• 野营地自身独特的魅力

    The wilderness campsite had its own peculiar enchantment.


  • 植物制造淀粉自身提供能量

    Plants produce sugars and starch to provide themselves with energy.


  • 地球环绕自身轴心转动

    The earth revolves on its axis.


  • 自身经历歌曲提供了取之不尽素材

    Her own experiences have provided her with a mother lode of material for her songs.


  • 人类需要强于自身形象,上帝就是这个想法投射

    The idea of God is a projection of humans' need to have something greater than themselves.


  • 幸运的是,志愿者不是自身利益而是被利他主义推动。

    Fortunately, volunteers are not motivated by self-interest, but by altruism.


  • 幸福源于自身而不是伴侣

    Happiness comes from oneself, not from partners.


  • 董事会自身充足的机会改善公司业绩

    There are ample opportunities for boards themselves to improve corporate performance.


  • 自身生理过程保持正常运作

    It also keeps their physiological processes working.


  • 它们触角外壳帮助他们探测保护自身安全

    Their antennae and shells help them to detect and protect the security of themselves.


  • 也就是说分数谅解也可以满足大学自身需求

    That said, there is a way in which grade forgiveness satisfies colleges' own needs as well.


  • 一个利用电池供电来运行世界自身风险

    A battery-powered world comes with its own risks, too.


  • 弗罗斯特他们观点看来人们自身给束缚住了。

    People are locked into themselves in Frost and in their points of view.


  • 英雄通常服务自身强的势力,服务于更高的道义。

    Heroes serve powers or principles larger than themselves.


  • 这种情况发生其他国家自身科研能力取得重大进展时候

    This occurs at a time when other nations have made significant gains in their own research capabilities.


  • 这个原子钟装置里,它们还是稳定了,不能自身确保时间

    At the esoteric edge of the timekeeper's craft, they are too wobbly to keep time by themselves.


  • 是因为根据阿基米德位移原理漂浮物水中会转移自身重量

    This is because, according to Archimedes' principle of displacement, floating objects displace their own weight in water.


  • 真正富有同情心,必须超越自身痛苦见证他人痛苦。

    To truly be sympathetic, you must be able to see beyond your own pain to be witness to the pain.


  • 父母应该鼓励他们孩子除了自身角度外,还要从其他角度看待生活

    Parents should encourage their children to look at life from other points of view, as well as their own.


  • 患者可能自身生活调整抑制病情

    The sufferer may have to make major changes in his or her life to arrest the disease.


  • 维克凭借自身努力成为足球队最快四分卫

    Vick carved out his niche as the fastest quarterback in American football.


  • 认为他们自身利益所驱使事实公然扭曲

    I think it would be a gross distortion of reality to say that they were motivated by self-interest.


  • 想找机会讲讲道理尽量认识自身错误

    I wanted an opportunity to talk some sense into him and try to make him see the error of his ways.


  • 我们努力学会走出自我的樊篱,认清我们自身优势缺点

    We are learning to step back from ourselves and identify our strengths and weaknesses.


  • 意识到如何可能克服自身局限,取得自认为力不能的成就。

    I realized how possible it was to overcome your limitations, to achieve well beyond what you believe yourself capable of.


  • 不管保修单怎么产品出现故障时,仍然可以商店维护自身权益。

    Whatever a guarantee says, when something goes wrong, you can still claim your rights from the shop.


  • 一个不道德承包商可能隐瞒自身失误归咎他人额外的收费耗尽的经费。

    A bad contractor may hide mistakes or blame someone else and nickel-and-dime you with extra charges.


  • 米专注于自身以及她自己的快乐。

    Amy focuses on herself and her own pleasure.


  • 自身范例教育我们:发挥自己的潜能永不为晚。

    She taught us by example that it's never too late to be all you can possibly be.


  • 们想要透过一个人去探索天才自身的本质。

    We want to go beyond one man and explore the nature of genius itself.


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