Our desire and that of the Masters is that every soul is given all possible opportunities to lift up, and if that fails it will be because their freewill choice has taken them onto another path.
In antiquity, the densest, or darkest, souls used their free will not only to capture weaker souls, but also to usurp those weaker souls' free will.
The journey to freedom may be long as you experience it, but all of the way you are being accompanied by souls who are guiding you onto the path of Light and Love.
So, while it may seem that God is allowing the free will of dark ones to prevail over the free will of lighted souls, never is that so!
The hotel itself was a haunting ground for surrealist painters and writers and it still has a Bohemian soul and a taste for fine things.
The hotel itself was a haunting ground for surrealist painters and writers and it still has a Bohemian soul and a taste for fine things.