All her life, Kelly had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed.
He and his wife Jane were faced with the daunting task of restoring the gardens to their former splendour.
She was asked if she was prepared for what might be a daunting task caring for her.
Whoever wins the election is going to have a tough job getting the economy back on its feet.
Here are some of the concepts that I use to overcome my dread of a difficult task.
HMIC names seven police forces that it says have the most difficult challenge in protecting the frontline.
"We were human beings carrying out a very demanding task," he says. "we had to improvise."
You will try to procrastinate on that big task by working on the three tasks below it.
A: I enjoy change and challenge, which is why I frequently ask for the tough assignments.
So striking a balance between two apparently contradictory situations is to be achieved. That is the challenge.
That is good advice as the United States and other economies face the daunting task of restoring economic growth.
But at that time they faced the enormous task of rebuilding the battered economy and raising hundreds of millions of people out of poverty.
Unpicking the mass of decisions and entrenched interests involved in this growth model is a huge undertaking.
Simplifying, on a life-scale, can seem like a daunting task - but I'm here to offer some good news.
Scientists have been building to this moment for at least a decade, analyzing various pieces of the challenge.
That could lock higher inflation into the system, giving central Banks a devil of a job to bring it back down again.
As the number of assets grows in our repositories we are faced with the daunting task of trying to find the assets that will help solve our problems.
Understanding even one or two of these APIs thoroughly is quite a task; using all of them correctly makes you a guru.
It may require warming a planet's surface, introducing oxygen to its atmosphere and creating a water supply, among other massive undertakings.
Washington now faces a difficult task in convincing contacts around the world that any future conversations will remain confidential.
That's the spirit in which we continue the work of tackling our greatest common tasks - an economy rebuilt; job creation revitalized; an American Dream renewed - for all our people.
After his death, Abdullah and Rania, now king and queen, were left to grapple with their grief and the unexpected and daunting task of ruling a country.
We found that while each change brought greater efficiencies in decision-making and product development, they weren't radical enough to accomplish the enormous task in front of us.
We found that while each change brought greater efficiencies in decision-making and product development, they weren't radical enough to accomplish the enormous task in front of us.