• 采用自由振动测试得到了一橡胶混凝土变形阻尼基础性数据

    Free vibration method is employed to measure the damping ratio. A great deal of fundamental data for the damping ratio of rubber powder concrete in small deformation is obtained.


  • 按照振动驱动机制不同节段模型试验分为自由振动强迫振动大类

    According to different driving ways of vibration, the sectional model test methods can be classified into two major categories, i. e. free-vibration method and forced-vibration method.


  • 本文主梁导数识别采用与主梁颤振分析试验相同节段模型测量装置自由振动进行试验。

    This paper makes use of free vibration method, using the same model and measuring device to identify the flutter derivatives of the girder.


  • 本文采用自由振动”,设计了个等效单自由振动体系,对核电站基岩阻尼特性进行实验研究。

    The damping characteristics of the bedrock in a nuclear power station are studied experimentally by free vibration system with one degree of freedom.


  • 位移模型为基础有限元中的分离变量理论求解圆柱自由振动固有频率,计算结果与壳体解析解相一致。

    This paper calculate inherent frequency of the free vibration of the cylinder shell with the theory of the separated variable method on the basis of displacement model.


  • 本文样条有限元分析了反对称铺设层合自由振动问题

    The essay analyses free vibration problem of laying bed build-up board of antisymmetry angle with spline finite element method.


  • 根据弹性薄板理论振动理论,运用边界(BEM)分析了薄板弯曲自由振动频率特性

    According to the elastic thin plate theory and vibration theory, a boundary element method (BEM) was used to analyze the frequency characteristics of a thin plate in lateral free vibration.


  • 本文有限元分析舷外相接触底板自由振动

    In this paper the finite element method is used to analyse the free vibrations of the ship bottom plates contacting with surrounding water.


  • 里兹平均导出系统自由振动频率方程并举计算实例

    The equation of free vibration frequency of this system has been derived by Averaging Method of W. Ritz and a numerical example is given.


  • 首先导出坐标系描述自由振动板的微分方程,用分离变量求得一般

    Firstly, the expressions of free vibration of moderately thick plates in polar coordinates are derived and the general solutions are obtained by the means of method of separation of variables.


  • 采用表面振动法进行柴油机表面辐射噪声的诊断,并对附加自由复合阻尼薄壁进行辐射效率试验研究和整机试验。

    The experiment of sound radiation efficiency and engine noise test were carried out when the engine was equipped with thin-wall components with free and compound damping.


  • 智能叠层自由振动问题带有压电叠层悬臂瞬态响应等问题提出了一种新的解析

    A new semi-analytical solution for the natural vibration of smart laminated plates and the transient response of the laminated cantilever with piezoelectric patch was presented.


  • 分析转动悬臂自由振动问题,通过综合运用解析数值解决悬臂梁振型函数过于复杂的问题。

    Based on the analytical and numerical method, free vibration of the cantilever beam with rotating motion is analyzed.


  • 自由系统受迫振动旋转矢量阐述了转子现场平衡单平面矢量原理

    The principle of vector method of single plane for spot balance of rotor has been present by forced vibration of single freedom system and rolling vector.


  • 本文一种新型数值微分容积求解任意边界条件下超椭圆形中自由振动问题

    This paper presents a free vibration study of moderately thick super-elliptical plates with various boundary constraints using the differential cubature method.


  • 本文采用交替迭代分析-结构体系导出了这种杂交结构阻尼自由振动简化方程,通过算例分析得出了一些对实际工程有益的结论。

    In this paper, the alternate iteration method is used in static analysis of cable truss hybrid structural system, and the simplified non damping free vibration equations have been drawn.


  • 本文自由用于消减柔性机器人残余振动通过优化选择最优的自身运动达到减振目的,模拟结果表明可以取得很好的效果。

    In the paper, the redundancy is used to decrease residual vibration of flexible link robot through optimal self motion, and the method is proved to be efficient by computer simulation.


  • 本文基于齿轮啮合原理振动冲击理论采用集中质量建立了由一对渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮组成传动系统自由数学模型

    A three freedom degrees mathematical model of a pair of involute spur gear transmission system is built using the lumped mass method, based on gear meshing theory and vibration impact theory.


  • 求解有阻尼自由结构系统振动微分方程,模态分析得到广泛应用的一种有效

    The dynamic response of the damping multi-DOF structural system is usually calculated by the real modal analysis method.


  • 提出边界元分析域具有支承集中质量薄板自由振动问题简便

    A simple and convenient method is presented, which can deal with free vibration of thin plates with internal supports or concentrated masses.


  • 建立自由车辆悬挂系统动力学模型,并应用非线性随机振动理论对模型输入进行过滤噪声简化基础上,探讨了用FPK解方程的可能途径。

    A 4d dynamic model has been established for the vehicle suspension system. No-linear random vibration theory is used to discuss how to solve this equation by FPK based on filtered white noise input.


  • 本文有限进行夹层板复合材料振动分析,一般有限元、有限条相比具有自由度少、精度高的特点。

    In this paper the vibrations of sandwich and composite material plates are analyzed by use of the finite thick strip method. As compared with the conventional finite element and finite strip methods.


  • 结构自由振动分析中,动力刚度一种精确

    The dynamic stiffness method is exact for structural free vibration analysis.


  • 理论出发导出计算旋转自由振动一阶微分方程组采用离散变量进行求解

    From the theory of conical shells, a set of the first-order differential equations for the shells of revolution are derived. The discrete-variable method is used to solve the differential equations.


  • 利用积分因子降阶给出确定自由度线性振动系统任意激励响应杜哈梅积分一种新的推导方

    This paper deals with the solution method of the initial value problem of linear vibration systems in the time domain.


  • 依据边界思想 ,提出了一求解薄板自由振动问题的新算

    Solving the composite structures of different mediums with virtual boundary element method;


  • 依据边界思想 ,提出了一求解薄板自由振动问题的新算

    Solving the composite structures of different mediums with virtual boundary element method;


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