of the world, you will easily fulfill your dream of touring around the world in a day.


  • 屋久最为典型自然景观古屋久杉树,树龄均超过一千,其中一些树木的直径达到5

    The most typical natural landscape of Yakushima Island is its cedar named Yakusugi, the age of which can surpass one thousand years; some of the cedars' diameter can be 5 meters.


  • 杂志照片展示夏威夷大岛互为参照的自然景观岛屿建于海洋底部万古流淌的熔岩流之上。

    Photos within the magazine reveal the natural contrasts of Hawaii's Big Island, built over eons by lava flows welling up from the ocean floor.


  • 我们还恢复起来自然景观上铺上笔直路网插上文字帮助人们享受自然演进了解当地历史

    On the recovered natural landscape is a network of straight paths and informational mounted texts to help people enjoy the natural processes and learn about local history.


  • 透明塑料外壳能够360欣赏身边无与伦比自然景观同时又保护你远离危险。

    With a clear plastic shell, this bubble provides unparalleled, 360-degree views of the wild world around you while sheltering you from the elements.


  • 中国东南亚丰富多彩的自然景观和底蕴深厚民族文化增进双方人民相互了解友情的独特资源

    The spectacular natural beauty and the rich folk culture of China and Southeast Asia are our unique assets for promoting mutual understanding and friendship between our people.


  • 为了纪念今天月全食谷歌推出了特别的“涂鸦”,用实时视频流展示这一自然景观全过程。

    Google has marked today's lunar eclipse with a special 'doodle' and live video stream to show the progress of the natural phenomenon.


  • 尼亚加拉瀑布维多利亚瀑布、以及南非世界著名的自然景观照明灯熄灯一小时,呼吁环保。

    Also darkening for the occasion were floodlights at natural wonders such as Niagara and Victoria Falls and Table Mountain in South Africa.


  • 尼亚加拉瀑布维多利亚瀑布、以及南非世界著名的自然景观照明灯熄灯一小时,呼吁环保。

    Also darkening for the occasion were floodlights at natural wonders such as Niagara and Victoria Falls and Table Mountain in South Africa


  • 无论是人物头像,还是自然景观普通物体同样方式去表现好像这些事物最重要的就是形状

    He painted human heads, scenes from nature, or ordinary objects all in the same way: as if their shapes were the one important thing about them.


  • 置身包括世界大奇观在内100多处历史名胜自然景观之中便可游遍天下美景

    Surrounded by 100 sights of historical interest and natural attraction including the Seven Wonders of the World, you will easily fulfill your dream of touring around the world in a day.


  • 置身包括世界大奇观在内100多处历史名胜自然景观之中便可游遍天下美景

    Surrounded by 100 sights of historical interest and natural attraction including the Seven Wonders of the World, you will easily fulfill your dream of touring around the world in a day.


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