• 对中澳自贸协定谈判需要战略高度认识推进

    Sino-Australian FTA negotiations, we need to understand from a strategic perspective and push forward.


  • 我们各国达成数百合作协议,同冰岛瑞士签署协定

    We have reached several hundred cooperation agreements with various countries and concluded free trade agreements with Iceland and Switzerland.


  • 作为自贸协定工作计划一部份,一系列其它合作项目也在进行当中。

    A number of other cooperation initiatives are underway as part of the FTA work programme.


  • 双方签署自贸协定契机充分发挥互补优势推动合作迈台阶

    He urged both sides to take the opportunity of the signing of China-Costa Rica free trade agreement and make best use of complementary advantages to push economic and trade cooperation to a new level.


  • 这一自贸协定我们出口商中国市场拓展提供了弥足珍贵的平台

    The FTA provides an invaluable platform for our exporters to expand their presence in the Chinese market.


  • 亚洲国家签署实施协定150个,其中40%为区域内自贸协定

    Nearly 150 FTA agreements have been inked and implemented by Asian countries, among which 40% are regional ones.


  • 今年4月,正式签署协定中国中美洲国家签署的第一协定

    In April this year, the two countries officially signed the free trade agreement which is the first free trade agreement China signs with a Central American country.


  • 中韩协定我国迄今为止涉及国别易额最大领域范围最为全面自贸协定

    China and South Korea FTA is by far the biggest trade involving the country, the most comprehensive range of areas.


  • 自贸协定批准没有得到在野党的认同,可能导致大国家党的民调支持率进一步下滑。

    The ratification of Korus without the support of opposition parties could cause further subsidence of the GNP's ratings in opinion polls.


  • 拖延数周韩国国会最终批准该国美国协定(FTA),“美韩自贸协定”。

    AFTER weeks of stalling, South Korea's parliament at last has ratified the country's Free-Trade Agreement (FTA) with the America, "Korus".


  • 韩方表示韩国其他国家签署所有协定中,中韩自贸协定关税优惠对象数量最多

    ROK said that in all the FTA signed between South Korea and other countries, ROK FTA has the largest number of the tariff preference objects.


  • 对于亚洲来说美国国会目前还未批准韩国之间份期待已久协定问题表征。

    For Asia, the U. S. Congress's failure so far to pass a long-awaited free-trade deal with South Korea is emblematic of the problem.


  • 此前韩国方面曾预计中韩协定的签署对于韩国产品进入中国市场推动作用要更加明显。

    Earlier, South Korea has expected China-ROK FTA would promote Korean products to enter the Chinese market.


  • 双方重申根据中欧合作2020战略规划》,致力于达成全面进取的中欧协定长期目标

    Both sides reaffirm their commitment to the long term goal of an ambitious and comprehensive EU China free trade agreement, in accordance with the EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda.


  • 只是影响程度一样所以觉得所有企业都应该研究协定,研究怎么利用这个自贸协定

    The influence is just not at the same degree, so I think all companies should study the FTA and how to make use of this FTA.


  • 有人认为TPP协议提高美国日本亚太影响力,但与此相比亚太自贸协定正在规划中。

    Some people say that the TPP agreement will strengthen the influence of the US and Japan in the Asia-Pacific at a time when a free trade agreement in the Asia-Pacific is still at a planning stage.


  • 摘要随着多个协定的逐步实施,中国消费者有望获得更加丰富的选择,以更实惠的价格买外国商品。

    ABSTRACT: as China has reached free-trade agreement with many countries, some changes will take place to its customers.


  • 贸协定实施状况良好,双方扩大合作提供了机遇新方中方共同努力,推动两国关系不断取得新的进展

    The sound implementation of the FTA offers opportunities for both sides to expand cooperation, he said, adding that New Zealand is ready to work with China to push forward bilateral ties.


  • 研究报告指出,如果中韩自贸协定生效拉动中国经济增长1 - 2个百分点,韩国经济贡献则有望达到2% - 3%。

    Studies have pointed out that if China and South Korea FTA takes effect, China's economic growth will increase 1-2 percent, the contribution to the Korean economy is expected to reach 2% -3%.


  • 认真实施中国-东盟自贸各项协定完善自贸建设,使双方人民企业得到越来越多好处

    We should fully implement all the agreements on the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA) and improve the FTA to create more benefits to the peoples and businesses of the two sides.


  • 通常协定谈判做法所有成员通过谈判达成统一安排最终形成自贸

    The usual method of a free trade agreement negotiation is that all members negotiate to reach a uniform tariff reduction arrangement and finally form a free trade zone.


  • 加紧工作,争取尽早结束区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)谈判构建更为完善的地区自贸体系奠定基础,从而实现区域经济一体化的目标。

    We need to speed up and conclude as early as possible RCEP negotiations to lay the groundwork for a better regional FTA system and ultimately achieve regional economic integration.


  • 加紧工作,争取尽早结束区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)谈判构建更为完善的地区自贸体系奠定基础,从而实现区域经济一体化的目标。

    We need to speed up and conclude as early as possible RCEP negotiations to lay the groundwork for a better regional FTA system and ultimately achieve regional economic integration.


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