• 我们厨师专业知识可以满足苛刻要求

    Our professional chefs have the expertise to meet the most demanding requests.


  • 星巴克咖啡品种繁多,在制作上有着几乎苛刻要求

    Starbucks has many different brews of coffee, and they follow the stringent brewing requirements.


  • 但是方法条纹信号质量没有苛刻要求适用广

    But this method can be widely applied because it has no rigorous restriction to the quality of fringe signal.


  • 这个要求年内得到分配商业移动服务频谱,看似一个苛刻的要求

    To get the spectrum allocated to commercial mobile services within six years may be a tall order.


  • 随着电力设备电压等级提高人们电力设备运行可靠性提出了更加苛刻的要求

    As increasing voltage grade of power electrical equipment, it is much more rigorous for the reliability of these equipment.


  • 在公园的实际建设上,山地建筑道路形态景观方面提出极其苛刻的要求

    However, the practical construction is high-demanding in building pattern, landscape, traffic, design and technique due to the hill area.


  • 重型轴,耳轴苛刻要求使用寿命长的应用而设计,以期维护时间成本降低

    The ball trunnions are designed for demanding applications requiring long service life, with a reduction in maintenance time and costs.


  • 重型轴,苛刻要求,使用寿命长的应用而设计,以期维护时间成本降低

    Heavy Duty trunnion - The ball trunnions are designed for demanding applications requiring long service life, with a reduction in maintenance time and costs.


  • 宽带数字接收机中,高速数据实时处理对后继数字变频器性能提出了极为苛刻要求

    The real time processing of high speed data flow makes strict demands on the performance of descendant digital down converter in the wideband digital receiver.


  • 对于接收机线性度、动态范围灵敏度抗干扰能力、适应性方面的性能指标提出了越来越苛刻的要求

    Modern receiver is in pursuit of big dynamic range, good linearity, and high sensitive and so on. That extremely promotes the development of the receiver.


  • 因此2000年合同签订之前,一个关于飞机炎热条件下操控实际苛刻的要求相关的操控方案确定下来。

    Therefore, in 2000 prior to the contract award, a realistic but demanding requirement for the aircraft to operate in hot conditions, and within a range of realistic operational scenarios, was set.


  • 不少的生活完全工作最后期限压力、不规律的作息时间若干项目苛刻的要求支配——还是一切顺利的情况下。

    Many lead a lifestyle dominated by deadline pressures, erratic hours, and competing demands from multiple projects-and that's when things are going well.


  • 合作中,AB BSCIEX科学家时间了解我们苛刻要求使我们更好地应用技术来完成我们的目标。

    Our collaboration with ab SCIEX, whose scientists have taken the time to understand our stringent requirements, gives us access to mass spectrometry technology that helps us to fulfill our purpose.


  • 密封性直接影响模拟器模拟太空冷黑环境好坏,要求非常因此对热沉在加工过程中的检漏提出了非常苛刻的要求

    So, the requirements for leakage rate is very strict to the heat sink, especially the severe requirement for leakage detection during its fabricating process.


  • 中美之间存在一个债权人债务人反向关系。而现在最大欠债者却主要的债主提出一系列苛刻要求动不动就处罚相威胁。

    There is a reverse relationship of creditor and debtor between China and the US: The biggest debtor lists a series of strict requirements for its biggest creditor and threatens it with penalties.


  • 一般开发人员工作站运行WindowsLinux)都应该能够运行WSDK因为 WSDK系统没有很苛刻的要求

    The typical developer workstation, running either Windows or Linux, should be able to run WSDK, as WSDK makes only modest demands on the system.


  • 我们应该找出,这样的,他的"不留情面"可以保护我们对付外人,对内,他每个人可以"慈善仁爱",不恶待人:这是个非常苛刻的要求

    We should seek an individual who is ruthless about protecting us against others, but acts with charity toward all and malice toward none at home: a tall order.


  • 理论上说,原告必须要证明,正是由于环保局迟疑不决,才导致他们一些具体的损失,这些损失通过采取监控可能挽回——在同气候学一样充满不确定性的这个领域里,这是个很苛刻的要求

    In theory, they must prove that the EPA's foot-dragging has caused them some specific harm that regulation might remedy-a tall order in a field as fraught with uncertainty as climatology.


  • 他们一个领导工具工作量”:如果他们觉得没有他们希望那样努力工作,他们的要求越来越高,越来越苛刻

    Their one leadership tool is volume: if they think you aren't working as hard as they think you should, their demands become increasingly louder and harsher.


  • 如果对飞机乘客要求过于苛刻或者相应的安全保障太少,反而会削弱民众安检支持

    Demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for the process.


  • 可是,如果对飞机乘客要求过于苛刻或者相应的安全保障太少反过来就不利于民众安检支持

    But demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for the process.


  • 韩国女性对商品的要求苛刻世界闻名

    WOMEN in South Korea have a reputation for being some of the world’s most demanding shoppers.


  • 如果一个没有耐心,还要求苛刻父亲他们认为也是急躁苛刻的

    If you are an impatient and demanding father, they're going to think God is impatient and demanding.


  • 集成观点来看门户确实提供一种完美的框架使企业能够在要求苛刻用户群体面前展示统一的形象。

    From the point of view of integration, portals do offer the perfect framework to enable the enterprise to present a unified face to the demanding user community.


  • 而且,如果很难判断页面何时到期终止发现页面缓存要求太过苛刻

    And if you have any difficulty determining when you should expire a page, you may find page caching demanding.


  • 而且,如果很难判断页面何时到期终止发现页面缓存要求太过苛刻

    And if you have any difficulty determining when you should expire a page, you may find page caching demanding.


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