A report on the study was published online last week in BMJ, the British medical journal.
Hiatt was writing in the British Medical Journal, which published the findings.
The New Zealand study, published in the British Medical Journal, called for larger studies to test the findings.
The British Medical Journal study found that drinking steaming hot tea has been linked with an increased risk of oesophageal cancer.
Some doctors also expressed skepticism over the accuracy of the data about heart attacks in the British Medical Journal study.
And getting connected to happy people improves a person's own happiness, they reported in the British medical Journal.
Best for staying sober: There are almost 70 per cent more admissions to hospital on this day due to alcohol abuse compared to the daily average, according to the British Medical Journal.
A home birth carries a higher risk for the babies of first-time mothers, according to a landmark study published in the British Medical Journal.
Researchers led by Scot Simpson at the University of Alberta, in Canada, just had a report published in the British Medical Journal.
And getting connected to happy people improves a person's own happiness, they reported in the British Medical Journal.
A study published in the "British Medical Journal" in November found that hand washing may be more effective than vaccines at preventing the spread of illnesses such as the flu.
The research, published in today's edition of the British Medical Journal, reveals that thigh circumference is linked to the risk of heart disease and premature death.
In February, an important paper was published in the British medical journal the Lancet, reviewing the discoveries about the placebo effect and cautiously probing its potential for use by doctors.
这项研究之后,又由同样的作者做了前审,并发表在2009年的英国医学期刊上。 该项实验调查了9个星期低能量饮食的效果。
The study follows a previous trial by the same authors, published in the BMJ in 2009, that investigated the effects of very low energy diet for nine weeks.
Writing in the British medical Journal, the researchers say it isn't clear why veggies are brainier - but admit the fruit and veg-rich vegetarian diet could somehow boost brain power.
These worrying results inspired a recent British Medical Journal editorial (2), and a long "rapid response" discussion. It is about screening, normality, undue medicalisation and disease mongering.
These worrying results inspired a recent British Medical Journal editorial (2), and a long "rapid response" discussion. It is about screening, normality, undue medicalisation and disease mongering.