She was gorgeously dressed for the party, causing every head to turn in admiration.
Spring gis like a blossoming and graceful maiden, laughing and then walking on.
“Before her, it was the men who were the peacocks, ” she says, but Elizabeth loved jewels, pearls in particular.
They overdress to go to school, parties or even to the liquor store to buy candy.
Downstairss has a very little girl that grabs an eye, has always been her mother who were the peacocks, always particularly eye-catching in the crowd.
Suddenly there was a burst of laughter like silver bells around me. I opened my eyes, and saw a group of beautifully-dressed ladies standing in front of me.
“I don't care what the hell they do,” he said. “But inside the garden they get all dressed up and do their makeup and they have other intentions.”
Pearl was decked out with airy gaiety. It would have been impossible to guess that this bright and sunny apparition owed its existence to the shape of gloomy grey;
While I was a person who needed to be pulled and guided, was easy to deviate from the track, and eventually between your expectations and the alluring and gorgeous world, I chose the latter.
There is in fact a multiple reality, with apertures to the art exhibited, the city being constructed, and the garden to be sought refuge in.
The phenomenon is particularly evident in damselflies, where certain females, called andromorphs, are often more dude than damsel.
When I dress up in town, it is usually in a particular area where I feel the most confident because of people's attitudes there.
I stopped a gorgeously dressed young lady, I want him yelling for those who are "heroes to save the United States" who killed me, I hugged her waist, said:"I want to indecent assault you! "
唐朝的老百姓更喜欢富丽堂皇和健硕有力的东西,例如,肥壮的马匹,花枝招展的牡丹。唐朝的女子也更喜欢身强体壮的男子。 。
Tang people preferred magnificent, glorious and strong things, such as fat and strong horses, peonies with large petals. As to men, Tang women liked the fitter and stronger ones.
In the Rhineland and the south, it's carnival time. The streets are filled with parades of elaborate floats, there's lots to eat and drink and nobody does a stroke of work.
The large buds, suddenly pushing out late in the spring from dry sticks which had seemed to be dead, developed themselves as by magic into graceful green and tender boughs, an inch in diameter;
在早年的岁月,我有两个忠实的伙伴,那个打扮得花枝招展的小姑娘叫玛莎·华盛顿,她是我家厨师的孩子; 还有贝拉,她是一只非常出色的老猎犬。
In those days a little coloured girl, Martha Washington, the child of our cook, and Belle, an old setter and a great hunter in her day, were my constant companions.
Parents and teachers usually like uniforms: they stop rich children from showing off, in theory inspire a proud work ethic and in practice keep gang colours outside the gates.
Parents and teachers usually like uniforms: they stop rich children from showing off, in theory inspire a proud work ethic and in practice keep gang colours outside the gates.